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Bride Behind The Mask (Frederick and Marguerite)

Chapter 15
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Chapter 15

Frederick already had doubts about, Marguerite. Letting her, an uneducated woman, stay at Luxe

Scents International was already him bending over backwards. Now this woman had the nerve to bring

up her requirements!

Frederick’s face was as dark as a thundercloud, making Chuck worry for Marguerite. Seeing this,

Robert, sensing an impending storm, quickly stepped in to smooth things over, “No problem, it’s just

accommodation. LuxeScents International can handle it.”

Chuck was scared to death. Frederick’s displeasure was as clear as day. How could Robert keep

ignoring his anger? If Frederick lost his cool, they would all be in hot water. Chuck quickly sidled over to

Robert and whispered nervously, “Robert, you forgot, LuxeScents International has no staff


Robert, however, was as cool as a cucumber, waving his hand dismissively and looking at Frederick

with a smile. “Marguerite’s request isn’t out of line. I trust Mr. Winston’s magnanimity. You won’t turn her


Frederick’s gaze was as threatening as a loaded gun. He turned and sat down in his office chair,

completely ignoring Robert. “You insisted on keeping her. Her demands are your problem, not mine.

You deal with it.”

This man! He kept Marguerite for his own sake! What an ungrateful jerk.

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Marguerite frowned at Frederick, then looked at Robert anxiously. Did he agree or not? At least give a

clear answer!

She and her grandma had been kicked out of their cheap rental for not paying rent. If the company

couldn’t solve her housing issue, could she muster the courage to ask for an advance on her salary?

She needed to rent a place!

Facing the hard–nosed Frederick, Marguerite knew she couldn’t say much. But what could she do?

Reality forced her to stand her ground. If she couldn’t solve her basic needs, how could she focus on


Marguerite paused, and despite her embarrassment, she tried to speak again, “So…”

Almost as soon as she opened her mouth, Robert quickly coughed to interrupt her.

Marguerite’s words got stuck in her throat, and she heard Robert say, “Chuck, take her downstairs to

handle the paperwork. I’ll take care of the


“Yes, Mr. Fitzgerald.” Chuck responded respectfully, then gestured towards the door, “Ms. Lockwood,

please follow me.”

Marguerite was confused and lost. This man called “Mr. Fitzgerald” said he would handle it, but did his

words carry any weight? She could only go with the flow and take it one step at a time. With that in

mind, she followed Chuck downstairs.

Once the two were gone, Robert turned to Frederick with a grin, teasing, “You told me to handle it, so

I’m helping you out this once. If you’re not satisfied, don’t come crying to me.”

Frederick snorted, gave Robert a sidelong glance, then leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes to

rest, no longer interested in conversation. But what he didn’t know was that a cunning glint flashed in

Robert’s eyes the moment he closed his own, his expression full of hidden meaning.

This woman Marguerite had a lot of potential, and as Frederick’s friend, it was his duty to take good

care of his wife.

Robert didn’t stay long and soon left, while Chuck’s call successfully connected to the CEO’s office.

Frederick impatiently activated the speaker, his imperial–like voice came through low and stern,


“Mr. Winston, Marguerite has completed her paperwork. Do you want her to stay in the design

department and find a mentor, or should she do miscellaneous tasks like all the other interns?”

Frederick furrowed his brow, “No rush. Have her submit a detailed resume first.”

He had a feeling that the information he investigated last night was wrong. Marguerite was an

uneducated woman, but her skills in perfume making were very professional. This woman was

definitely not simple. Since he had decided to keep her by his side, he needed to figure out everything

about her.

“Okay.” Chuck paused, then said, “Mr. Winston, the receptionist just called to say that Yuna is

downstairs making a fuss to see you. What do you think…”

Upon hearing Yuna’s name, Frederick’s eyes flew open.

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God. Marguerite’s arrival had thrown all his plans into disarray, and he had overlooked such an

important woman as Yuna. He hadn’t contacted her since they parted ways yesterday. She must be


“Bring her up.”

Soon after, Yuna, led by Chuck, came straight to the top floor and into the CEO’s office. Yuna looked

around as if she had never seen such a luxurious place. Seeing her awestruck expression, Chuck

furrowed his brow.

Such a woman was the one Mr. Winston had been searching for over ten years? It felt a bit off.

Chuck pushed open the glass door, about to speak, but Yuna couldn’t wait and pushed past him,

rushing over to Frederick. She threw herself into his arms, asking, “Frederick, where have you been?

I’ve missed you. You were all I dreamed about last night.”

The sickeningly sweet voice made Frederick uncomfortable. His body instinctively wanted to push her

away, but he didn’t.

He had always had a question. Why did the scent he smelled on her that night match the scent of the

perfume Marguerite had made?

His arm wrapped around Yuna’s waist, Frederick pulled her into his embrace, lowering his head to take

another whiff of her scent. Meanwhile, on

the other side, Marguerite, resume in hand, followed Chuck’s directions to the CEO’s office. But just as

she stepped out of the elevator, she saw Frederick hugging a woman–from a distance.

Marguerite hesitated for a moment, Was that woman his… girlfriend?