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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 621
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Chapter 621 Being Mean On Purpose

As intense discussions continued on the Web, Derrick organized a press conference.

Amelia accompanied Tiffany to attend it. Oscar and Derrick were there too.

Amelia asked, “Tiff, are you nervous?”

“I’m not nervous. I’ve been to all kinds of author fan meetings and am long used to it. Therefore, a few

reporters do not bother me,” Tiffany answered confidently. She had enough of being pushed around by

these persistent reporters for the past few days. Therefore, she was eager to teach them a lesson.

Amelia helped Tiffany smoothen the wrinkles on her skirt and said, “Still, it is better to be cautious.

These reporters are sly and skilled at creating headlines to grab the public’s attention. Thus, you have

to be careful with what you say.”

“I know. I will catch these reporters unprepared,” Tiffany replied confidently.

Once everything was ready, a coordinator came to them and said, “Ms. Winters, it’s almost time. You

can enter the press conference whenever you are ready.”

“Sure.” Tiffany tidied her skirt and walked onto the stage as the host introduced her. She answered

questions from the reporters calmly.

Amelia stood and watched below the stage. She said with a smile, “Tiff has grown up. I have never

seen how she was at work. Now, I finally saw her charismatic side.”

Oscar wrapped his arms around her waist and replied, “There are good reasons why she became a

best-selling author. She is sharp and thinks quickly on her feet. Although she seems clumsy, she is

skilled in dealing with work and people.”

Amelia looked up at Oscar with a smile. “Oscar, Tiff would be elated if she hears you praising her like


Oscar smirked and did not comment.

The press conference went on for an hour. The reporters kept posing all kinds of questions to Tiffany.

They asked whether she plagiarized her and posed questions about Oscar and Julian’s

investment in it. Then, they asked about Tiffany’s love life.

Tiffany answered their questions professionally. Concerning the question about her love life, she smiled

and said, “My boyfriend is the employer in my present company. He was the one who discovered my

writing talent and is also a strict employer with me. He is also the boyfriend that had been with me

since the beginning. Our relationship is strong, and we have plans to get married soon. I hope

everyone will celebrate the wedding with us.”

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The reporters in attendance quickly wrote down what they heard and followed up with many more

questions. Tiffany answered them one by one.

After the reporters left, Tiffany walked down from the stage. Derrick went to her and kissed her on her

lips as if no one was around. “Tiff, you finally willing to admit that I am your boyfriend.”

Tiffany hit his chest playfully.

“Tiff, you are amazing.” Amelia came over and complimented Tiffany.

“Babe, thank you for staying here for me.” Tiffany thanked Amelia sincerely.

Amelia wanted to reply something, but a loud commotion sounded from behind her.

Amelia and Tiffany glanced in the direction of the noise and saw Kate.

Kate was a beautiful woman. Her beauty exceeded most actresses. Furthermore, she usually kept a

low profile. Therefore, her sudden appearance stunned the reporters who were packing their things.

The other staff on the scene also stopped what they were doing and stared at Kate walk in like a


Tiffany clenched her fists unconsciously. Her heart was beating rapidly.

Derrick held her clenched hand and quietly channeled his strength to her.

Tiffany glanced at him and looked into his eyes. She instantly understood what he wanted to tell her.

I am here. Don’t be scared.

Tiffany’s heart calmed instantly.

Kate came to them and smiled. “Oscar is here too. Seems like a lively press conference.”

Oscar gave her a polite nod.

Derrick asked, “Mom, what brings you here?”

Kate smiled and replied, “I just wanted to look at the woman who plagiarized her . I was curious

about how she could get the heir of Clinton Corporations and a young man from the Hayes family to

help her. Of course, let’s not forget my silly son’s unconditional assistance.”

Derrick furrowed his brow.

“Mom, I have reserved a place for dinner. Why don’t you join us? We can talk then,” Derrick said.

Thankfully, Kate did not cause a scene. She nodded and said, “Sure, let’s have dinner. I do feel a little


Then, they headed to the restaurant Derrick reserved. The hostess led them to a private dining room.

Then, the hostess brought three menus. Oscar passed his menu to Amelia, while Derrick gave his

menu to Tiffany. On the other hand, Kate took a menu and said icily, “My son still doesn’t know the food

I like even after all these years and only cares about another woman. It seems I have failed quite badly

as a mother.”

Hearing Kate, Amelia and Tiffany turned to Kate at the same time.

Tiffany said, “Mrs. Hisson, I remember you liked black pepper steak. Let me order it for you.”

Kate replied, “Tiffany, I don’t know whether you have done this intentionally. I have weak digestion. The

doctor advised me to avoid spicy food. Yet, you wish to order something spicy for me. What are you

getting at?”

