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Chapter 12


I wrap my hands around my shaky legs as deep so bs wrack my frame. I do not

notice that Marco is standing before me until he puts his arm around my shoulder.

“Are you hurt?” He asks softly.

My head flies upwards to meet his grim, shuttered gaze and anger shoots through

my blood stream. I edge away, dislodging his hand from my shoulders.

“Don’t you dare touch me, you monster! Stay away from me.”

Those sapphire blue orbs darken with annoyance.

“Watch your mouth, Lily.” He growls.

Oh, the nerve of the man!

I jump to my feet and get in his face, not caring one bit that I am still completely


“How dare you! I was almost raped. Those men touched me…”

“And thankfully I arrived just in time.” He cuts in.

I shake my head at him.

“What exactly did I do to deserve this, Marco? Look at me.” I scream, turning in a

quick circle. My skin is red and swollen where the per vert grabbed me. The pain

in my ar se tells me it might be discolored

“Those men almost raped me, and you just stood there and watched while I

screamed for help. How could you? How could you, Marco!”

My voice is loud and raw but Marco remains completely still, exuding an Oscar

worthy calmness.

“Come on, I need to get a doctor to check on you.”

Completely exhausted, I begin to gather my torn clothes.

“I’m not following you anywhere. I’m going home.”

Marco does not utter a single word. Instead, he walks out of the room. Just as my


is coming to terms with the fact that he’s probably given up on trying to convince

me to go with him, he reappears with an arm full of blankets.


Chapter 12

My eyes narrow at him.

“What are you doing with those?”

“I do not have the time nor patience to argue with you right now,


That being said, he walks up to me and throws the blanket around my shoulders. I

draw in a breath through clenched teeth when his fingers come in contact with the

bare skin. of my neck, sending tingles of awareness up my spine.

Marco lingers, his fingers tracing over a red mark on my arm. We’re standing so

close, I could reach up and brush my lips against his.

When I look up, his

eyes are as dark and dangerous as storm clouds.

“They will never go scotfree for this.” He mutters.

I step back before my traitorous b*dy does something I will later regret, like wrap

my arms around Marco Marcelli and never let go. I turn around to pick the rest of

my shredded clothes.

“I’m going home.” I announce.

“No can do, princess.” Marco growls behind me.

Before I can put up any form of resistance, he lifts me into his arms and quickly

makes for the door. Shocked, I wrap my arms around his neck reflexively.

“Where are you taking me?”

He stares straight ahead, his face hard and serious.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“To find some answers, then you’re spending the night with me.”

My heart thuds at his lightly spoken words. What the hell?

“I am not spending the night with you. Why would I do that?”

“We’ll see, cara.”

I remain silent as Marco navigates the short distance to the dressing room, then I

remember the way the girls mocked me earlier and begin to have second


“Um….can I dress up somewhere else?”

He looks sharply at me.


Chapter 12

1 lower

my gaze.

“I just don’t feel comfortable in there.”

“Well, too bad because that is where I intend to find the answers I need.”

My stomach tightens into knots as Marco opens the door, revealing the plush

dressing room and the ladies from earlier. The room instantly becomes hushed as

we both step


More girls had joined them and they all openly stare at us, eyes wide with

surprise. Some of the girls openly give me cold, hard looks. What the hell did I do?

The tall blonde from earlier hurriedly steps forward, her breasts nearly spilling out

of the tight top which barely covers her midriff.

“Mr. Marco. What a pleasant surprise. Do you need something.”

Marco levels her with a cold stare.

“No.” He replies curtly.

Slightly disappointed, her jealous stare burns into me.

“Oh, did Lily do something wrong? I knew she was not fit to work here.”

I freeze. What?

Marco drops me on my feet and I hold the blanket tighter around my b*dy.

“You are not in any position to know if Lily is fit to work here or not, but actually,

that is why I’m here.”

I look at him in surprise.

The room is as silent as a tomb. Mason holds his hands behind his back and

proceeds to walk the length of the room, his gait stiff.

“I have reasons to believe that there has been a sabotage in my establishment.”

A low murmur sweeps through the small crowd but Mason is not done yet.

“Someone in this room attempted to set Lily up. To make her look bad.”

My mouth hangs open in shock as my eyes follow Marco’s every move. What the

hell is he talking about?

“Now, the person or persons who did this know what they did and they know

themselves. I will not call any names. I am giving those persons the opportunity to


Chapter 12

present themselves right here, right now. Otherwise, the consequences will be


Marco’s voice darkens with anger and his Italian accent becomes more

pronounced. I momentarily forget the fact that I was almost S**ually abused a few

moments ago as the tension in the room becomes sharper and sharper.

My eyes scan the room, looking for a hint of someone who knows what Marco is

talking about, but all the ladies have the same look of confusion etched on their


“No one is ready to take responsibility?” Marco asks. The room remains



“Alright then. Axel!”

The man who showed me to the dressing room earlier appears through the doors.

“Yes, sir?”

