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Shackled (The Lord Series) by Amy T

Chapter 53
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Shackled (The Lord Series)
53. Angel
Reyes grips the wheel hard. His knuckles turn white, and he drives out of the garage. “I did hate you for the guitar. It belonged to
my brother. But my demon and I need you more. And you are neither stup id nor a cu nt. You are my mate. My other half.”
I short but quickly cover my mouth, not wanting to provoke more of Reyes’ wrath. When he doesn’t lash out, I lower my hands.
What mind games is he playing right now? Does he actually think I will believe I am his other half? I am just a... stu pid cu nt,
with a loose passy.
“You have a brother?” I am even afraid to speak to Reyes, but the idea of him being quiet is even scarier. Who knows what he
will be plotting, then?
Reyes grips the wheel even harder. I should have kept my mouth shut. “Had. He died because of me six years ago. If I had done
my part right, as my father had told me, he would have been here with you today. You would have been his hellstar. He would
have probably recognized you as his half long before the bond snapped in Two.” He stops at a red light and turns to look at me,
“I will Ex the bond, I don’t know how, but I will do it.” He gently strokes my hair.
Blood keeps coming out of the many cuts I have, and I look at it transfixed. How much blood does a person have to lose before
they die? “I am sorry for your brother. I should have never broken the guitar” A nervous laugh leaves my lips. “No wonder you
hate me,”
Cold fingers cupped my right cheek, kecing me to look at him. He claims my mouth, his kiss adding to my pain. “I know how
badly I f ucked up, and I probably don’t deverve another chance, but I will undo the damage I did. He coles my bottom lip with his
mouth. “Once I take care of your feet and hands, we can snugde in bed and watch TV while eating ice cream Or whatever you
I shrug. “I don’t care.” Decause I don’t. Except for dying. That’s the only thing I want right now.
The traffic light turns green. “I know the broken bond hurts like hell, but once we are home, I will make sure you feel better,” he
says as he presses the acceleration pedal and steers the car to the left.
I will never be better. Not after everything that has happened. I glance out the window. The relection of a broken woman, once

full of life and hope, stares back at me. I hate myself so much.
is chest.
“What is this bond you keep talking about?” I ask, wanting to distract myself from the pain in my
“It’s a link that connects my soul and those of my blood-brothers to yours. Our bond was fragile, as it usually takes from a few
days to a few weeks for it to become permanent. So, when we punished you in front of everyone, it broke. We knew it could
happen, and we still went through with it. I think, in a way, we wanted it to happen. Go d, how stu pid we were. Being a hellstar
makes you more sensitive to emotions, and your pain is ten times worse than mine.”

I am not sure if Reyes is crazy or on drugs. Humans don’t have banihs with other people. Not in the way Reyes suggests. “Oh,”
Reyes drives to one of the safest areas of Voross City and parks in the garage of a residential complex. “I think you are going to
like the apartment. It has two floors and it’s big enough to turn into a Lair and raise a little family in it. If you want that,” he adds,
looking at me.
Tears stung my eyes, and a lump formed in my throat. “I don’t care.
Why would he want a family with someone like me?
He clasps his right hand behind my neck and pulls me to him. “I hate seeing you in so much pain.”
“Then kill me and put me out of my misery.”
“I will make things right.” He kisses me, his tongue finding its way into my mouth.
I want him to stop, to not touch me anymore. Can’t be see how much it hurts me?
He breaks the kiss a few moments later. “We need to get out of the car, or else I will f uck you right here.” He is breathing hard.
“If you weren’t hurt, I would not have thought twice and just done it.”
“Why would you want to f uck a loose pus sy”?”
“Stop that!” he growls, making me flinch. Then in a more gentle tone, he adds, “While I have not been inside your pus sy, I know
you will feel divine
53: Angel
He ruts me short. “Held. He was trying to hurt your feeling. And from

too good of a job.” He opens the glove box and takes out a that he puts in the back of his wantband-and a wallet and gets out of

the car. “11 lucky enough, I will have you to myself tonight, but I doubt Alekos and
belean, be srys as he opens the passenger seat.
that they know you are
until he picks me up to ask “What do you mean by belter?
By closes the door with his foot and locks the
“It’s the word Lords use when referring to their mates”
“You are confusing Mares? What are
It is not the first time Beyes reden ta bimw
such. Even Vjekos said he was one. “Demons like those from hell or... ?”
“It will make sense soon,” he replies as he t
takes me to one of the comples de
Once inside the apartment, Reyes deactivates the alarm and informs the guards about him beng home before taking me to the
living room and putting me an
will be right back,” he kisses the top of my head before disappearing down the hall leaving me alone
Suddenly. I feel mane alone thin. I have a hard
breathing, and my
couch and curl up in a ball. My heart beats fast, like it is about to explode, the pain
When Bayes retuma i
uten later. 1 am still on the Boot cryin
wrong with me? I start hyperventilating as I fall off the
passing second. What did they do to me?
“I am here,” he tries to comfort me as he picks me up and its wi

Hin touch, while mild, helps me calm down, I can breathe again. He kisses my brow while rubbing my back. The pain is more
bearable :
“Let’s get those wounds cleaned and bandaged,” he says when I stop crying, “And I want to see your knees and thumbs
“Can I take a shower first? I feel... dirty.
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