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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 746
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Jake moved quickly to leave the altar. He knew what he saw was not real. "Master used his spiritual sense to attack my Soul Seal, makinghallucinate, ' he thought.

The next moment, he rushed out of the altar.

Looking around, he heaved a sigh of relief. But before he steadied himself, he found himself back with Tyson and Gordon.

"What's it, Jake? Why did you suddenly run out?" Tyson and Gordon asked, frowning.

When the two noted the illusions around the altar and Jake's response, they had a bad feeling.

Upon realizing that he was back to the altar, Jake knitted his eyebrows.

"Hump. Looks like the master has abandoned us. | think the three of us will also be part of the sacrifice like those who are tied behind us," Jake answered, while looking around desperately.

"No way! Why would he do that?" Tyson and Gordon gaped at Jake in shock. They couldn't believe what Jake was implying.

"Ha-ha! My good boys. I've waited for so many years for this moment to come, and now | have finally assembled all these high- quality spiritual souls.

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In fact, | have been getting worse in the past years. If | don't get treatment soon, my injuries will not recover and I'll end up dying due to overtaxing the little spiritual energy available.

So this tit is a must that | use Sacrifice Array to heal my wounds and I'll make sure that it works.

The three of you are at the Master Realm and so there are four Master Realm cultivators in total including the unconscious one.

Besides, I've got over two hundred Imperial Realm warriors. | believe that I'll get better.

It's tfor you to return my kindness." As the illusions around the altar changed quickly, Jim's voice reached his disciples’ ears.

"You're right, Jake. Master will really kill us." Tyson and Gordon finally understood their master's twisted plot.

"Master, | have been loyal to you. Please letgo." "Master, please spare my life. | will do anything for you!" Panicked, Tyson and Gordon pleaded with their master who was outside the altar "Save it. Haven't you known and seen his true colors? He is an insidious, cunning and ruthless old fellow. Now that he has decided to sacrifice us, he will not let you go even if you beg him.

If you really want to survive this, you better calm down and try to find a way out." Jake snorted.

Seeing the other two crying and begging for mercy, Jake could not help sneering at their ill-advised attempt at survival. He was a shrewd and composed man. He knew that pleading wouldn't make Jim change his mind.

"You're also trapped here just like everyone else. No one can keep alive if we don't find a way out," Jake said, as he turned to address the fifty City Guardians.

"Sir, is Mr. Jim really planning to sacrifice all of us?" "What should we do? We have been faithful to him. How could he treat us like this?" The fifty City Guardians were also aware of their difficult predicament. When Jim talked to his disciples using his spiritual sense, he had not bothered to conceal his response. So they all heard his words.

As tticked by, they got flustered and began to panic.

"Sir, we can't just sit and do nothing. Now that Mr. Jim is so cruel to us, we should stand against him.

We should find a way and fight our way out." There was sfearless City Guardians who tried to persuade their leaders.

"What do you think we should do right now, Jake?" Tyson and Gordon inquired, fixing their eyes on Jake.

They both knew that Jake was better than them in both strength and intelligence.

"What else can we do? We have no choice but to work together and try to break out.

These hallucinations that have trapped us around the altar are caused by countless illusion arrays.

The energy that supports the operations of the illusion arrays is actually the fragments of spiritual energy. The illusions generated by these arrays will invade our Soul Sea and cause visual or auditory hallucinations. The most important fact you should remember is that they may attack people's spiritual souls and make people depressed, insane or even prompt them to commit suicide.

Therefore, the only way to keep yourself from being affected by these illusion arrays is to use your spiritual sense to guard your Soul Sea and your spiritual souls. As long as you can do this, you don't have to be afraid of the illusion arrays and you will get through this.

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Remember not to panic. Even if you have visual or auditory hallucinations, don't go into a panic. You must convince yourself that everything is an illusion. What you see or hear is not real!" Jake said loudly.

He was determined to work with the other cultivators to get out of the altar.

"Untie all the people on the altar. Hurry up!" he urged.

Hence, the three castellans and the fifty City Guardians took actions to untie the Imperial Realm warriors who had been tied to the stone pillars.

There were more than two hundred prisoners present. Since they had been chained up by sacred spiritual weapons, they couldn't break away even though they were at the Imperial Realm.

"Hmmm! The three traitors!" Jim looked upset as he saw his disciples free his prisoners.

"They are trying to get out. That's just wishful thinking." He formed strange seals with his palms and channeled the spiritual sense in his Soul Sea to the seals.

"Start!" With his yelling, a weird scarlet pattern shot from the seal. The pattern formed by spiritual sense was visible and tangible to the naked eye.

In a flash, the pattern went directly under the bottom of the altar.

Thick gray fog gushed out from the ground of the altar. Within the fog, a sea of corpses, blood and many decayed body parts floated around. The strong smell of blood from the broken arms, thighs and heads filled the air, making them feel nauseous.

Countless souls flew around as if they were looking for something. And meanwhile, they kept murmuring, "Where is my flesh? Where is my body?" The souls muttered in a chorus and repeated continuously. Their voices resonated with the whole place. Soon after, all the cultivators on the altar started to feel dizzy.