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His Precious Love

Chapter 451
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Curtis then led Rayna over to a dining table on the side and handed her a menu. “This is a private jet, so you can go

ahead and order whatever you like. No one will criticize you even if you puke it all up.”

“Really? I can order whatever I like?” Rayna felt a warm sensation in her heart when she took the menu over.

He’s always looking after me…

The menu didn’t have a lot to choose from, though. There were some desserts, fruit juices, baked dishes, and some


As Rayna was hungry, she ordered everything on the menu and even asked for a yogurt pudding.

“You should only order what you can finish. You can always order the rest of the dishes next time. It’s not like these

are precious food,” Curtis reminded her gently.

“Got it,” Rayna mumbled while secretly rubbing her tummy underneath the table.

I’ve got three other mouths to feed, so I have to make sure I’m eating enough!

It wasn’t long before the flight attendants served up the food that Rayna ordered.

There were so many dishes that they almost took up the entire dining table.

As Rayna was starving, she wasted no time wolfing down the food.

“Oh, my goodness! This chicken is amazing! This is the best private jet I’ve ever been on! I’ve never tasted chicken

this amazing!” she exclaimed when she felt the tender chicken meat melting in her mouth.

“You could always have this again next time, so try not to eat too much,” Curtis said while pouring her a glass of


“Can’t I just order another serving of this? It’s not a lot!” Rayna protested.


Rayna knew he was just worried about her overeating, but she didn’t like how he was going about it, so she rolled

her eyes at him in response.

“Oh, by the way, what arrangements did you make for Carl?” she asked after recalling something.

Curtis leaned back against his chair and crossed his legs elegantly as he watched her eat. “I hired a chef to drop by

and prepare his meals every day.”

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Noticing that she had gotten her mouth all greasy, Curtis grabbed a paper towel and reached out to wipe it for her.

The two of them froze when they realized what was going on.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Rayna was the first to respond. She took the paper towel from him and

backed away slightly.

In an attempt to change the topic, she lowered her head and said, “That sounds great. If that chef is able to cook

well, then you should just keep her around. Don’t order takeout all the time. It’s not nutritious at all, and Carl needs

lots of nutrients now that he’s growing up so fast.”

“All right.” Curtis retracted his hand and massaged his forehead.

We’re no longer together, and yet, I still find myself caring for her and looking after her like I used to.

Curtis still had quite a lot of work to take care of, but he got distracted when Gabriel told him that Glory couldn’t

find Rayna a suitable actress. According to Gabriel, Rayna would be filming a short video with another guy.

Gabriel also found out that the director Rayna found was from Newfirm Media. He somehow managed to steal a

copy of the script and showed it to Curtis.

Sure enough, Curtis lost his cool when he saw the contents of the script.

He then went straight to Glory and demanded to see the progress of their new product. While Curtis did anger

Rayna on purpose inside the conference room, he wasn’t lying about the male actor’s scandal.

When Rayna challenged him to film the video with her, he agreed to it after giving it some thought.

Although Curtis could’ve waited till he was free at night to handle that matter, the thought of Rayna heading over to

Summerbank to film an intimate video with another guy drove him crazy.

The look in Curtis’ eyes turned gloomy and he let out a silent sigh as he watched her munch on her food.

Huh… She’ll never learn to appreciate how well I’m treating her.

Rayna was so full and satisfied with the meal that she fell asleep after covering herself with a blanket, much to

Curtis’ amusement.

Not only is she a glutton, slow to react, and forgetful, but she also sleeps a lot.

The plane had just landed at Summerbank International Airport when Rayna woke up from her nap.

Not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to herself, Rayna refused to let Curtis carry her. Instead, she asked the

flight attendant for an umbrella and used it to stabilize herself as she slowly got off the plane.

After making their way out of the passage, Rayna spotted the representative from the homestay holding up a sign

with their names on it.

As the filming location in Summerbank was near a homestay, Rayna had her assistant look it up. After reading

through lots of positive reviews on the homestay, she decided to have the entire film crew stay there.

“Hi, I’m Rayna.” As Rayna walked up to the representative, she realized that the representative was a pregnant

woman as there was a slight bump on her tummy.

“You’re Ms. Garland, right? Could you read out your phone number for verification purposes?” the woman asked

while retrieving her phone from her handbag.

“Sure. My number is 186…”

After verifying the phone number, the woman broke into a smile and became a lot friendlier.

“My husband made three trips here today. You two are the last guests on the list. He’s busy at the moment, so he

had me come pick you two up instead,” the woman said while leading Rayna and Curtis out of the airport.

Rayna flashed her an apologetic smile when she recalled what happened on the plane. “I’m so sorry! We arrived in

Summerbank earlier today, but the plane had to turn back due to some minor problem.”

The woman waved at Rayna and said, “That’s all right. I’m just glad you two arrived safely! I only just got here


As the three of them made their way to the underground parking lot, Vivi led them toward a Toyota Crown and

opened the car door for them.

“You’re pregnant, right? Maybe I should drive instead,” Rayna said when she saw that Vivi’s baby bump was a lot

more prominent.

She looks at least five to six months pregnant!

Vivi didn’t seem to mind at all, though. “It’s fine! My baby is a strong one! For your information, I often drive to pick

up and transport goods!”

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Curtis glanced at Vivi’s tummy and asked in a deep voice, “How long is the drive to the homestay from here?”

“About an hour and forty minutes.”

“In that case, I’ll drive. It’s not good for a pregnant woman to be driving such a long distance. I have my license

with me,” Curtis said as he loaded their suitcases into the trunk and made his way toward the driver’s seat.

Vivi was quick to turn his offer down, “No, I think I should drive. You can keep your wife company in the back seat.”

“It’s fine. Just give me the car keys.”

Instead of explaining himself any further, Curtis simply demanded the keys.

Since he had insisted, Vivi had no choice but to hand him the keys. “You two are my guests, so I should be the one

looking after you, not the other way round. Thanks… Hmm, I am sorry to trouble you.”

Curtis simply nodded and got into the driver’s seat without another word.

Rayna was feeling a little jealous when she opened the car door and got into the car.

Sure enough, it was because of what Curtis said to Vivi just now.

Being a fellow pregnant woman, I know just how uncomfortable wearing a seat belt with a huge tummy can be.

That’s why I wanted to help her out by driving us to the homestay instead. Why did Curtis have to butt in and offer

to drive the car? Is he concerned about her just because she’s pregnant? But I’m pregnant too!

Rayna found herself getting jealous whenever Curtis treated another woman well.

“You don’t look so good, Ms. Garland. Are you feeling carsick? I have some medication for that. Would you like

some?” Vivi asked when she saw Rayna sitting there with her head held low.

She then retrieved a strip of pills from her handbag and handed it to Rayna.

“Thanks.” Not wanting to decline her act of kindness, Rayna accepted the pills with a smile. Since she wasn’t

actually feeling carsick, she put them aside without consuming any of them. “I’ll try resting for a bit and see if it

gets better before taking the medication.”

Being a pregnant woman, she had to be extra careful of what she consumed.

Rayna then glanced at Vivi’s tummy and asked, “How far along are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“A little over four months, I guess.”

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