“Bring the CCTV footages and a computer.”

“Right away, sir.”

I notice that the ladies who were in the room with me earlier begin to look

uncomfortable but I dismiss it.

Within minutes, the computer is set up and the footage drive is plugged in. Before

Marco clicks “play,” he faces the ladies once again.

“Now note that if you are in this footage, you will be personally punished by me. I

you the chance to speak up. Now, you will face my wrath.”


He clicks on the footage and it begins playing. It takes me a minute to realise that

the footage is that of the dressing room’s closet.

The closet is empty at first, then two girls enter, looking very suspicious. One of

them whom I now recognize as the tall blonde carries a black carry-on bag. They

both stalk to the part of the closet with my name on it and open the floor to ceiling


I watch in awe as the second girl acts as the watch men while the blonde replaces

whatever dress was in the wardrobe with the one in her bag.

Realization dawns on me and I go numb with shock. My eyes find the blonde’s

downcast ones.

“You exchanged my outfit?” I ask slowly. “Why?”

She doesn’t reply. Then Marco thunders,


Chapter 12

“She asked you a question, Marcy! I expect you to give her an answer.”

“Because I was jealous!” Marcy blurts, her eyes sharp and remorseless.

“Jealous? Of me? You’re the one who said I wasn’t pretty. You criticized me in this.

very room. Why?”

“I have worked here for two years, but asides from using me for a quick f uck once

in a while, the boss has never given me any attention.” Marcy confesses.

I stag ger backwards in surprise. Marco has slept with Marcy? How many workers

of his has he been sleeping with? And why the hell am I so bothered about it?

It hurt to watch him personally take you to his penthouse. He even asked Axel to

see that you’re settled. It’s not even been up to an hour, but I see the way he

looks at you. Yes, I exchanged the dress so you could be punished…so the boss

would hate you for chasing away his high paying clients. And I would do it all over


“I… I don’t know what to say.” I whisper.

“Why the hell are you so special, anyways? I’m prettier, I’m…”

“That’s enough, Marcy!” Marco thunders and the room falls silent once more. I

merely stand there, trying to understand the whole situation.

I was almost raped because someone was jealous of me?



have done is unacceptable, Marcy, and you will be punished.” Marco


“But sir…”

“I said that’s enough.” His eyes glint with anger. “Starting today, you no longer

have a job here. Pack your stuff and evacuate the building immediately.”

I watch as Marcy’s eyes widen with horror.

“Sir, please…”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“You can either chose to do this quietly or I’ll call security. Your pick.”

Marcy stomps her foot on the ground, lifts her chin and sails out of the room.

Before she leaves, she levels me with a venomous stare.

“You will pay for this.” She sneers.

When she’s finally out of the room, Marco turns to the ladies once more.

“Tricia. Leave.” He says simply, but his voice is anything but…it’s dark and


Chapter 12

The second girl from the CCTV footage leaves the room as well, head bent. Trying

to argue with Marco Marcelli is pointless.

“Now let me sound this as a warning. Any one who attempts to try and outsmart

me in my own establishment will be dismissed immediately. I do not listen to

pleadings and I do not give second chances. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir.” The ladies chorus.


Marco walks over without another word, lifts me in his arms and exits the

Completely exhausted, I let my head fall back on his shoulder and shut my eyes,

trying to process all of tonight’s events.

The next thing I feel is being deposited on a bed that is soft as the clouds.

I open my eyes by a fraction to find Marco leaning over me, his gaze intense. My

heart twists as I take in his chiseled jaw and beautiful

yes. He’s close enough that I can make out the thick fringe of his lashes and the

light dusting of grey hair on his temple which I realize with a start that I find

incredibly se xy.

Get a grip of yourself, Lily, you hate the man, my subconscious yells.

“The doctor will be here to see you in a little while.” He says softly.

I try to sit up but he pushes me back against the pillows with a gentle pressure on

my shoulders

“Stay put, Lily.” He orders.

“I don’t need a doctor. I want to go home.”

“And I’ve already told you that you’re not going anywhere. You stay with me

tonight and that is final.”

Annoyance shoots through my blood.

“I don’t want to spend the night here. Take me home or get someone to do it.”

I’m aware of the fact that I sound like a petulant teenager, but I don’t think I can

trust my traitorous b*dy enough to spend an entire night with this man without

craving for the forbidden.

“Arguing with me will get you nowhere.”

Suddenly, his phone chimes and he looks down quickly.

“The doctor’s here.”


Chapter 12

I roll my eyes and look away. Marco leads the doctor into the room and twenty

minutes of intense check up later, he proclaims me alright, prescribes some

medicine for my swellings and discolorations and is sent on his merry way.

I raise my brows at Marco when he doesn’t follow the doctor out of the room.

“We need to get that make up off you.”


pause. Huh?


He stalks towards me, his gait slow but sure. Within seconds, he’s leaning over

me once more, effectively taking all of my personal space.

“I don’t think I made myself clear, Lily. I will be giving you a bath. Right now.”