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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 144
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Chapter 144 You’d Better Enjoy Life While You Can

In the interrogation room, Yvonne looked at Jenny sitting on the opposite side. The corners of her lips.

lifted slightly but quickly returned to a frown.

“Miss Jenny, my brother was wrong for what he did before. That’s why I told him to apologize to you. You

said you had forgiven him, so I thought you had. I didn’t think…”

She covered her face and wept.

Jenny said nothing, watching Yvonne’s performance with a cold look on her face.

“You could have handed it to the authorities even if he had done something wrong. Why did you kill him?

He was so young. How could you do it?”

Yvonne’s words implied that Jenny was truly a murderer. She completely ignored the fact that the

evidence wasn’t inconclusive and Jenny was still just a suspect.

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Jenny leaned back against the chair. It was a long while before she spoke. “The police haven’t even

labeled me as a murderer yet. Why do you think I killed Steven?”

“Who else could it be? Your fingerprints are on the weapon,” Yvonne said, her eyes red.

Jenny smiled. She leaned forward and looked at Yvonne with interest. “Someone is framing me on

purpose. Aren’t you curious to know who it is? What if it’s an enemy of the Dickmans?”

Yvonne frowned. She couldn’t understand why Jenny could be so calm. The evidence clearly pointed to

her. Where had her boldness come from?

“You’re quiet. Do I have enough reason to suspect that you, Miss Yvonne, have a reason to kill, too?”

Jenny smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

“Nonsense!” Yvonne roared, but panic seared through her heart. “Steven is my brother. How could I kill

him? Don’t fuck things up just because you want to!”

“I’ve heard your dad is sexist and never took you seriously. He would rather entrust the company to

Steven instead of you. Yet, you dare say that you don’t hate him. Now that Steven’s dead, your dad will

have no choice but to entrust the company to you. Isn’t that right? You’re the one who benefits from this.”

If Yvonne’s plot succeeded, she would be killing two birds with one stone-Steven and Jenny, that is. It

was a good calculation.

Jenny’s words were heard not just by Yvonne but also by George Dickman and Joe Chapman. They both

wore grim expressions because what Jenny was saying made sense.

Yvonne was panicking. She suspected that Jenny knew everything. Why else would she say stuff like

that? But she didn’t lose her mind just yet. As long as Jenny didn’t have definitive proof, it was all just


She scoffed and said, “Do you think you can run from your crimes just because of all this nonsense

you’re saying?”

“No one can escape the law. That includes the both of us, Yvonne.” A smirk hung on Jenny’s lips as if

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she were the prosecutor.

Yvonne was flustered. She didn’t want to keep the conversation going with Jenny, fearing that she would

say more damning things. She got up angrily and snorted coldly. “There’s no use in denying your wrongs.

I’ll be waiting for your judgment.”

“Well, then, you’d better enjoy life while you can. After all, you might even receive your punishment


I receive mine.” Jenny smiled. Her face made Yvonne gnash her teeth in hatred.

Yvonne left the interrogation room, and Jenny glared at her coldly. Once she was gone, Jenny suddenly

looked up at the surveillance camera. The people on the other side were watching intently, and when she

turned to look at them, they were startled.

“Does…does she know that we’re watching?” Mr. Chapman murmured. He thought Jenny was
