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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 203
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Chapter 203: Fake recipe

After the meeting with the advertising company, Smith returned to his office with Mia.

Smith stopped in front of the desk, with his hands over it for a moment in a thoughtful manner. “We need more funds.”

“Yes sir. Do you think we should ask LN for it?” Mia suggested.

Smith thought about it for some minutes and turned around to look at Mia. “That won't work this time. Avery wouldn't allow me but

I have to pay for this advertising company. I'm very positive about this. It will surely work out.”

Mia sighed. “Do you think we should meet with Hercules for promotion? We will be able to pay later.”

“No,” Smith shook his head briefly. “I'm going to take a bank loan. It's the best way in this case.”

Mia sighed. “Alright, boss.” She turned to leave but stopped almost immediately. Somehow, she knew it was a bad idea to borrow

from the bank because it was going to have a great effect on them if something happened afterward.

But Smith was being stubborn and there was nothing to do but to listen to him.

Grey walked to the living room with a glass of wine. His phone rang suddenly, the noise dragged him out of his thoughts. It was


“Hi, Maria.”

Maria took a deep breath. “Is something wrong? You are not at work,” she observed. Though, there was another thing in her

voice that Grey couldn’t get.

“Something came up. I will discuss it in person. Is everything alright at work?”

Maria took another deep breath. “David has called an emergency meeting because of you. He's going to have another one

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tomorrow as well,” she revealed.

Grey raised skeptical brows. “Why?”

“Irregularities and he didn't hesitate to let everyone know that you guys went to the same school. He

even told them how lazy and dangerous you were,” she sighed. “He's trying to gather the board against

you and have them remove you,” she explained.

Grey smiled. “Seriously?”

“Yes, boss. As of now, I'm the only one supporting you. I don't know what he had fed the other

executives with but they are also behind him,” she revealed.

“Let it be but keep me posted on whatever happens,” he expressed.

“Alright, sir. I will do that but do you need my help in any case? It's unlike you to stay at home unless

something important comes up.”

Grey went silent for a moment. “You are quite brilliant. Well, Hattie kidnapped Caramel and wanted the

recipe before she would release her.”

“What! ” Maria exclaimed softly. “What are you going to do now?

Give her the recipe?”

“Yes, that's what I plan on doing. I will talk to you later then,” he said in a voice that left no room for

other words.

“Alright boss, later,” she said and the line went off.

Grey dropped the call and stared into space. David was really passing his boundary and he was just

being nice to have left him at Protos Pubblicita.

Well, he had no time for him at that moment as he had to meet with Gregory very soon.

Chloe felt a bit pained at the fact that she couldn't tell the truth. She wished she could stop Avery from

divorcing Grey but it was too late. Who would have thought that Grey was someone of great


And she wondered why he kept it a secret.

Chloe hadn't gone to Protos Pubblicita as Grey had told her to. Instead, she got herself a phone with

her money. She just couldn't go, she was scared to.

Chloe was at a 5star hotel in one of the VIPs and she couldn't stop thinking about Avery and Grey, she

felt it was her fault that they divorced. She has always given her stupid advises.

A soft knock sounded on her door and she stood to unlock the door.

One of the attendants appeared in front of her with a serving tray.

Chloe blinked her eyes, "what? I didn't order anything," she was confused.

"Yes," the lady affirmed. "But someone asked US to bring it over. That aside, he told US to refund you.

He has paid for everything, " she revealed.

Chloe was a bit shocked and her mind strayed toward Grey. Could it be him?

"Oh yes," the attendant remembered something. "He asked me to give you this," she expressed and

stretched out a card which Chloe accepted.

The attendant pushed the serving tray inside just as Chloe read through the word on it.

It goes, 'I don't like owning. That should be enough for the phone.'

Chloe looked up, still shocked. It was definitely from Grey and it meant that Grey was around.

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Grey entered the room and sat. Gregory and Don were around already.

"I had to come as early as I could. Is everything alright?" Gregory required.

Don nodded briefly. " Caramel has been kidnapped. Hattie requires the cream recipe or Caramel dies and we don't even know

where Caramel is currently."

Gregory raised skeptical brows. " What? Caramel? Who's she?"

"Beatrice's daughter," Grey revealed.

Gregory's eyes went wider. "Beatrice has a daughter? I thought her son was the one killed years back when your mother died?"

Grey nodded briefly." That's how it turns out to be. But that doesn't matter now. We need to plan her escape because I'm not

going to let anything happen to her," he stated.

Gregory nodded briefly. " Do you have a plan already?"

"The boss plans to give Hattie the cream recipe," Don revealed.

Gregory got another shock of his life. " what? You can't give out the cream recipe like that," he complained.

Grey regarded Gregory for a moment. " I'm not going to let Caramel die, Gregory. I don't care what happens but I must get

Caramel back and I've only got till tonight to figure it out."

Gregory looked at Grey. " Does this only have to do with Beatrice or is there more you aren't telling US?"

Grey smiled softly. " Are we going to talk about our plan or what?"

Gregory made a rumble of a laugh. " Great, let it out."

Greg regarded Gregory for a moment, then Don before he relaxed in his chair.

"I don't plan on giving Hattie the real cream recipe but we need to find out where Caramel is. why? Because Hattie might want to

try out the recipe before she would release Caramel. Giving out the fake recipe would be to buy US time," he explained.