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Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 232
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#Chapter 232 – Reunited

“f**k, Evelyn,” Victor groans, burying his head against my shoulder as I press him to me, my hips

bucking against the length of him inside of me. “Fuck.” And then he’s moving faster, thrusting into me

with a feral demand, my own hips matching his every pulse. I clutch my legs around him, leaning my

body forward, letting him thrust up into me, hitting that precise spot that makes my vision go black –

I hear myself whimper as I clasp my arms against his shoulders, my breasts pressed flat against his

chest as he increases his pace, his own breaths gasping as he comes closer, closer…

And then, just as his thrust becomes forceful, even, and deliberate, Victor bares his teeth and drags

them across the tender skin at the curve of my neck.

And I explode.

I cry out, desperate, my whole body shaking with the intensity, with the fulfillment of him, as the

completion rocks through me. A few more strokes sends Victor over the edge as well, his whole body

drawing together as he spills himself into me. I ride him through it, my own sensation still echoing

through my weakening muscles, and I’m unable to do anything but sink my fingers into his hair and

cling to him as he shudders against me, filling me with every drop.

A few moments later I open my eyes, still panting, to find him staring at me, his mouth open, gasping

heavy breaths.

I can’t help the laughter that bubbles up in me then as I lean back tentatively, feeling control start to

come back to my muscles. I’m still unsteady, though, like a fawn just finding its feet, and am lucky to be

supported by the circle of his arms. I lean back against those arms, my whole body still aglow with the

joy of it all, with the release.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“What?” he asks, staring at me happily as I wrinkle my nose at him. “What’s so funny?”

I shake my head in wonder, smiling at him, just feeling so whole. “I’m just so lucky,” I murmur, bringing

my face closer to his so that our noses are just touching. “I have you back, and we’re better, and we get

to do this every day for the rest of our lives –“

He laughs, tightening his grip around me, nudging my nose with his. “Twice a day, you mean –“

“Yeah,” I say, nodding eagerly. “And like you said – I’m just so lucky that you’re such a hottie –“

He bursts into laughter at that, whipping me to the side in the water and snapping his teeth at the air

between us. “You are lucky,” he growls. “But I’m luckier.”

I nod, pretending to agree, letting him win the debate even though I have a sneaking suspicion that I’ve

got the real prize. Not that it matters, not really. We’re both lucky. The luckiest.

Victor glances for a moment out at the forest, and I can sense his worry for at the passing time. I look

with him, btu then shake my head, grasping his face suddenly between my fingers and turning it back

to me.

“Nutuh,” I say. “No way. They’ve got a magical babysitter tonight, and we are not leaving this pool until

we do that again. Twice.”

Victor laughs, raising a hand to stroke my wet hair back from my face. “All right, Evelyn,” he says

tenderly, his voice soft. “Whatever you wish.”

A few hours later, Victor and I are drifting in and out of sleep by the side of the pool, laying on top of our

pile of clothing and wrapped in each other’s arms. The dawn light presses itself against my eyelids,

causing me to flinch away from it and press my eyes more tightly shut. I groan a little, but not in pain. I

just regret the end of this amazing night.

Still, all good things…

I open my eyes a crack, peeking at Victor, still dozing beside me, mumbling something about baseball.

I smile a little, studying him. I didn’t even know he liked baseball. And suddenly I’m very excited about

our future, starting with the rest of this day. There’s still so much to learn about him, about us, and I

can’t wait to get it started.

“Hey,” I whisper, raising a gentle hand to his face. “Time to wake up, handsome.”

Victor goes still for a second and then frowns, not opening his eyes. “No,” he decides, bruskly turning

his head away. “No. More sleep. Never getting up.”

I laugh a little and rest my chin on his chest, smiling up at him. “Come onnn,” I lure. “I’ll make it worth

your while,” I say, trailing a finger down his stomach.

He pauses and then turns his head to me, peeking out of one eye. “Bacon?”

A little laugh bursts from me and I slap him on the belly, making him wince and curl away from me,

crying out with a fake pain he hopes will make me feel bad.

“No!” I scold, giggling now. “You jerk – I was offering you the delights of my body, not breakfast meats


“Nah,” he says, turning back to me with a smirk. “I’ve already had that. Sick of it. Now I just want


“Well,” I say, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him against me. “Maybe the magic cabin

will make you some. And then you can marry the cabin, since it satisfies your needs so.”

He hums with pleasure and leans into me, his sleepy eyes open now, raising a hand to stroke my hair.

“It was a very sexy cabin,” he murmurs, making me laugh against his mouth as he gives me a kiss. “It

will make a beautiful bride.”

“And you a dashing husband,” I reply, giving him a little smack on his ass. “But we have two little boys

that we wantonly abandoned last night. Should we go check and see if they’re alive?”

“Meh,” he responds, shrugging. “We can just make more.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Nooo,” I whine, throwing my head back in miniature despair. “I like these ones. I already taught them

all of the songs from Adele’s first album, which took forever, and it hurt like hell getting them here –“

“Fine,” Victor groans, rolling his eyes and smiling at me. “If they survived the night, we’ll keep them.”

Then he looks at me closely for a moment and kisses me softly. “I’ll never forget last night, though,” he


“Me neither,” I say, running my hands through his hair and smiling at him. “I only wish we could bring

home a little souvenir or something…”

Victor frowns and sits up, looking around and then picking something up from the forest floor, offering it

to me. “Commemorative pine cone?” he asks, holding one out.

I just laugh and knock it out of his hands, sending it flying off into the woods where it belongs. “No,” I

say, sitting up and stretching, smiling at my mate. “The memories will have to be enough.”

He nods, getting to his feet and helping me to mine. We quickly dress in warm silence and then, hand

in hand, retrace our footsteps through the woods, not needing the magic to guide us anymore.

Somehow, we know precisely where to go.

After only a short time walking, I hear a sharp giggle pierce the air, followed by a joyful yell. Happiness

blooms through me and a wide grin breaks out on my face. I squeeze Victor’s hand, looking up at him,

suddenly terribly eager to see them – to hold my little pals in my arms –

He nods at me. “Go on,” he encourages, dropping my hand. “Go find your kids.”

“Babies!” I shriek, whipping away from Victor and sprinting out through the forest towards the cabin.

There’s a sudden silence ahead of me and then a single word pierces the air – the sweetest word in

the English language.


I burst from the trees and suddenly they’re in front of me, their faces lit with joy as they leap from the

steps of the cabin and hurl themselves at me. I fall to my knees, wrapping them both in my arms.