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My Heart only Beats for You

Chapter 1729
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"Because," Yesseca said word by word, "You liked Selina, you wanted her to live on. I am your sister, I know your intentions. I know it all..." Yesseca's voice started to choke.

She had wanted to be selfish at that moment.

She had wanted to ignore everything and bring Lothar back to life regardless of whether or not Lothar would blher afterwards.

However, at that moment when she wanted to be selfish, Lothar's voice seemed to have entered her mind. Moreover, what Selina had done for her also surfaced in her mind... Yesseca sniffed.

It was over.

Lothar had truly left the world.

Yesseca carefully placed the urn under the bed.

She held the photo and put it close to her face. She then murmured, "I won't be sad anymore. I know you wantto be happy when you pass away. I promise that I'll live a good life from now on." After saying that, Yesseca placed the photo under her pillow.

She laid on the bed and closed her eyes.

Her eyelids were gently trembling.

From now on, she must sleep well every night. She must not overthink anymore. Her brother was just under her pillow monitoring her. She must live well and happily.

The next day soon arrived.

Yesseca called Selina.

She wished to bury Lothar's urn beside her mother's grave.

The Slovenians attached great importance to burying the dead so that they could leave peacefully.

She couldn't keep her brother's urn under the bed all the time. Besides, she knew that her brother would definitely want to be buried next to their mother.

Not long after, Matthew cto pick Yesseca up.

Yesseca carried the urn and got into the car.

Seeing the urn in Yesseca's hand, Selina felt her heart aching badly.

All three of them were silent along the way.

It was only when they had reached Yesseca's mother's grave that Selina finally spoke. "Yesseca, I'm sorry that I lied to you before." Yesseca shook her head.

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Her eyes were filled with relief.

She felt like she had understood everything now. "Selina, do you know why you had lied toand why my brother had lied to you?" Selina was astonished to hear that.

Yesseca said softly, "Because he wanted you to feel at ease and you wanted the sfortoo." Emotions welled up in Selina.

When Matthew heard what Yesseca said, he knew that Yesseca had gotten over her grief.

At last, the burden in his heart was relieved.

After burying Lothar's urn, Matthew stared at Lothar's photo on the gravestone.

He was a very young and handsman.

All sorts of emotions surged in Matthew's eyes.

Lothar had been his rival in love.

But he was also the only rival whom he'd admired and respected.

Although Matthew did not say anything, he made a promise to Lothar in his heart.

In the future, he would treat Yesseca as his own sister.

Since Lothar was gone, he would take care of Yesseca like how Lothar had always cared for Yesseca.

The three of them left the graveyard.

Yesseca requested Matthew to drop her off at the mall.

She was going to work.

She needed to restart her life.

Before she got out of the car, she said to both Selina and Matthew, "Both of you are the people I'm closest to in my life, and this won't change." "Yesseca," Selina couldn't help but hug Yesseca tightly. "You'll always have a special place in my heart." A smile appeared on Yesseca's lips. "For my brother's sake, we must all live a good, happy life." After that, she pointed to the sky as she said, "My brother is watching us in the sky. He wants us to live a good life." Selina glanced at the sky.

The sky was blue and clear without any clouds.

A sad mushy feeling welled up in her heart.

But Selina nodded.

She had to live on.

She wouldn't let Lothar down.

Tpassed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, five days had passed.

Twould wipe everything clean.

In these five days, everyone had slowly gotten back on track in their life.

Yesseca's life returned to normal.

She went to work as usual every day, serviced customers who went shopping, and also spent stwith her colleague.

One day, Yesseca received a call from Kylin.

In fact, two days ago, she had called Kylin.

She had always felt guilty about her attitude towards Kylin the other day so she wanted to apologize to him But Kylin said he'd returned to the United States, so Yesseca could only wait. She didn't expect that Kylin would be back so quickly.

Kylin said that he would take Yesseca to dinner after work.

Yesseca immediately agreed.

She would apologize to Kylin during the meal.

After work, Kylin's car stopped at the entrance of the mall.

He was waiting outside of the car, leaning against the car.

The sun was still glaring hot. The sunlight hitting Kylin's body made him look magnificent and warm.

Yesseca walked towards Kylin.

Kylin smiled at Yesseca and said, "Hey, long tno see." "It's been a while." Yesseca smiled somewhat embarrassedly.

"I brought you something." Kylin suddenly bent over and took out a box from the car.

It was a nice and fancy-looking box.

Kylin opened the box and she saw a Hello Kitty.

Hello Kitty was famous all around the globe.

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The Kitty was extremely cute, and Yesseca liked it very much.

"Have a try." Kylin saw Yesseca's expression and knew that he had bought the right item.

Yesseca was a little dumbstruck.

Have a try? Was it food? Kylin saw the doubts on Yesseca's

face and explained, "It's an ice cream in Hello Kitty form. It's super popular around the world these days, but it's only available in the United States. A lot of people traveled to the States just to buy it." Yesseca was a little surprised to hear that news.

She carefully took out this peculiar ice cream from the box.

Putting the taste of ice cream aside, the shape and craft were just m spectacular, If Kyilin hadn't told her that it was an ice cream, she wouldn't even be able to discern that this was an ice cream.

Yesseca took a bite. The thick and milky aroma mixed with the scent of rich chocolate bloomed on the tip of her tongue.

It was extremely delicious.

Yesseca couldn't help but continue eating the ice cream.

There was a variety of stuffings in the ice cream such as blueberry, cheese, and blackberry. Each layer tasted very rich.

After she finished eating the ice cream, Yesseca still craved for more.

She dared say that she had never eaten such delicious ice cream in her life.

No wonder Kylin had said that this ice cream was so popular. Many people even went to the United States to buy it because it was indeed delicious.

Hang on...

Yesseca held her breath.

She looked at Kylin. "You didn't go to America just to buythis ice cream, right?" Kylin did not answer Yesseca's question.

He said with a smile, "Con, let's go to dinner." Seeing that Kylin didn't answer, Yesseca continued to ask.

Kylin looked at Yesseca. "It doesn't matter, Yesseca. You enjoying it is all that matters." Yesseca's heart was filled with emotions.

So it was true.

Kylin had really traveled to United States just to buy the ice cream for her. She didn't know that Kylin had put in so much effort to make her happy. X