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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 349
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Chapter 349 Demonic Path

Just as Vananeru spoke, Jonathan spotted Galad.

Galad had been stripped naked, and there was a dog collar around his neck. He was tied to one of the pillars of the

temple and unable to stand on his feet.

A metal chain had been pierced through Galad's abdomen as well.

That was truly karma.

Whatever he had done to Wretched was happening to him right now.

As far as Vananeru was concerned, her father held an esteemed position in the country. When she saw the state he

was in, she felt an intense heartache that instant.

Vananeru rushed forward to her father.

Galad looked up weakly. When he saw his daughter, he appeared to be very calm.

After concealing a certain body part, he smiled nonchalantly and asked, “Vananeru, what are you doing here?”

“Father, I'm here to take you home. I'm so sorry,” said Vananeru as tears flowed down her face. She wanted to

remove the dog collar from Galad's neck but to no avail.

She walked up quickly to Jonathan and begged, “Please save my father. I'm willing to do anything for you as long as

you can save him.”

Jonathan did not feel sorry for Galad at all. He cast a glance at Vananeru before saying, “Back then, your father had

given cacodemon the same treatment. No matter how much we begged of him, he refused to change his mind.

This is his retribution.”

Vananeru was taken aback. She got down on her knees and continued to beg, “No matter what my father has

done, this is punishment enough. I beg you. Please save my father. As long as you can help him, I'm willing to do

anything for you.”

Jonathan reached out to help Vananeru back to her feet. She refused to get up, so Jonathan had to force her to. In

the end, she had no choice but to stand up. He said, “Well, first, I'm unable to save your father. Now that Wretched

the Great is no longer a cacodemon, he won't listen to me. Second, I don't wish to save him.”

When Vananeru saw how cold-hearted Jonathan was, she lost all hope. She ran up to Wretched, got down on her

knees, and pleaded, “Wretched the Great, please let my father off. I'm willing to do anything for you if you let him


Wretched looked at Vananeru coldly and with pity. “Anything?”

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Vananeru nodded. Her face was covered with tears, and she looked extremely pitiful.

Wretched said calmly, “All right, then. I have thirty-six ghost messengers here who have never been with a woman

before. I want you to remove your clothes right now and serve them. If you're willing to do so, I'll release your


In that instant, Vananeru trembled violently. She did not expect such a cruel consequence.

“What's the matter? You aren't willing to do so?” asked Wretched.

Vananeru was at a loss for words. She turned to Jonathan for help.

Jonathan could not help but speak up for her. “Cacodemon, she's a friend of mine. Please don't do this if you have

any respect for me.”

“Insolence!” shouted one of the ghost messengers. “Wretched the Great is here. How dare you address him as


“You're the insolent one!” Wretched glared at that ghost messenger. “Jonathan is my friend. Seeing him is as good

as seeing me. If anyone of you dares to be disrespectful toward him, you're asking for your death!”

That ghost messenger was shocked to hear that. He shivered in fear and immediately apologized to Jonathan.

Jonathan ignored that ghost messenger and looked at Wretched instead.

Wretched said, “Jonathan, are you in love with this woman? If that's the case, I'll release this sly bast*rd if she's

willing to be your wife.”

Jonathan shook his head. “No, but we're friends. I hope you can show my friend some respect.”

Vananeru cut in, “Jonathan, I beg of you. I'm willing to marry you. Please save my father.”

Jonathan was slightly taken aback and began to hesitate.

Although he did not want to rescue Galad, he did not mind giving in to Vananeru's request.

As long as I admit that I like Vananeru, then Wretched will be willing to let Galad go. There's no harm in it, isn't it?

Just as he was contemplating, Wretched said, “Jonathan, you're my closest friend. Please don't lie to me. You're fully

aware of my hatred toward this sly bast*rd and the way he treated me in the past. Please don't trample on our


Jonathan did not know what to say.

Vananeru continued to beg Jonathan, “Please.”

Just then, Galad sat cross-legged and said calmly, “Vananeru, just go. This is between the two of us. There's no

need for you to get involved.”

Vananeru was put in a difficult position.

