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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2282
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It was in the capital city of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom was one of the three holy kingdoms on the South Continent of PrMartial World.

It was considered the strongest one among all the countries on the South Continent.

However, three days ago, all the royal members of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, ranging from the emperor to the royal

guards were all slaughtered by the invaders.

The invaders had occupied and taken over and were now in charge of the capital city of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

So on the proverbial day, a lot of cultivators from the South Continent had been steadily entering the capital city of the Heavenly

Dragon Holy Kingdom.

Most of them were considered the core members of top sects in the South Continent.

Yesterday, they all received a message from the intruders. They were all asked to go to the capital city of the Heavenly Dragon

Holy Kingdom and surrender today and bectheir slaves.

Otherwise, any close relatives and members of their sects would be killed.

For the last two days, the invaders had displayed a great show of power and might.

They were so powerful that cultivators in the PrMartial World saw no point in fighting with them. Everyone was scared and had

lost the courage to put any form of resistance.

There was no sect that dared to disobey the invaders.

Even if the high-level figures in the different forces weren't afraid of death and were willing to risk their lives, they had to stop and

think for their relatives, members in their sects and friends who were not strong enough to defend themselves.

Different groups of cultivators arrived at the capital city of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom in droves.

Meanwhile at that time, a horde of people stopped in the air thirty miles away from the capital city. It was Austin, Godwin and the

four reclusive elders.

Austin carefully scanned the direction of the capital city.

"It looks like many people have given up and simply decided to chere,"

Austin said, while looking at large groups of people entering the gate of the capital city.

"Those intruders are too powerful. They've scared everyone so much that no one dares to resist,"

Godwin said with a sigh.

"You are right."

Austin nodded in agreement.

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‘They are definitely powerful. Any disciple that belongs to the three forces of the Tune World can defeat all the cultivators in the

entire PrMartial World. However, the forces sent so many people here to scare everyone into submission. Even if they want,

the people of the PrMartial World stand no chance against them.

That's the fate of the weak. They can do nothing when their opponents are stronger than them, ' he thought.

"Let's go inside,"

Austin said as he gestured at the elders to follow him.

The six activated their bodily movement skills and headed towards the gates of the capital city.

Before entering the city, Austin used the Aura Disguising Skill to change his features and disguise himself as a tall thin young man.

He did not want to attract unnecessary attention and besides, members of Wang Clan of the Tune World had hunted Austin down

while in the Windless World. If he didn't change his appearance, they would easily recognize him.

All the people from the South Continent were then ordered to gather in a huge square.

The square was normally used for important activities organized by the royal family.

It was now surrounded by the people from the three forces of the Tune World. Their job was to watch and observe the cultivators of

the South Continent.

At that time, different kinds of people crowded the square. They were all senior members of all the forces on the South Continent

each considered strong in their world.

However, the big and strong people had been reduced to acting in a humble manner. Fear was written all over their faces. They

even lowered their voices when they spoke.

As soon as Austin and his companions entered the square, many leaders of other sects recognized Godwin and the four reclusive

elders of the Oracle Sect.

"Sir, | didn't expect to see you here!" a sect leader said to Godwin.

Oracle Sect was the most influential sect in the South Continent. It was therefore not a surprise that everyone knew Godwin and

the four reclusive elders.

"What's your plan, sir?" Immediately a reclusive elder from a top-notch sect asked with curiosity as other elders moved closer to

hear his response.

Sleaders and reclusive elders of the other sects that were friends with the Oracle Sect walked up to Godwin discreetly.

Although sof them saw that Austin was standing beside Godwin, they didn't pay much attention to him since he looked like

any other ordinary disciple.

Since Austin had altered his appearance, they ignored him and thought that he was just a disciple of the Oracle Sect.

"Don't worry about it, everyone. Everything will be resolved today.

Calm down, guys. Just wait and see," Godwin said through his spiritual sense, trying to reassure them.

He looked relaxed.

'What do you mean calm down?"

The people around were confused and surprised as they noted the expression on Godwin's face.

‘Today is a big day. The survival of the South Continent depends on the outcomes of any decisions made today. Yet the leader of

the most influential sect looked at ease as if he did not care.

What's he up to?' they wondered in confusion.

The people of the three forces of the Tune World looked at the cultivators on the square in contempt and pointed at them.

They laughed at them without fear of retribution. "Look, the people of this world, they are so damn weak.

| can kill most of their sect leaders in a heartbeat."

"Yes, you're right. We're strong enough to take over and rule this shitty world."

The people of the Tune World spoke loudly, their eyes full of mockery and sarcasm while they made fun of the people of the South


Meanwhile, Austin stood among the crowd silently while examining and trying to size up the three forces of the Tune World outside

the square.

'These people don't seem very powerful, and their cultivation base ranges from the Divine Bridge Realm to the Major-perfection


Most of them are definitely at the Divine Bridge Realm and the Minor-perfection Realm.

They are busy boasting while they are just a bunch of weaklings. | can crush them without even lifting my finger.

Perhaps the leaders of the three forces from the Tune World didn't take the cultivators from the PrMartial World seriously

because they thought they were too weak.

So they just sent a bunch of weak disciples here to conquer the world, ' Austin pondered with a sneer.

All of a sudden, Austin shifted his gaze and spotted three middle-aged men in the sky.

They acted in an arrogant and domineering manner, as if they were the kings and probably in charge of the whole group.

'The three of them appeared to be at the preliminary stage of Heavenly Grotto Realm.

Now, those three are formidable beings and may be too strong for the cultivators at the PrMartial World, '

Austin thought.

"Our lords are coming!" With the arrival of three middle-aged men, a booming voice resounded.

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Just from the scary voice, the people from the South Continent in the square trembled, and they could suddenly feel their blood

boiling over in fear and their vital energy stagnated, now flowing at a slower pace.

Srelatively weak ones even got injured and blood cout of their mouths.

The three middle-aged men landed on the platform. The platform was in the center of the square and was thirty feet high.

They glanced at the people of the South Continent in the square with a disdainful and condescending gaze.

"Now that you have gathered here today, it means that you are very rational people and cherish your lives.

Those who think they are fearless and refused to assemble here will be doomed, and so will their relatives.

Alright, enough talking. Now let's cut to the chase. The reason why | asked everyone here is to tell you that from now on, all of you

are our slaves!

To be specific, you will be slaves of the Wang Clan, the All-powerful Sect and the Ancient Immortal Sect. You will be randomly

assigned to these forces.

As a slave, the only thing you need to do in the future is to follow orders, and do not try to think or be clever.

Anyone who disobeys the order will die!"

one of the middle-aged men announced coldly.











