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Untouchable by Marii Solaria

Chapter 110
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Chapter 21 - The Sacred Book "The best secrets are the most twisted."-Sara Shepard Kiya "We're going to put a stop to this, Kiki. I promise." The distance between my friend andis less than an inch, but her voice sounded like it was miles away. It garbles and jumbles like a faulty telephone connection. None of her words registered; it kicked them out as the recent exposé ricochets around my mind.

I'm marked like a dog urinating on its favorite tree.

I'm not an object, yet I'm treated like one. I don't know what Osiris has planned and the possibilities alarm me. That malevolent being is cloaked in a cloud of mystery-hovering about, laying cryptic messages forto decipher. Despite a protection barrier cast over the territory, Osiris still has a chance of slipping through.

But he isn't the only adversary that needs to be dealt with.

There's Odessa the surly traitor and Jonathan the petulant psychopath. Two enemies that couldn't be any more alike, yet so drastically different. One wantsdead, and the other wantsobedient. Both are going to catch these fists in their jaws.

Bubble and boil. Trouble and toil. Once again, my anger rises to the occasion. Flowing throughlike hot lava, it sizzles and steams in my veins. It dances across my nerve endings, building tempo and speed the more. it gathers. The hatred of how my life has becis tangible enough forto hug, sinking into my soul.

How hard is it forto get sf*cking happiness? "I know," I growl softly. "I rather it be sooner than later. I'm dealing with so much shit and it's a wonder why I haven't lost my mind yet." "You're a formidable woman, Kiya." "Well, sometimes I'm tired of being strong." I vent, rubbing my temples as pressure builds up in my head. "I deserve a f*cking break! Odessa is on my a*s twenty-four-seven because she's convinced that I stole Neron away when I didn't want the man in the first place, Jonathan is forcingto accept Neron as my mate and to shut up and make babies, and now Osiris has markedfor who-the-hell-knows-what! Why can't I just lie in my bed and eat pie?!" "You did that once. You ate four pies in a row." "One tI ate seven, but the flavor was Boston CrPie and it was delicious! No regrets." I giggle at the recollection of when Mom cinto my room and chastisedfor consuming all that sugar. Her words fell on deaf ears because I promptly passed into a pie coma minutes after.

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Mom bannedfrom eating pies for a full month.

Phoebe smiles. Her hand gently brushed against my curls with her magic fingers sinking into my scalp. I'm a stickler about who I let touch my hair, but her gentleness is always welcome. "You out of us all know how life refuses to be merciful. No matter how much we beg or pray, it throws us into more turmoil. I'm not saying 1/5 Chapter 21+ The Sacred Book you're strong because of the trauma you went through, you're strong because it's ingrained in your character and your spirit. No matter how dark things get, your light will shine through." "I know." Her fingers sunkinto deep serenity. A purr escaped my lips as my head rests on her shoulder. "Please keep doing that." "I will as long as you answer a question for me." My ears perked up in curiosity. "Go ahead." "You sai said Jonathan is forcing you to mate with his son. Do you know why?" "He always alluded to Neron potentially sharing my power and whatnot." I shrug nonchalantly. Jonathan's reasons aren't and will never be enough to convinceto accept his son as my destined partner. No way, no how. "I don't know how much truth there is to that." "Hmm." Suddenly, a thought struck me. Holy shit, how could I forget about that? Leaping off my bed like a kangaroo, I scamper to my closet and began throwing my clothes every which way to find what I'm looking for. If there's one thing that can reflect how my life is my messy closet. "It's in here somewhere! I know it is!" "Uh...Kiya?" Phoebe questions, but I ignore her to find the book. In no time, I found the old, leather-bound book. The Legend of the White Wolf. The faint memory of finding this book and cracking it open for the first tplayed like a movie reel. It was a fascinating read, but also terrifying. The desire to protect the book is strong now as it was back then. I hid this book since my awakening, but I never found the courage to open it again.

as Maybe I'm being ridiculous. Whether anyone believes me, being an avatar is overwhelming. No matter the god or goddess they represent, there's always the element of danger. We have to remain cautious and our powers can create chaos. Osiris is proof of that-an avatar who's evil. Deep in my heart, light, and goodness reign supreme.

Should I be grateful that I'm an all-powerful white wolf? Perhaps the most powerful werewolf alive? I don't know. But it's a burden. All I ever wanted was to be a normal werewolf. Now, I'm a supercharged werewolf who can bend moon-energy with f*ckers of all types coming after me.

"I found this about a month back in the library here." Walking over, I hand Phoebe the book. Purple eyes widened with amazement and curiosity. Her nimble fingers gently caressed the brown leather cover before maneuvering to the silver lock. She flipped the book over to be met with disappointment from a lacking title or other identifying markers.

"Power radiates from within. It's intense. Dare I say that it's beautiful, But, there's an element of mystery. It appears to not have a lock nor a key." "Not in the way you think." I picked up a needle from my vanity and pricked a finger until a decent-sized drop of blood cout. Pressing my nicked finger to the lock, the book sang a sharp 'Click!". The witch blinked, delicately opening and flipping through the ancient pages.

