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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2493
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Powerful as the old demon was, he was yet unable to escape from the siege of so many monsters.


| told you there was no way you could escape."

Austin laughed and chased after Derek in a flash.

With the continuous growth and development of his strength, Austin's current body movement skill was undeniably fast--much like

that of lightning.

Derek tried to use his demonic skills to flee, but Austin caught up with him in no time.

Although he was the grandson of Devil Ancestor Bale, Derek was still young and had not cultivated enough--he was only at the

Fifth Evil Energy Realm.

His strength was equivalent to that of a human cultivator at the premium stage of Immortal Realm.

Moreover, he had been pampered so much in his life, so he had little experience in real and close combat.

Hence, he was ultimately no match for Austin.

The latter released the God-killing Puppet and the demonic avatar and together, they besieged Derek.

"Austin, I'll fight it out with you!"

Derek roared, annoyed and not minding how he was cornered and had no chance to escape.


The dark demonic energy flowed out of his body like burning magma.

A moment later, it condensed into a black armor on his body, covering him like protection.


Two halberds materialized in Derek's hands. They shot out like lightning before turning into two black dragons and rushing at


"Damn it! It's this armor again!"

Austin frowned slightly, staring at the black armor on Derek's body.

This armor was refined personally by Devil Ancestor Bale himself, so it had a terrifying defensive power.


Austin swung his fist, and its violent impact billowed into the air.

With a loud bang, the two black dragons were immediately blown away.

Derek was shocked to learn that Austin's fighting capacity was more terrifying than he had imagined.

Meanwhile, the latter didn't want to waste tanymore. So, he summoned the God-killing Puppet and demonic avatar at the


Instantly, their raging energy engulfed Derek like a roaring sea.


Like being struck by a bolt of powerful lightning, Derek was thrown backwards.

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However, all the energy that attacked Derek was absorbed by the dark evil armor--much to Austin's surprise.

What was more shocking was that even the World Sealing Tabooed Magic of the demonic avatar couldn't seal Derek.

That pitch-black demonic armor had such a formidable and effective defensive power that no martial art could seem to break it.

"Ha ha...

Austin, even if | can't beat you, you can't hurtat all!

| have my grandpa's armor as my shield. There's no way you'll be able to break this!"

Derek laughed wildly.

Although he couldn't defeat Austin, the latter's attacks were useless too.


Austin rushed forward again and threw his powerful punches, throwing Derek in the air again.

However, yet again, it was useless as Derek remained unhurt.

Austin gritted his teeth and dashed towards him again together with the God-killing Puppet and the demonic avatar. He was

determined to conquer the armor and ultimately break it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Austin continuously hit Derek like a man-shaped sandbag--without any plans of stopping until he had fully shattered the armor.

However, that pitch-black diabolic armor kept protecting him tightly.

Moreover, whenever he tried to use his vital energy force to catch Derek, this armor would burst out a powerful magic power, and

shake away his hand.

The armor was like a thick turtle shell that completely protected Derek.

Austin could not hurt him, kill him, or even seize him to say the least!

It was indeed a defensive magic treasure made with a great amount of top-grade natural resources. The Devil Ancestor Bale must

have spent endless energy and ton making this into a really powerful defensive treasure.

Even a grand leader couldn't break it.

So it was not surprising that Austin, of course, would be powerless against it too.


Austin, | will definitely let my grandpa tear you to pieces!"

Derek was so indignant that he could not even describe how he was feeling at that moment.

He was the grandson of Devil Ancestor Bale, but now was just treated like a mere punching bag! This would really make him a

laughing stock once word got out.

"Damn it! This armor can't be broken at all!"

Austin was at a loss, not knowing what to do at that moment.

"Austin, it's impossible for you to catch me!

Just wait. One day, | will let my grandfather avenge me!

Not only you, but all the low living beings in the Immortal End World will die as well!"

Derek arrogantly roared.

His voice and face showed how much he hated Austin to the extreme.

"Austin, can | help you?"

Suddenly, a voice rang out from his Soul Sea.

It was the white-haired old man from the hybrid titan race who was speaking.

"Sir, the defense power of this armor is too strong.

It's too difficult to break it,"

Austin answered.

"Ha-ha! Don't worry.

I am not even afraid of the one made that demonic armor, let alone the armor itself,"

the white-haired old man bragged with a wide smile.

"That's great! Please help me!"

Austin was overjoyed upon hearing it.

Based on the tone of the white-haired old man, he didn't seem to be afraid of the Devil Ancestor Bale at all!

‘Wow! This is surprising! Was the suprgrandmaster of the hybrid titan race really as powerful as that of the sect ancestor?’

At the thought of this, Austin was surprised and ecstatic.

While Austin immersed himself in that thought, the clanking of a huge sound was suddenly heard!

Boom! A blaring sound filled the entire area.

Soon, the impact caused both the sky and the ground to tremble.

In the air, a giant hand, which was dazzling with overwhelming power, suddenly materialized.

Shadows of terrifying dragons and divine elephants constantly flashed on the massive hand.

Then, without any signs, it stretched out and grabbed Derek.

Meanwhile, Austin felt an overwhelming pressure from the sky that suppressed Derek's movements.

At the stime, the diabolic armor seemed to do its job.

It emitted a domineering flood-like power, rushing out like a torrent.

However, it was useless.

Under the dazzling hand, all the demonic power was slowly dissipated and eventually disappeared.


At last, the colossal hand grabbed Derek as if it was catching a mere chick.

"Who did this?

| am the greatest Devil Ancestor Bale! How dare you lay a finger on my grandchild?"

Suddenly, a black light rushed out from Derek's body and transformed into a demon, roaring fiercely.

This was a wisp of the spiritual soul mark of the Devil Ancestor Bale, attached to Derek Luo's Soul Sea.

"What the hell are you talking about? Devil Ancestor Bale? Go to hell!"

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The big hand immediately clenched.


With just a sound, the spiritual soul mark of Devil Ancestor Bale exploded and turned into nothing.


The white-haired old man soon appeared in the sky and landed beside Austin.

He then took Derek in his hand as he was carrying a sack of rice.

At this time, Derek had already fainted and was motionless.

The white-haired old man untied the armor from Derek's body. He then threw Derek and his armor to Austin.

"The armor had the spiritual soul mark left by that old devil. But, don't worry. I've erased it.

You can refine this armor,"

informed the white-haired old man.

"Thank you so much, sir!"

Austin was overjoyed and as he effortlessly caught both Derek and the armor.

If the white-haired old man hadn't intervened in this fight, Austin would not have the chance to possess the armor at all.

Yet on second thought, Austin realized it was because Devil Ancestor Bale was a man of dominating and imperious power.

How could the magic weapon made by himself be an ordinary thing?

After such realization, Austin sent Derek into the Slave Tower while he stored the armor in his Space Ring.











