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Begging For A Reconciliation

Chapter 49
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Sullivan was peculiar about a person’s ethics. Furthermore, Molly thought it was the

perfect opportunity to demean Sarah, which was why brought up Sarah’s reputation.

As expected, Sullivan frowned curiously. “What do you mean?”

“Sarah White has a penchant for seducing other people’s lovers. She made Sasha White’s

fiancé, Ian Sanders, fall for her, and she has her eyes on Han too.” Molly’s face turned

gloomy. “I’m sure Mr. Simmons won’t approve of such a character.”

Sullivan started to hesitate. “How could that be? She seems like a nice lady…”

“Don’t judge a book by its cover. If you don’t believe me, you can ask around, then you’ll

know if I’m telling you the truth.”

“I see. Thank you for telling me. I’ll go look into this myself.” Sullivan nodded.

This will do. Once Mr. Sullivan doubts her, he won’t trust Sarah so easily anymore. Besides,

There really was a scandal about her back in Linkville. Molly smirked.

Meanwhile, Ian was pacing anxiously in his room. It’s been the whole morning and Leah

still hasn’t left her room, I wonder if anything happened to her?

Ian could not hold it anymore. He went over to Leah’s room and knocked.

“Sarah? Is everything alright?”

No response.

It worried him, so he barged into Leah’s room. He was shocked to see Leah perspiring

heavily while curled up on the floor.

Ian ran over and grabbed Leah. “What happened?”

Her face was pale. She slowly opened her eyes. “My stomach hurts…”

“I’ll bring you to the hospital.” Ian picked her up.

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Right when Ian stood up with Leah in his hands, Sullivan entered the room and witnessed

the whole scene.

Sullivan scowled as he saw Leah lying in Ian’s arms, which testified to the rumor that Molly

told him.

“Ian, why are you holding her?” Sullivan walked over to him.

“Mr. Simmons, you came at the right time. Sarah is having a stomach ache, can you bring

us to the nearest hospital?”

Leah suddenly pulled Ian by his collar gently.

“What is it?” Ian asked.

“You don’t have to take me to the hospital. I’m feeling better already.”

“But you were curled up on the floor earlier. It is better to have a checkup, just in case.”

Leah smiled and gave Ian a relieved look. “Alright, I’ll go to the hospital after I get back to


Ian was concerned and asked again, “Are you really okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine.” Only then Ian let go of Leah and put her on her feet. The jacket on Leah’s

shoulder suddenly slipped down. She quickly grabbed it and covered her body.

Inevitably, Ian noticed the red marks on Leah’s body. The curiosity in Ian urged him to ask,

but Leah looked haggard so he decided not to.

“Wait here. I’ll bring you a drink.”

Sullivan was agitated by the interaction between the both of them, even though he knew

Ian was only caring for Leah’s wellbeing.

Sullivan went out of the room and called out, “Ian.”

“Yes, Mr. Simmons?”

“Aren’t you engaged with Sasha? Why do you still care about Sarah so much?”

It baffled Ian and he subconsciously looked away. “I’m just taking care of her as a friend,

Mr. Simmons.”

Sullivan thought that something was amiss. He sighed. “Fine, as long as you know what

you are doing. Sasha is your childhood friend, and I want to remind you not to let Sasha


“Mr. Simmons, it is not what you think it is…” Ian wanted to explain, but Sullivan patted

him on the shoulder and left.

Ian brought a glass of warm sweet tea for Leah and made sure she finished it.

Ian sat in front of Leah, hesitating to ask something. Leah noticed his expression, so she

asked “What is it?.”

Ian nodded. “The Lamere family will be holding a banquet at the foyer today. I heard that

it’s a celebration for Han’s getting the land development grant for Linkville.”

Leah was surprised.

She had heard some rumors about Han’s intention to build a hotel in Linkville. If the

project was successful, Han’s net worth would rise tremendously.

After all, Molly was the perfect wife for Han. Molly’s family and status would aid Han in his

career if they were married.

That would be the best-case scenario.

About last night…Leah did not want to dwell on that incident. She treated it as a dream.

“Mr. Simmons invited me. Are you going?” Ian asked. “If you’re unwilling to go, I can tell

Mr. Simmons that you’re not feeling well.”

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“Never mind.” Leah shook her head. “I can’t hide forever.”

Ian was relieved. “I’m glad to hear that.”

Wearing formal attire would be compulsory if Leah wanted to join the banquet. In the

afternoon, Ian accompanied Leah and went to a boutique.

Just when they were looking at the dresses, Ian’s phone rang.

“I’ll take this outside.”

Leah nodded her head and saw a lovely dress, she asked the sales clerk, “I would like to

try this dress, could you get it for me?”

Leah put on the dress and looked at herself in the mirror. The dress fits her fair skin and

long dark hair very well.

A man suddenly appeared behind Leah in the mirror.

Shawn was wearing golden frame spectacles and a gray suit. Leah looked stunning in that

dress and it caught Shawn’s eyes.

“Hello, Ms. White. We meet again.” Shawn smiled as he walked over.

Leah was confused. “Who are you?”

“Shawn Ford.” Shawn said while reaching out his hand. Leah hesitated but took his hand


Shawn’s demeanor was like a gentleman. However, he was standing a little too close. “Ms.

White, you look so beautiful in this dress. I’m guessing you will be joining Lamere’s

banquet tonight.”

Leah knew Han and Shawn were acquainted with each other because she saw them

talking last time.

Leah nodded and wanted to leave. “I’ll excuse myself if there is nothing else. Goodbye.”

Looks as if Shawn was a courteous person, but the way Shawn looked at her made her felt
