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Billionaire's One Night Stand by RA

Chapter 231
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After the failure of the plan, he immediately decided after getting Kate's divorce. He must deny this matter.

It was the most direct statement to say that the mobile phone had been dropped! Because if this matter was spread out, Bishop Family would really have no place to stand! "Did I slander you?" Chloe smiled. "You know clearly whether you did it or not. I won't let it go with you like this!" Finn and Mrs. Bishop's faces changed slightly.

Mrs. Bishop said, "Chloe, what do you want to do?" "We'll see in the future!" Chloe said, "However, you don't need to talk toagain in the future." Chloe took two steps closer to Finn and said, "Don't talk about Eathen and others like last time, because I agreed to take 40% of the shares for their sake last time..." "Chloe, the Bishop Family has been running by Biahop Family for all these years. It's good enough that your Chloe family can take 40% of the profit!" Finn immediately said.

Chloe turned her face away. "Forget it. This matter has passed. Since I agreed to take 40% of the money, I won't go back on my word." "Then what else do you want to say?" Finn said, "If you chere to ask you about the digging of your parents' graves, I don't want to answer you this question anymore-" Chloe looked at her adopted father, whom she had once respected! The person she had called her father for more than a decade.

"Okay, you want to deny it, don't you?" Chloe said angrily, "Then I'll ask you another thing. My parents died in Bishop Family's tomb, didn't they? Did they really die in a car accident?" As soon as he said that, the surrounding air immediately changed.

Finn looked at Chloe, and he couldn't hide his surprise Is she here today to ask about the cause of her parents' death? Mrs. Bishop's face also changed, and she inexplicably said to Finn, "What do you mean by his parents' death? Didn't Chloe X and his wife die in a car accident?" Only Finn's face changed.

"Chloe..." When it cto this matter, Finn looked at Chloe in disbelief, and his lips trembled. "What do you know?" "What did you say?" Chloe remembered what she saw in the cemetery. "When I went to the cemetery that day, those people were preparing to transfer my parents' bodies. It was obvious that they didn't die of a car accident. My dear adopted father, shouldn't you givean explanation?" Mrs. Bishop did not seem to know about this matter. For a moment, she only suspected that Chloe was stirring up trouble. "Chloe X are you looking for trouble? Do you want to say that the death of Chloe X husband and wife has something to do with Bishop Family?" "It has nothing to do with Bishop Family.

Bishop Family has also covered up sfacts." Chloe looked at Finn whose face turned from dark to green. "I think my adopted father is most aware of this matter!" "Chloe, don't talk nonsense-" "Rose!" Finn stopped Ms. Bishop.

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"You can go now," Finn said.

Looking at Chloe, he seemed to believe that she must have known something.

"What?" Mrs. Bishop looked at Finn and said, "Honey, Chloe, this wicked girl, wants to fryou because she can't get into trouble with the Chloe family's tomb. Why talk nonsense with her..." wronged?" Chloe clenched her hands. "Whether I wronged him himself or not, and my parents' tombs, did I wrong you? Is it your idea or Kate? Anyway, you can't escape from responsibility!" "Madam, please go down." Finn said.

Alfred immediately walked to Madam Bishop's side and said, "Madam, please." Mrs. Bishop looked at Finn. "Finn!" "Get out of here first." Finn gave her a serious look.

Although Finn usually listened to Mrs. Bishop's words, at the critical moment, his words could still play a deterrent role! Mrs. Bishop looked at Finn's eyes and knew that there must be something behind it. Perhaps there was another inside story about the death of the Chloe X! Finally, Mrs. Bishop glared at Chloe and said coldly, "Chloe, even if you get married to Aman, don't feel good about yourself. Kate is the future daughter-in-law recognized by the Ali Enterprises, but can you enter the door of the Emperor family?" The final provocation! After Mrs. Bishop left, Bucky said next to Chloe, "Young Madam, generally, ignorant people like to have stubborn opinions. There is no need to argue with ordinary people." Chloe smiled and said, "Of course." Did she want to say that in fact, she had a wedding with Aman? Did the Emperor family already know that Aman had married her? When Finn heard that the housekeeper called her Young Madam of Chloe, his face becmore serious. "It seems that Aman really values you very much, Chloe." "That's my business," said Chloe.

"That's why you sold the shares of Bishop Limited to Aman. You want Aman to help you get revenge on Bishop Family, don't you?" "I don't want to answer this question." Chloe said that, but it didn't mean that she would not do that in the future.

"Before, you said that Kate took Zayn, but obviously, you have already hidden it from everyone and married Aman. In fact, you are glad that you have left Zayn, right?" Finn said, "After leaving Zayn, you can be with Aman, can't you?" "Do you mean that I am willing to see that kind of despicable thing that Kate did?" Chloe laughed.

"Isn't that so?" "Are you willing to ruin your reputation?" Chlp reminded him how she left Bishop family.

Finn clenched his hands.

