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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1756
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Chapter 1756 Something Important

“I went downstairs to ask Lina what exactly she gave me. I could still ignore it when she's

the only one acting mysterious. And now, you're acting the same way. It's making me

curious, so I couldn't help but go find her.”

“Oh? Did you get that all figured out?” Shane asked teasingly.

Deep down, he knew that she had not asked the question.

If she had, she definitely would not be acting that way. Instead, her face would turn


Sure enough, upon hearing the man's words, Natalie rolled her eyes at him. “If I had

asked, would things still be like this?”

Shane merely chuckled.

Annoyed, Natalie said, “Go on and continue to keep things from me! You, Lina, and even

Stanley are hiding things from me! It's driving me crazy!”

Upon hearing Stanley's name, the smile on Shane's face faded. “Does he also know what

Lina has given?”

Natalie gave a hum of acknowledgment. “When I was coming up just now, I happened to

meet him at the stairs. He was about to go out, so I had a brief chat with him. We talked

about this matter, and he said he guessed what Lina had given me. But when I asked him,

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

he wouldn't tell. He said that if he told me, you would hold him accountable.”

Upon hearing that, the dissatisfaction on Shane's face dissipated. “At least he knows his


He, however, trusted Stanley.

In fact, it was not surprising that Stanley could guess it. After all, it was not hard to guess.

It was just that Natalie was too innocent; she would not think of such things. That was why

she could not guess it.

If only she had slightly directed her thoughts in that direction, she would not be

completely clueless.

Ah, my silly wife.

“What's with that look?” Natalie noticed the way the man was looking at her. Hence, she

narrowed her eyes and walked toward him.

Shane curled his lips. “What look?”

“Are you hinting at something?” Natalie walked up to him, hands on her hips, glaring at


Shane raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Hinting at you? How did you figure that out?”

“I can see it with my own two eyes. You're calling me silly!” Natalie huffed.

Shane was truly surprised this time.

Unexpectedly, she actually managed to figure it out.

Seeing the surprise on the man's face, Natalie's cheeks turned red. “Oh, so you actually

called me silly! Shane, you've gone too far. In what way am I silly?”

Seeing the woman's eyes turn red, Shane knew he had caused trouble. He quickly moved

the laptop from his lap, stood up, and held her in his arms, gently coaxing, “All right, all

right. I was wrong. I wasn't calling you silly. I was just thinking that my wife is innocently


“What does that mean?” Natalie blinked. “Why, are you also saying I'm naive?”

“Oh? Has someone else been calling you that, too?” Shane looked at her. “Was it Lina?” he


Natalie shook her head. “No, it was Stanley. I asked him what exactly Lina had given me,

but he didn't tell me. Instead, he said I was simply too naive.”

“He's not wrong,” said Shane.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Natalie pursed her lips. “What does my gift to Lina have to do with my naivety?”

She did not understand it.

Seeing that she still had not caught on, Shane could not help but feel helpless. He had no

choice but to tell her, “You'll understand tonight. When the evening comes, I'll show you

the gift, and then you'll understand why we say you're naive.”

Natalie scoffed disdainfully. “I'm not interested in seeing it. You guys wouldn't let me see

or tell me what it is. My curiosity has long since vanished, so I can't care less about

whatever it is you're hiding.”

“You're really not going to look?” Shane narrowed his eyes.

“I won't!” Natalie replied firmly.

Shane teased her playfully, “Don't regret it later.”

Seeing his serious demeanor, Natalie straightened her back slightly. “What do you mean?

Could it be an important thing?”

Shane snorted.

To her, it might not be important, but it was to him.

However, there was no way he could tell her that.

Seeing Shane keeping silent and only responding with a snort, Natalie became

increasingly certain that she was right.

It's something important. I've got to see it.