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Fleeing the Gilded Cage: Don't Want to be the Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134: A Madman
In this moment, Martina was certain that the suspected murderer had indeed fled into
the very room she was in.
She couldn’t help but wonder why he chose this particular room–perhaps the room
number sounded appealing to him, or maybe there was some other reason.
At this moment, Martina’s mind was racing, and she didn’t want to act rashly. She decisively turned her head back, not even
getting a clear look at the person behind her. All she could confirm was that it was a man, and one who appeared to have a
sturdy build.
She felt a wave of nervousness, unsure of what this person might do if pushed to the edge. However, she maintained a calm
demeanor on the surface, trying her best to keep her composure. Dealing with someone like this required careful planning in
advance, as it was undoubtedly a dangerous situation.
She had to keep herself as calm as possible and find a way to save herself. She remembered there was an emergency button in
the room that would immediately summon hotel staff.
Given the current situation, Martina had little to say and could only try to figure out a way to succeed. “Sir, I don’t know why
you’re in my room, but I haven’t seen anything. You can leave now, I won’t do anything, let alone report you. You can rest
assured,” she said, despite knowing it may not work.
However, the man didn’t buy into her words. He even pressed a sharp object against Martina’s waist, firmly. “Rest assured? Why
should I be assured? It’s because of self- righteous people like you who report me from time to time that I’ve ended up like this! I
only killed two people, and they deserved it! Why should I be arrested?”
“Since that bitch dared to cheat, she should pay the price. I only did what most men would do!” the man exclaimed, revealing his

twisted mindset.
The situation escalated quickly.
Feeling the object pressing against her waist, she suspected it was a fruit knife. She didn’t dare to make any sudden
movements; she couldn’t risk her life..

Martina pursed her lips, her beautiful eyebrows furrowing with frustration. Her exquisite face displayed a mix of emotions, leaving
her speechless. It seemed like a scene straight out of a movie, but even movies wouldn’t dare to depict such a coincidence. How
much more unlucky could she get?
In order to keep this mad man calm, Martina had to take a risky approach. “Although I don’t know who you are or what you’ve
been through, I think it’s important for you to stay calm,” she said, hoping to defuse the situation.
Little did she know, her words only provoked him further. “Why should I stay calm?
Women like you who don’t uphold their virtues, shouldn’t you be punished?” he retorted, his anger escalating. “If that bitch had
just stayed faithful, how could I have mistakenly killed those two? They brought it upon themselves!”
If Martina wasn’t mistaken, this man’s wife had cheated on him. And when it was discovered, she and the other woman paid with
their lives.
In a twist of fate, this man had managed to flee and ended up in this place. The hotel staff probably didn’t speak openly about the
situation to prevent panic among the guests.
Little did Martina know that she would be so unlucky as to cross paths with this man. She wished she had stayed longer in the
restaurant instead.
The bread Martina was holding slipped from her hands. The man seemed lost in painful memories, his face filled with agony.
“I treated my wife so well, giving her my entire monthly salary and enduring so much suffering for her sake. Even if everyone else
opposed me or betrayed me, I wouldn’t get angry. But why did she have to betray me?” the man lamented. “I’ve lost everything. I
can’t lose her too. Since she’s heartless, don’t blame me for being unjust. We’ll be a couple in hell.”

He was truly a genuine madman!
Martina’s brows furrowed even tighter. “Regardless of the circumstances, killing is
wrong. I know you must have endured a lot of pain, but you shouldn’t resort to such
actions,” she tried to convince, but only to further agitate the man.
The man menacingly brought the fruit knife closer to Martina, and she could feel her
blouse being pierced.

“You are nothing but trouble! How dare you say such things about me?” he exclaimed. “If you think that way, then I’ll send you to
hell with me! You can judge me in hell!”
Martina’s mouth twitched a bit. It seemed that reasoning with him wouldn’t work. She quickly changed her approach. “Sir, let’s
talk things out. Actually, I’m quite ugly.”
Meanwhile, Benjamin had arrived at the hotel. As if they had a telepathic connection, his right eyelid kept twitching
uncontrollably. He also heard the incessant announcements in the hotel. In an instant, he began to worry about Martina’s safety.
Simon also felt a sense of panic and regretted why he didn’t bring Leslie along this time. He initially didn’t want to add a third
wheel, but who would have thought something like this would happen in a five–star hotel??
He quickened his pace, but he couldn’t keep up with his boss’s speed no matter what. Benjamin didn’t appear to be walking fast,
but he always seemed to be ahead of everyone else.
Benjamin’s heart was tightly clenched, hoping that Martina was safe and sound. That was all he wished for.
When he arrived at the door of Room 888, he heard some faint voices of conversation
in the background. “Sir, let’s talk things out calmly I still have many wishes left to fulfill...
“Stop the nonsense! A woman like you is nothing but trash! We should all die together!” Although the voices of these two
individuals were not particularly loud, Benjamin still heard them.
Simon intended to say something, but after seeing Benjamin’s expression, he quickly closed his mouth.
They communicated silently through eye contact, conveying the message, “Boss, it seems like there’s someone else in the
Even without saying a word, Benjamin could sense it. This was completely obvious He never expected that person to appear in
this place, and even be with Martina! How could he remain indifferent? His heart was pounding out of his chest!