"Or do you know that I found an excuse for Kate after married Aman? Do you think you haven't done anything wrong to me?" "Now you are married to Aman." Finn held back his anger and said, "What's your dissatisfaction? What do you want to argue with Bishop Family? If Kate hadn't been with Zayn, would you have the chance to meet Aman? Would you have the opportunity to marry Aman?" It seemed that she had driven Chloe away from Kate and helped her a lot.

Chloe looked at her father. "Don't you think that as a father, it's shameless for you to say such a thing?" "Am I wrong?" "Of course I was wrong." Chloe said, "It's my business that I can meet Aman. I can't deny that Kate did those dirty things and Kate acquiesced in her actions. Do you think I should forget what Bishop Family did towhen I met Aman?" The anger on Finn's face cout of his eyes.

"Impossible." Chloe said, "I can't forget what happened." Kate was right. She was ready to take revenge on Bishop Family! "Kate is not at home. It's none of her business that the Chloe X and his wife have been excavated." Finn protected his eldest daughter and denied all the facts. "As for the cause of the death of the Chloe X, did I tell you that you will leave Bishop Family?" "I know who did my parents tomb, even if speople don't accept it." Chloe said, "Do you think I'm willing to go back to Bishop Family? If it weren't for the fact that I want to know the real cause of my parents' death, I wouldn't have stepped into Bishop Family!" Finally, Finn nodded angrily and said, "Okay, I can tell you!" "Of course, how did my parents die?" Chloe stared at him. "The funeral was arranged by Bishop Family. You must know it." "The Chloe X really didn't die of a car accident." Finn gritted his teeth. "But their death has nothing to do with me. On the contrary, I buried him and his wife. Chloe, don't look atlike that. Their death has nothing to do with me!" Thinking of the death of the Chloe X husband and wife, Finn turned around angrily after scolding them.

Bucky frowned.

It seemed that Finn did know that Chlpe X was not killed in a car accident...

"Since Mr. Bishop knows, then tell our Young Madam." Bucky said, "The Young Madam didn't intend to ask whether you had touched her parents' cemetery, because we all know who did it. The reason for the death of her parents is the Young Madam's intention." And when Chloe heard that Finn said that her parents did not die in a car accident, her eyes suddenly becsour... It was different from what Finn said.

Because Finn was the party who buried her parents.

He was sure that he was clear about it.

"My parents..." Chloe blinked her red eyes. "Did they really have a car accident? What happened to them? Why did you hide the truth for so many years and not tell the public the real cause of my parents' death? Why did you say it was a car accident?" Finn turned his back to Chloe and reluctantly recalled what had happened that year. "They should have been killed. Maybe they were gangsters or robbers." "What?" Chloe eyes widened.

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"When I went to the Chloe family, the Chloe Family was full of blood, and the servants were all dead." When clendewly Finn said the past, he slowly lowered glendhed his hands.

his eyes and "When I went in, the Chloe X and his wife were dead, and there were many wounds on their bodies. Sol thought that the gangsters or the robbers must have been found and killed. But before I arrived, Chloe X and his wife had been covered with a white cloth..." "Why didn't you call the police?" Chloe looked at her adopted father who she had called her for more than ten years. "My parents were killed. Why didn't you call the police?" Tears flowed down from Chloe eyes.

She couldn't believe that Finn didn't call the police when he saw her parents were killed.

"I call the police?" Finn turned back to look at Chloe. "Am going to call the police and let those people cto revenge e on Bishop Family? Who knows if Chloe X has offended sgangsters? If I call the police, do you know that gangsters will cto Bishop Family and may kill the people of Bishop Family?" Chloe laughed sarcastically. "So you're afraid?"

"Chloe X and his men are dead. As a friend and a business partner, I have done my duty to bury them and help him find their daughters." Finn said, "Am I not done enough? Should I put the whole Bishop Family's life into danger and risk calling the police to let others find out the person who killed him?" As he finished his sentence, Finn gasped. Obviously, he did not feel ashamed of this matter.

Chloe looked at Finn for a long time.

"Finn, you are a selfish ghost." He only cared about his family and his own life.

A selfish ghost who didn't dare to call the police when he saw his friend was killed! Finn suddenly flew into a rage. "I have my family, too. also want to protect my family. As friends, I have buried them and taken care of you. Isn't it enough for me?" "Take care of him? So BishopFamily swallowed his shares? Finn turned aside again.

"Then do as you said." Chloe smiled. "You will help bury them and find their daughter. Have you done your best?" Finn snorted.

"My understanding of you has reached a new 'high' degree." Chloe looked at Finn. "You not only occupied the Chloe family's shares after my parents died, but also saw that they were killed. You didn't call the police. In order to protect yourself and Bishop Family, you didn't want to take risks." Finn did not speak, and his face was dark and gloomy.

But at that time, he and Chloe X had known each other just for cooperating with each other to open a company. Chloe X had his own comfort, but how could he call the police at the risk of being retaliated by Bishop Family? X