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When I Was a Wallflower (Leo and Amelie)

Chapter 149
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Chapter 149

“You should know that, as a child of the Alston Family, Bria absolutely shouldn’t grow up in a chaotic

environment because she’ll become the face of the Alstons in the future. So, she deserves the best of

the best and should be nurtured in the best environment possible,

Right after the words left Henry’s lips, Melissa sprang to her feet and lectured, “Bria is also your child,

and you do hope that she could be given all the opportunities available to her, yes? The Alstons are her

real family, and we’re the only ones who will truly treat her well. Isn’t that right?”

Amelie was still in a daze that Leo was capable of such despicable means to obtain the custody rights of

Brianna. She couldn’t even bring herself to say a word until she heard Melissa’s shameless remarks and

immediately snapped back to her senses.

Then, she met Melissa’s arrogant stare with her piercing, cold gaze. “Mrs. Alston, oh, how you sing. Bria

has lived with the Alstons for four years, but can you actually say with a clear conscience that she has

been treated with care by the Alstons?” She pursed her lips as she curled her lips into a derisive smile.

She couldn’t be bothered to beat about the bush at this point as she exposed the truth, “You’re going all

out now simply because you’ll lose face if Bria isn’t raised in the Alston Family. Unfortunately for you,

your reputation is less than the dirt beneath my feet. So, there is no way I will destroy my daughter and

her future because of your hoity-toity needs!”

Her frank manner and blunt delivery hit Melissa’s face like a harsh slap as all the blood drained from her


Amelie had hit the bullseye with her assumptions. As a result, Melissa couldn’t help clenching her fists

from embarrassment and shame.

Alas, she was Melissa Richards, after all. She was used to being pandered to by Amelie, so she wouldn’t

allow herself to be beaten so easily. Thus, she dismissed Amelie’s words with a wave of her hand as she


but i retorted, “That’s nonsense! Indeed, I didn’t interfere when Bria was at the Alstons’, but that’s

because she’s your child, and I didn’t think it was right of me to stick my nose into your business. You’re

the one who failed to use this opportunity well and turned her into a person as timid as a mouse. But

now, you’re blaming us for being heartless?! If I had known that you would be this way, I would have

never placed Bria in your care for even a minute! Maybe Bria wouldn’t be so meek!”

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“In my opinion, she’s already brilliant as is! I would say I’m sorry that she doesn’t meet your expectations

of brilliance, but I’m not,” Amelie snapped right after Melissa finished speaking. Her beautiful, small face

was exceptionally calm as she smiled proudly. “It’s exactly because she left the Alstons that she finally

had a chance to shine. That house is too oppressive for her, and she doesn’t fit there at all.”

She stared at Melissa with her eyes that seemed as though they could see through all of Melissa’s

schemes. The so-called chance to take Brianna in hand that Melissa mentioned was merely an excuse.

A terrible one, at that. If she sincerely adored Brianna, she wouldn’t have given her attitude every single


Back then, Amelie didn’t bring up the custody of the child during the divorce because she knew that the

Alstons never genuinely cared for Bria. Nevertheless, there was also a part of her that still decided to


not throwing things out in the open and allowing Leo to use Bria’s custody as a way to threaten her.

As long as she didn’t bring it up, everyone could save their reputation and make the appropriate


On the other hand, if someone brought this topic up, it would send the Alstons into thinking that they

could use fighting for Bria’s custody to sweeten their image.

She really shouldn’t have placed any hope that they would be decent people, especially since the reality

was currently proving that everything was moving right along her worst-case scenario.

Since Amelie was now fully aware that the Alstons were planning to use Brianna like a tool and discard

her once she was useless to them, as a mother, she couldn’t allow nor could she stomach such a thing

from happening to her precious daughter.

Melissa snorted indifferently the second Amelie made her stance clear. “You taught her to perform for the

public and made her your money-making tool at such a young age. Is that what you mean by brilliant? At

the end of the day, you’re just from a humble and poor family. You’re so shortsighted!”

Melissa had always looked down on Amelie’s family background right from the beginning, but now that

Amelie was her for, she was downright boorish to Amelie.

Nonetheless, Amelie wasn’t mad at her as she chuckled lightly. “So, you mean that she has to be

excellent in music, arts, and performance so that she could perform on a bigger stage in the future?”

