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Begging For A Reconciliation

Chapter 59
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Leah gave a smile. “Nothing. I’m just too tired during the day. I’m going to rest early


Hearing that, Sasha gazed at Leah’s face calmly. “Really?”

“Yeah.” Leah smiled and touched Sasha’s head. “I’m just tired.”

Finally, Sasha smiled. “Okay, go and have a good rest. Good night.”

“Good night!” With that, Leah hurried back to her room. She closed the door and felt her

heart beat elevated. She was bad at lying. If she had not run away quickly just now, she

was afraid Sasha would noticed her lying.

For some reason, Leah felt Sasha’s eyes were horrifying just now. She has such an

adorable smile but what’s wrong with her just now? Leah could not help but wonder. And

who is she meeting this weekend? All those thoughts kept lingering in Leah’s mind.

On weekends, Sasha did not have to go to piano lessons. Leah, on the other hand, had no

job and had been staying at home all the time.

Usually, Sasha would either paint in her room or go to the Sanders family. She would not

get up early. However, she woke up and went down to have breakfast around 7:30 a.m.

that morning.

Jane was surprised. “What’s the occasion that our Sasha is so early today?”

Hearing that, Sasha could not help but roll her eyes. “Mom, I’m going to my friend’s house

to practice piano together. I won’t be at home today.”

“Great. You should go out and hang out with your friends more.” After Jane finished, she

looked at Leah and asked, “Sarah, are you going out too?”

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Leah had no intention to go out that day. However, as soon as she thought about Sasha’s

conversion over the phone last night, she nodded. “Yes, me too.”

Hearing that, Sasha glanced at Leah in surprise. “You’re going out too? I didn’t know you

have friends.”

“Ah, I’m going out to buy something.” Leah quickly explained and lowered her head. She

did not dare to look Sasha in the eyes.

“Oh, really?”

After breakfast, Sasha wiped her mouth in a hurry and said, “Mom, I have to leave now.

It’s getting late. See you later.”

As soon as Sasha left, Leah followed her.

Sasha hailed a cab on the roadside. Leah quickly followed and hailed a cab from behind


Cloud Pavilion was a very famous scenic place in Linkville. Many people came for a visit.

However, it was so big that one could easily get lost in the crowd.

Sasha got off at the entrance. However, instead of going in immediately, she made a

phone call.

Seeing that, Leah quickly hid behind the bushes.

Meanwhile, Han walked out of Cloud Pavilion and saw a familiar figure sneaking around at

the entrance. He frowned when he found out it was Leah. What is she doing here? he

wondered. Why is she sneaking behind the bush?

“Mr. Howard, are we ready to go to the next place?” the man next to Han asked cautiously.

Han wanted to build a hotel, and that was the reason he went to Cloud Pavilion to survey

the surroundings.

Han pursed his lips when he suddenly saw Leah got up and went inside Cloud Pavilion.

“You guys go ahead. I’ll come later,” he instructed. With that, he followed Leah from


There were more people inside Cloud Pavilion than Leah imagined. She had to follow

Sasha closely in order not to lose her. Soon, beads of perspiration appeared on her

forehead. All her attention was focused on Sasha that she did not even notice that

someone was following her.

Suddenly, someone grabbed Leah’s wrist in a corner. Startled, she turned around and saw

Han’s cold face.

“What are you doing?” Leah was shocked. She raised her head to look Sasha. To her

disappointment, Sasha’s figure dissapeared in the crowd in just a few seconds.

Han stared at her and asked, “What are you doing here?”

Leah was exasperated because she lost Sasha. She replied harshly, “It’s none of your

business. It’s all your fault that I lost her.”

“Who are you looking for?” Han acutely captured the key point of her words.

“I…” Leah was stunned and looked at Han vigilantly. “It’s none of your business.” Did he

see that I followed Sasha? she wondered.

“Huh? Not telling me?” Han frowned and felt a little unhappy.

Hearing that, Leah pursed her lips and replied, “No.”

Han felt disappointed. Why does she always ignore me when she sees me? Am I really not

as good as Ron? Why do I compare myself with Ron? he mused.

“I’m leaving now. Bye, Mr. Howard.” After saying that, Leah hurriedly ran forward. She

remembered Sasha seemed to be heading in the north direction.

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However, Leah still could not find Sasha. Frustrated, she looked up and saw a stone arch

bridge. There were a lot of people passing the stone arch bridge.

“There are so many people there. Sasha might have gone in that direction?” Leah


Without thinking, Leah ran to the bridge.

It was crowded on the bridge. Leah tried to squeeze herself forward. She did not notice a

child was running toward her. Accidentally, the child bumped into her.

Leah lost her balance and fell off the bridge into the water.

Han was still standing where he was. I’m really crazy. Why should I care about what she

thinks? Thinking of that, Han turned around and wanted to leave.

Just then, Han heard a splash into the water from the stone arch bridge.

Then, a familiar voice was heard. “Help! Help me!”

Leah was drowning.

The water was deep, and Leah had an instinctive fear of water. She panicked. Her mind

went blank, and she could not even think at all.

Han looked back and saw Leah struggling in the water. There were many onlookers

around, but no one volunteered to save her. Without hesitation, Han jumped into the water

and swam toward her.

”Help, help me…” Leah was almost out of breath. Her voice became weaker.

Finally, Han grabbed her hand and held her in his arms. However, Leah passed out. She

had gulped down too much water.

Han had no choice but to drag Leah to the shore and lay her flat on the lawn. He patted

her on the face and shouted, “Sarah! Can you hear me, Sarah!”