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Never See You Again

Chapter 394
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Chapter 394

Upon hearing this, the gals around Marve burst into laughter.

2 nonsense. You're tellingyou funded this project ? The Scott family has already gone

Dorothy snerred, “Maeve, do you think we're idiots? You're just spouting i bankrupt!

“What's your relationship with Hackett Entertaiment? How could you possibly invest billions in this project?”

“Exactly.” Wendy chimed in, “My dad is the director of Hackett Entertainment, and he knows all about the

company’s operations. The project is clearly a joint. venture between Mitage Group and Hackett Entertainment,

“It costs at least a billion dollars. Even if the Scott family hadn’t gone bankrupt, could you have pulled out a


Maeve didn’t bother to explain. After all, she had approved the investment in this project as the CEO of Mirage

Group more than a month ago, bark when the Seatt family was still doing fine.

At that time, it was Bryce who had proposed the idea of attainee program to make it feasible. Only then did

Maeve sign the contract with Hackett Entertainment

Maeve said, “There’s nothing | can do about it if you don’t believe me, just tellwhat you want.

“We want you out of the training room! Cancel your contract with Hackett Entertainment!”

Maeve replied bluntly, “Sony, | can’t do that.”


Wendy still wanted to lash out, but this tCathy held her back. “If you don’t want to leave, the, but you have

to stop the special treatment you're given. We're

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all in this together. None of us can tolerate favoritisin.”

“I would love to play by the rules as well, but | don’t think | ¢

Cathy frowned, “What do you mean by that?”

Levi held all the power here. Who knew what that venomous snake, with his sugar-coated words and hicklen

daggers, had planned next?

Wendy sneered, “I think she’s here just to stir up trouble! Fine, Maeve, stay here if you want. You'll regret it later!

Let's go, everyone!”

With that, the group dispersed, leaving Maeve standing alone, feeling frustrated.

What was Levi up to? Was this all just stwisted gto him?

On the first day as a trainee, they emphasized the importance of a light body and a flexible waist..

Everyone here had undergone a month of professional training and could dance quite well.

The dance Instructor was demonstrating a routine at the front, and everyone was diligently following allong-

except for Marve

The instructor noticed her and asked, “Marve, this is your first day here, so you might not be familiar with these

moves. Letshow you the entire routine, and you can follow along.”

Maeve frowned. “Perform the entire routine for me.”


Hertone was far from humble, sounding more like a boss giving orders to an employee,

Wendy, who was standing nearby felt armoyed. “Marve, you're too attogant. At least be humble if you don’t

know something.”

“She’s probably never danced before. This is our chance to see her make a tool of herself.”

“She thinks she’s all high and mighty, like she’s someone important. After all, she just has a pretty face and no

skills at all.”

As the others chimed in, Maeve ignored them, uninterested in their taunts.

The dance instructor, surprisingly followed Maeve’s request and performed the entire routine.

It was a trendy dance, which seemed simple but required excellent coordination to execute gracefully.

Without that, the movements would look awkward.

days to get this routine down. Maeve, it you know what's good for

Wendy scoffed. “I've been learning

contemporary dance for thegyyears,

and it Ne sever Ctays togett

yulius leave before you embarass

yourself.” The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

As the dance instructor finished the routine, Mace didn’t even glance at Wendy.

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Instead, she replied coldly, “If this

coutine tool you Spyerplayoea,

ake youshofid & the one to

leave.” The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

“What did you say? Say that again!” Wendy's temper flared, and she stepped forward.

However, she stopped in her tracks as Marve stretched and started wanning up.

Marve began to since. She started from the first beat, flawlessly replicating the dance Instructor's moves,

Despite the lack of music, her timing

was impeccable, and her MOYSAANtS

were fg and precide’ showing none x

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beginner. The content is on 8 :

novelenglish.net! Read the latest CAL =

chapter there! all ronunc og?

SuperEun Game!