Wretched looked at her and said, “I don't think you know your father well. He's probably the most selfish person in

the world. I told him that if he licked my toes, I'd let him off, but he refused to. There were close to three thousand

villagers in my custody. If he had been willing to lick my toes, I'd have released them. But once again, this cold,

selfish father of yours had refused to. How can someone as selfish as he pretends to be a holy master?”

Vananeru looked at her father, who remained silent. That could only mean that what Wretched said was true. In

reality, Wretched was a person who disliked lying.

Vananeru was stunned. She looked perplexedly at her father and asked, “Father, why? As the leader of the country,

those three thousand lives must be more important to you than your knees. I believe that Wretched the Great will

honor his words and let you go if you do as he says.”

Galad looked calm at first, but he suddenly laughed out loud. “What do the lives of those lowly peasants got to do

with me? Wretched can take my life and humiliate me, but he can't change my mind and determination. There's no

way I will bow down to him to prove his brilliance!”

Vananeru was shocked beyond words.

Galad seemed to be meant it.

Once Galad removed his front as a kind and just leader, all that was left was a cold-hearted man.

That revelation stunned Vananeru to the core.

However, Jonathan was not surprised. People who practiced the Destino Art had a very resolute will to the point of

stubbornness. They rarely changed their mind once they had made a decision.

Wretched wanted Galad to kneel down because getting Galad to yield would be a great achievement for him. Such

an achievement would create a magical force field.

Just like a king who had won a battle, his prestige would increase.

Emperor Waylon was one good example!

On the other hand, no one remembered his father, Emperor Jude.

They were both emperors. Yet, the difference was huge.

“Fine!” Wretched spoke up. “Jonathan, since Vananeru is your friend, I don't mind respecting her. But Vananeru is

his daughter. As far as relations are concerned, you aren't as close to her as this sly bast*rd. Am I right?”

Jonathan had no idea what Wretched was up to, so he did not respond.

Wretched continued, “If this sly bast*rd bows down to me, I'm willing to let both father and daughter go safely. If he

is unwilling, then don't blame me for being cruel. I want these thirty-six subordinates of mine to take turns and

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torture her.”

Wretched then turned to look at Galad. “The decision lies in your hands, not mine. You said the lives of those lowly

peasants have nothing to do with you. How about now? Does the life of your precious daughter have anything to do

with you? You know me well enough. Once I say something, I will do it. I told you before that if you refused to bow

to me, I'd slaughter all three thousand villagers, and I have already done so. So you should know that I won't spare

your daughter.”

Galad looked at Wretched and, without any hesitation, said, “It's your call. Before Fyeor attained enlightenment, he

had suffered tremendously, but he refused to give up. In the end, he became Fyeor. Even the enemy of the first

emperor had threatened to slaughter his parents. Yet, he was unmoved. If he could do it, why can't I? It doesn't

matter how you torture and humiliate me. You can never change my mind.”

“Demonic path!” Jonathan jumped forth. He could no longer control his anger. “If this is what you believe in, you're

on a demonic path. In the past, I might have hated you, but I admired you nonetheless. Right now, I think I've

gotten it all wrong. You are not fit to be a human being.”

Galad shut his eyes and could not care less about what was going on around him.

Wretched was also upset by his decision.

Jonathan was so frightened that he jumped in front of Vananeru to protect her.

At that moment, Vananeru was utterly desolated. She was very disappointed in her father.

In the past, she had always thought that her father doted on her the most. All he had cared about was her. Yet now

she realized it was all just a joke.

Cruel. This is too cruel.

Jonathan said to Wretched, “Cacodemon, don't hurt her. She's a poor thing.”

Wretched looked at Jonathan and said coldly, “Her father doesn't even care about her life and death. Who do you

think you are? Her savior?”

“As long as I'm still alive, I won't allow anyone to hurt you. Likewise, I won't allow you to hurt her either.”

“Who is she compared to me?” asked Wretched as he eyed Jonathan with complex emotions.

Jonathan was taken aback. “Cacodemon, you're no longer a cacodemon. I don't know what to tell you. As for

Vananeru, I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do. Back then, I saved you because of the kinship between

us. If I were a cold-blooded person, I wouldn't have done these things for you and saved Zoe too. We have what we

have now because of who I am. Do you understand?”

Wretched looked at Jonathan in bewilderment. “I think I do. Forget it. I give up on this sly bast*rd. I doubt anyone

can change his way of thinking anymore.”