"Wow! Have you read it?" "I didn't go past the first page before the craziness settled in. I, kind of, forgot about it. Everything was Chapter 21. The Sacred Book overwhelming at the tand this would have made it worse." "Ah, I understand." Phoebe becabsorbed in the book, flipping through the pages as if she's alone in my room. Her mind took in the new information, processed it, and stored it in her long-term memory. She soaked up knowledge like a sponge. Back home, Phoebe is a demure woman often found reading from a scroll, a spell book, or just a normal book at her home. She's a bookworm-and the smartest person I know. We're the sage, but she is glutted with wisdom.

"Found anything interesting?" "I might have found why Jonathan is adamant about you and Neron mating." Her delicate finger points to a passage several pages deep in the book.

It is a known fact that white wolves are coveted for their extraordinary powers. None can deny that they are sacred and special. The first recorded white wolf was found in 3000 BCE after Selene created the first werewolves. Her nis unknown, but rumors speculate she was a beautiful maiden of the Aegean Islands desired by humans and werewolves alike.

However, maliciousness also desired her and thus began the hunts. As more white wolves are born from Selene's hand through the centuries, the danger continued to heighten until our beloved Goddess helped birth a white wolf once per century.

Her sacred child is a solitary creature. As it is common for all wolves to have a mate, the white wolf also has one. However, because of their hunts for their powers and blood, they die willingly or unwillingly before they have tto find their fated partner. There are no known living wolves who are descendants of a white wolf.

If by chance, a white wolf is mated and bears children, they create a unique and powerful bloodline where their offspring possess innate powers directly passed down from them. As for their fated mate, they have a share of their power and thus beca formidable werewolf themselves. However, the mate of the white wolf must be pure of heart because the power of the avatar can corrupt if darkness is more prominent in their hearts than light.

The mate will never be on the slevel of power as the white wolf, but they will be akin to a powerful king or queen. They will be stronger, faster than average, and nearly unstoppable if they wield their new powers wisely. Selene is incredibly cautious when designing the sacred partner for her treasured children, but they are not exempt from the consecrated rules of mating. If the white wolf forsakes their fated partner, no matter the circumstance, they are free to select another wolf as their mate and they will receive power.

This is speculation. There has been no recording of a fully mated white wolf. If one white wolf defies all odds and successfully mates, it will change the course of history.

I blinked.

Phoebe blinked.

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Jonathan wantsto mate with Neron to make him equal to a king. To give him prosperity. To have him set for life. He wouldn't care less if I was unhappy. Once again, I'm treated as an object-a tool.

It didn't surprise me. There's no doubt in my mind that Jonathan still hates me. He still blamesfor the death of his wife and daughter. All that talk about regretting the abuse is bullshit. It's his way of luringinto a false sense of safety, so I forgive everyone on a whim.

I rather hug the flames of hell than to abide by his wishes. I have forgiven no one, and it isn't starting soon. Chapter 21-The Sacred Boring One day, Jonathan will know that his actions will also grant his son unhappiness.

"That is, if you don't kill him first.' A voice rang in my head. Startled, I smack it away. It's not my thoughts or Artemis", Intrusive thoughts appear here and there, but something tellsit's more than that.

"You said you found this in the Zircon Library?" Phoebe asks. I nod. Her face contorts in confusion. "That's strange." "What makes you say that?" you say that?"

"Well." She began. "This book is very important. And Selene's avatars are the only ones who can unlock itm which is why it responded to your blood. No one can read the contents but yourself. Since white wolves are born once every century, that rule has sealed this book for over a hundred years." "I understand that," I mutter. "So the last avatar, whoever they were, would've had this book last if they were alive to open it. Could the last avatar have been a part of this pack?" "I don't think so." Phoebe shook her head. "It sounds like Selene chooses her representatives at random, or has she told you how she selected you?" "She hasn't toldyet. Even the book says her choices are a mystery. The last tI spoke to her, she just said that I'm destined to do great things." "Maybe it's tyou pay her a visit." My friend smiles, handingthe book. “And have an actual conversation with her. Although, I'm still curious why this pack had this book in the first place. It should've been kept somewhere special, even buried!" A thought struck my head. "If Selene chooses her avatars at random, why would Jonathan have this? He said his ancestors held onto it and it's considered an antique. There's no way they would've known I'd be born into Zircon."

"It's quite possible." Phoebe countered. "There are oracles out there that predict the future. Maybe Jonathan himself or someone in his family line cin contact with one and they told them this would happen. It's the only logical explanation why they kept this legendary book for so long."

A chill coiled around my spine and settled its weight on top of the we're think what vertebrae. Something about this alluded to something bigger and perhaps more sinister than what NO we're thinking. They kept this book, which means they were desperately hoping the next avatar is born in their community. Coupled with Jonathan's crude actions towards me, there's more. Nothing about this is of pure intention, especially with the history of white wolves/ avatars being hunted and killed. I can't trust Jonathan. I can't trust Neron, either.

No one in this pack is trustworthy.

And I feel another betrayal is on the way.