Tiffany turned pale.

Amelia tried to salvage the situation and said with a smile, “Mrs. Hisson, Oscar and I have dined here

before. The duck casserole is quite nice. It is fragrant and flavorful. If you would like to try it, I can order


Kate smiled and replied, “Amelia, you’re the best. No wonder Oscar loves you so much. You are kind

and thoughtful. If I have a daughter-in-law like you, I would never complain.” In other words, it meant

she disliked having Tiffany as her daughter-in-law.

Tiffany took the menu back mutely and looked down at it.

Meanwhile, Amelia’s smile stiffened slightly. “Mrs. Hisson, you’re too kind.”

Then, she remained silent too.

After ordering the food and giving instructions to the server, the private dining room sank into silence

for some time.

After a minute of silence, Kate chuckled and said, “Oscar, I heard you have invested in the film

adaptation of Tiffany’s . People said that she plagiarized other people’s work for this . There

is an uproar about it on the Internet. How magnanimous of you to have invested in such a trashy and

plagiarized . I’m quite impressed.”

Tiffany’s hand trembled on the table. Her expression darkened.

Derrick’s eyes flashed with anger as he said, “Mom!”

Kate smiled at Derrick and said gently, “What’s wrong?”

Derrick frowned and said, “Mom, I published Tiff’s and knew the story better than anyone.

Therefore, I assure you that there is no plagiarism. Furthermore, she is a talented author. Otherwise,

how is she able to impress numerous readers? She is now a best-selling author. As her boyfriend, I am

proud of her. If I marry her, I would have no regrets.”

Kate’s smile faded slightly.

She sent Derrick an inscrutable gaze. Then, her expression fell as she turned to Oscar and Amelia.

“Derrick, are you saying I am deliberately causing her trouble?” Kate said indignantly.

Kate’s sudden accusation made everyone tense.

Suddenly, the hostess served the food and eased the tension in the air.

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Once the food had arrived, the hostess said, “Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy your meal.”

After the hostess left, Kate smiled as if she did not lose her temper just now.

“Derrick, have some baked cod. I remember you loved this.” Kate suddenly behaved like a gentle and

loving mother.

Amelia and Tiffany exchanged glances and saw the frustration in each other’s eyes.

Kate smiled and said, “Oscar, this plagiarism issue must have caused you many problems. Please

don’t blame Derrick. It is the fault of certain talentless someone who insists on taking others as their

own. My son, Derrick, is an extremely patient man. Otherwise, he couldn’t have started a company by


Oscar replied briefly, “It’s not a problem.”

Kate ignored his disinterest and continued cheerfully, “Oscar, you are an outstanding man. That is why

you have the beautiful Amelia as your wife. I hope Derrick will marry a daughter from a wealthy family.

However, he refuses to listen to me and keeps infuriating me.”

Oscar put some food on Amelia’s plate before turning to Kate and saying, “Mrs. Hisson, are you saying

my god-sister is nothing compared to others? Tiffany is like a sister to me. I won’t stand and do nothing

if something happens to her. Perhaps, are you saying that the Clintons are unworthy of the Hissons?”

Kate blinked in disbelief. “Oscar, are you joking?”

“I don’t think this is something that one should joke about. Don’t you agree?” Oscar replied.

Kate’s smile faded, and the atmosphere in the room instantly became tense.

For the rest of the dinner, everyone had something on their mind. Thus, the dinner was awkward.

Kate checked her delicate fingers and smiled like a noble lady. “Oscar, Amelia, I enjoyed the dinner

with you tonight. Let’s meet up for a meal again one day.”

After that, she turned to Derrick and said, “Derrick, can you send me home? I haven’t had the chance

to talk to you properly for a long time. I missed spending time with you.”

Derrick immediately turned to Tiffany.

Tiffany said, “Derrick, you should send Mrs. Hisson back. I can go back with Amelia and Oscar.”

“Be careful. Remember to call me once you are home, okay?” Derrick could not help but worry and

reminded her.

Kate’s expression darkened as she watched Derrick and Tiffany’s interaction.

“Derrick, it’s time to go.” Kate entered the car straightaway. Thus, Derrick had no choice but to get in

the car too.

Meanwhile, Tiffany watched Derrick’s car moving away and sighed defeatedly.

“Tiff, don’t worry. We are here with you.” Amelia went to Tiffany and comforted her.

“Let’s leave too.” Tiffany headed to the car and sat in the backseat.

Amelia said helplessly, “Oscar, let’s go.”

Then, Oscar and Amelia got into the driver seat and front passenger seat respectively.