Melissa nodded without hesitation. “Of course.”

“Aren’t you asking her to perform for the public as well? Amelie pointed out immediately. “What’s the

difference between performing on a big stage and a small one?”


“Aren’t you acting just like a brothel pimp by forcing her to pick up something she’s not interested in so

that she could perform in public?”

Her forthright comparison was so candid that it completely ruined the beautiful castle Melissa had

conjured in her mind.

Moreover, Melissa had never been compared to a brothel pimp before. Hence, she became livid as her

face turned sullen, and she slammed the desk strongly with her fist. “How dare you!”

At this rate, she could no longer maintain her superiority and self-importance. Instead, her scowl was so

ferocious and twisted that even her meticulously maintained face turned ugly beyond words.

Not only that, even her voice thundered in the room. Her current demeanor was such a 180 from her

elegant, poised ways.

could no longer cause Amelie to experience any mental breakdowns and remained calm as she



She was so composed that she was akin to a beautiful sculpture-graceful and peaceful. To an outsider, it

even seemed that she would remain standing even if a hurricane hit her.

Compared to her, Melissa suddenly realized she was like a fool jumping around in anger!

“Mrs. Alston, if you really want the best for Bria, you should let her live with me. If you insist on taking her

away by force, I’m afraid we’ll have to go through the legal procedures,” Amelie said dispassionately, her



Regardless, that only emphasized her resolute attitude, and her last statement made it crystal clear!

“Hah! Since you don’t know what’s better for you, I’ll do as you wish!” Melissa was wholly infuriated and

couldn’t bear to stay a minute longer. Thus, she stomped out in her heels after spitting out her piece,

leaving the guest lounge in a huff.

Meanwhile, Henry glared at Amelie with his beady eyes and dashed after Melissa without a word.

Amelie only slumped into the chair when they vanished from her sight, as though all the energy had been

sucked out of her during that conversation.

The last thing she wanted to see had happened in the end, and this wouldn’t be the only time. She knew

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the Alstons would only keep coming after her like mad dogs frothing at the mouth. It was highly likely

they would

continue to harass her about this.

How can I stop all these meaningless fights? she wondered wearily.

As she was deep in thought, she didn’t even notice the sounds of heels clicking from outside the door.

So, she didn’t even raise her head in welcome when Julia appeared at the door a few seconds later.

“I saw that b*tch in the hallway earlier. What happened? Did she come here to cause you trouble again?”

Julia demanded impatiently the second she pushed the door open.

Amelie gave her a nod and gave her a brief rundown of the situation earlier.

“That b*stard is totally shameless!” Julia exclaimed in fury after listening to Amelie’s side of the tale.

“They’re fighting for the child’s custody because of their reputation? What are they taking Bria for? A toy

or a robot? Elie, we can’t let them have their way regarding this matter. Even if we have to stake

everything we have, we have to get Bria to stay with us!”

Amelie simply sighed in reply.

If the price to pay was merely putting everything she had at stake, there was nothing she couldn’t let go

of. Yet, she was worried that the Alstons were determined to fight for Brianna. When she considered all


She lowered her head and thought this over for a while before abruptly jumping to her feet. “I need to go

somewhere. Don’t wait up!”

Then, she hastily brushed past Julia like a gust of wind, going all the way to Genesis.

When Amelie arrived at the building, she raised her head silently and stared at the skyscraper that

seemed to reach the clouds. Then, all of a sudden, she was dragged back to the past, where she was

bedridden for a long time when her eyes were infected after donating her cornea.

That time, even though she was still not out of danger, she was unafraid and even excited.

Her head was filled with thoughts that after Leo recovered his sight, he would receive recognition from

the Alston Family and be the master of this building.

So, this was the first place she visited after she recovered.

Back then, the building wasn’t as tall as it is now, and neither was the company as rich, but she still

couldn’t suppress her giddy joy.

So, she decided to pay Leo a surprise visit with bouncy steps and a happier heart. Well, they did meet,

but the situation wasn’t what she had imagined.

While she was deep in her thoughts, someone approached her. The instant they laid their gaze on her,

their eyes were filled with coldness and enmity. “What are you doing here?”