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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 230
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“Besides, I already have a girlfriend.”

Emily was rooted on the ground upon hearing Casper’s words. In the meantime, the expression of

Elena who was standing behind Casper also changed.

Did this kid just reject me? I took the initiative to come and see him and sort things out with him, and

yet he rejected me?

Emily couldn’t believe what she just heard. She yelled at Casper, “Do you know who you’ve just


Casper shrugged. “I didn’t reject you, Ms. Goldstein. I really have a girlfriend already.”

“Can you find someone else like me with such a gorgeous appearance, a fine figure, and an extremely

well-off background?” Emily started breaking down.

“Well, um… my girlfriend is not bad too,” Casper replied cheerfully. His attitude further upset Emily.

Just then, Giselle heard the commotion and came outside to look for Casper. Right away, Casper ran

over to her and took her hand as he said to Emily, “Ms. Goldstein, this is my girlfriend. You and I… are

not really compatible. Perhaps the age gap is a little huge, and there might be a generational gap

between us.”

Emily almost choked herself in aggravation.

Does this kid think that I’m old? What the f*ck?

Even someone as restrained as Emily couldn’t help but curse within herself. She glanced at the person

standing next to Casper, and her expression turned from exasperation to bewilderment, and then to


“Giselle Clauder?”

Undoubtedly, Emily could recognize Giselle. Sarah told her before that the prettiest woman at Business

University was Giselle. Emily had seen her picture and had to admit that she was no rival to Giselle in

terms of appearance and temperament.

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“This kid actually succeeds in pursuing Giselle?” For a moment, Emily was speechless, and the curse

which was about to be splurted from her mouth was swallowed.

Meanwhile, Giselle was notably bashful. Even though she had accepted Casper, she was still shy to

hear how Casper announced her as his girlfriend in front of so many people.

“Casper, I’ve underestimated you,” Emily left Tycoon after muttering those words. She returned to her

Bumblebee and started crying as she leaned against the steering wheel.

“I have never failed to get anything that I want since young!”

For over thirty years, countless men would willingly gift her with anything she wanted as soon as she

beckoned and gave a signal. But that particular day, she was rejected even as she took the initiative to

come to that man herself.

What annoyed her most was the fact that Casper had rejected her because of Giselle—the one woman

who was better than her in every aspect.

“Casper, you jack*ss!”

The frustration within Emily grew stronger and stronger. Perhaps the more she backed off, the more

bitter she felt. After feeling mortified to such an extent, Emily was not only ashamed but was also

blinded by rage.

“Giselle Clauder, I wanted to compete with you, and you happen to be interested in Casper. That

means he is worthy, and if that’s the case, I’ll make sure I get him!”

She took out her phone to make a call. “Hey, Dad.”

“What’s the matter, Emily? What happened with your matchmaking with Gabriel last time? How did it

end up in such a way? I know that bloke isn’t good-looking, but you have to understand that he’s one of

the few pre-eminent figures in Horington.”

“Enough. Don’t talk about him anymore. I’m disgusted even by the mention of his name. If it wasn’t

because he’s rich, I would have turned him down outright much earlier and leave not even a single

dash of respect for him!”

A long breath of sigh came from the other end of the line. “Huh… alright. I can understand that, but

you’re not young anymore. You have to get married to someone sooner or later. Your mom and I can

leave our business behind, but when it concerns your marriage, there’s no way we’re going to stop

interfering. I don’t want to leave without having a grandchild.”

“That’s exactly the reason I’m calling you—to discuss this. I want to get married.”

“See? It’s maddening every time this matter is brought up…” There was a sudden pause on the other

side of the phone. It was only after a long while that a trembling voice started again, “Wha-what? What

did you just say?”

“I’ve taken a fancy to a man, and I want to get married to him,” Emily repeated.

“What in the world… Where’s my heart medication? Darling, get me my pills, quick.”

A small commotion could be heard over the phone. After a long time, a voice came from the other end

again. “Emily, who’s that lad?”

“Casper Simpson,” Emily stressed each of the syllables.

At Tycoon, Casper and Giselle went back to their private room. Casper was holding Giselle’s hand and

softly rubbing his thumb against it while Giselle didn’t resist.

Owing to the incitement brought about by Emily, these two people were able to break through the

trammel in their relationship.

“Is it really alright for you to announce it in the presence of so many people?” Giselle looked right into

Casper’s eyes.

“What’s wrong with that? There’re still many other things that we’ll do in front of them in the future.”

They looked at each other, and as their affection for one another grew increasingly fervent. Then, they

got closer and closer; their lips and tongues tangled, and before they knew it, they were hugging and


Elena stood at the door of the private room with a complicated look in her eyes as she peeped at the

kissing couple through the crack of the door.

Victoria, Giselle, there’s not a woman around him who isn’t better than me. Elena looked at the sexy

outfit she specifically dressed for him that day, and a rush of sadness surged within herself.

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I’ve fallen for this man unwittingly.

That might be the happiest day in Casper’s life in many years. He hugged Giselle with his eyes filled

with devotion.

“I’ll surely treat you well, Giselle. I’ll make you the princess of the world in a year’s time!”

Casper had said that to Kitty before, but the gold digger had abandoned him. Isn’t Giselle a thousand

times better than that woman?

The lovebirds were so deeply in love with each other that they even fed one another during dinner.

They were in a phase where their relationship just started to blossom, and it was when they would be

most madly in love, ‘hot and heavy’ as the saying went.

The couple couldn’t get enough of each other in the private room, but each passing minute felt like an

eternity to Elena. Her professionalism had always kept her standing upright all day without feeling

drained, but in that instance, she had started to feel giddy after only half an hour.

“Gigi, why don’t you stay and don’t go back tonight?”

An ardent glint emanated from Casper’s eyes, and he slowly ran his palm on Giselle’s thigh, but it was

immediately shoved away by Giselle. “What are you thinking about? Is this what you’re thinking all


Casper smiled wryly. “Isn’t this what every man desires? Hehe.”

“This can’t be rushed…” Giselle lowered her head. Perhaps she was embarrassed to be saying those

words as a lecturer. “It’ll happen naturally when the time comes.”

Even her ears were flushed red as she finished her sentence. As with Casper, he certainly wouldn’t

force her into it. Hence, he agreed.

“Is that your secretary outside the door?” Giselle suddenly mentioned Elena. She’s the one who looked

intimate with Casper in the photo last time.

Casper nodded. “Yes, but we really… Even though she’s hot and good-looking, but it’s only with you

that I feel…”

Giselle shook her head. “You silly boy.”