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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2131
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"Sir, I'm here for only one reason. The Land of Life-and-death holds the Reincarnate Lotus and | need to find it to help my friend

rebuild his body,"

Austin answered.

"Oh, | see. That is not what | was expecting,"

the monk replied, holding his hand to his chin in deep thought. After a while, he added, "You're correct. The Land of Life-and-death

does have the Reincarnate Lotus that can be used to rebuild a warrior's body.

But it's quite impossible for you to get it with your current cultivation base.

| think you should head back home.

Otherwise, you may be killed here."

Austin hesitated. He needed the lotus and wasn't expecting to hear that it would be impossible.

"See, brat? | agree with the old monk. You'd better leave now.

Let's wait until you beca top great master or even a master in the Immortal Transforming Realm before we try again,"

the FlEmperor inside Austin's Soul Sea sighed.

"I've heard of cultivators at the Immortal Transforming Realm dying in this Land of Life-and-death and they were much more

advanced than you are,"

the monk continued.

Austin, the FlEmperor, and Brady were all stunned into silence by the monk's words.

'Even a cultivator at the Immortal Transforming Realm may die in the Land of Life-and-death? That means it will be impossible for

Austin to obtain the Reincarnate Lotus at all, *

the FlEmperor thought and he beceven more desperate.

"Well, it looks like | will have no choice but to wait longer.

Possibly, tens of thousands of years. Brat, you can only helpfind the Reincarnate Lotus when you beca great master

above the Immortal Transforming Realm,"

the FlEmperor said in anguish.

"Sir, | understand what you are saying, but can you tellthe specific location of the Reincarnate Lotus?

| want to have a try,"

Austin said to the monk, puffing out his chest.


Aren't you afraid of death?"

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the monk asked, appalled.

"Yes, | am.

But | had promised my friend that | would help him enter the Land of Life-and-death to find the Reincarnate Lotus to rebuild his


| don't want to break my promise and disappoint my friend,"

Austin answered honestly. He looked straight into the eyes of the monk so that he would feel his sincerity.

"Well, now | can see why you becthe successor of that guy.

You are just as brave and stubborn as he is, and perhaps a touch foolish.

Well, since that's the case, for the sake of that guy, lethelp you.

| can't just stand by and watch his successor die here,"

the monk answered after examining Austin for a while to make sure he was genuine.

A huge smile spread over Austin's cheeks. The monk was giving up his tand perhaps his safety to help them.

It meant even more when he realized that the strength of the monk was so advanced.

By launching attacks with only one hand, he had almost killed Austin and Brady.

In his eyes, the duo were as weak as babies.

If he were willing to help, then finding the Reincarnate Lotus would double the results with only half the effort.

"Thank you so much!"

Austin made a bow hastily with the smile still written on his face.

"You're welcome.

I'm older than the guy and we are on good terms, you can refer toas your senior master,"

the monk said.

‘Senior master?"

Austin had to suppress his jaw from dropping.

The woman he had met in the world of ice and snow in the Fallen Immortal World had said that she was his senior master.

Unexpectedly, Austin now had two senior masters because of this original owner of the Fire Stela that he didn't even know

anything about!

Austin was now at a loss whether to cry or to laugh.

However, the more the merrier. He felt more protected from harm this way. Others would never have such a good luck.

"Yes, senior master!"

Austin replied, nodding his head.

"All right. Without further ado, let's get going,"

the monk said and nodded.

Then he turned around and stomped the ground with his right foot.


The ground within thousands of meters’ radius started to shake and crack in places.

From the depths of the cracks, dark energy seeped out and turned into a sea of corpse miasma. It crept towards the huge

mountain in front of them and wrapped around it.

"It is an array?!" Austin whispered involuntarily

as he looked at the rolling dark corpse miasma.

It had completely surrounded the mountain, which appeared to be protecting it.

From the energy fluctuation of that big array, Austin could tell that it was a very terrible and powerful array.

"Yes, it is. The herbs on the mountain are my lifeline, so | must be careful to protect them,"

the monk said.

'0h, that's the case!"

Both Austin and Brady exchanged knowing smiles.

They finally understood why this monk had made this area restricted. Any creature that tried to break in and take his herbs would

be killed.

It turned out that without the herbs, he would die.

After the monk activated the array to protect the whole mountain, he said, "It's done. Let's go."

The moment he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Austin and Brady hurried to keep up with him.

As they ventured deeper into the Land of Life-and-death, they could see black and monstrous mountains everywhere. Each of the

mountains was emanating mysterious and horrible auras.

From tto time, creepy and chilly voice could be heard.

There seemed to be many unknown figures spying on them.

As they passed by smountains, even the monk walking in front of them was very careful and fearful about getting too close to


He didn't want to offend those powerful beings.

The farther they advanced, the dimmer the light became.

The dark and high mountains looked so gloomy, desolate and dull. Anyone who saw them would feel extremely repressed.

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And there was a deathly energy about the place.

"Ho, ho..."

They stopped in the middle of their journey and looked around for the source of the creepy laughter.

They could feel the hair on the back of their necks standing up.

Hoot, hoot, hoot...

All of a sudden, a dark wind blew violently and black figures rushed towards Austin and his companions from all directions.

"They're the corpse king birds!"

Both Austin and Brady exclaimed in surprise.

They stood and prepared for the impact.

As they got closer, it could be seen that these birds were all dark and their faces resembled human beings’. The gloomy dark

energy the birds were emanating made the temperature of the area drop more than a dozen degrees in a second.

Austin and Brady had met one of these birds before, so they could recognize it at a glance.

"Be careful. Stay still,"

the monk in front of them said.

Then, a loud bang rang out as he launched an attack against the birds.

His golden robe was fluttering in the air, and his sleeves were sweeping up the whole world, blowing away the endless trees and


Caw! Caw! Caw...

The birds screamed in agony and tried to leave but the monk's attack shattered them to pieces.

Shocked, Austin and Brady couldn't believe what they had witnessed.

The power of one corpse king bird was equivalent to that of a human cultivator at the Heavenly Grotto Realm.

Yet, the monk killed several of them in only moments all by himself.

'My senior master's strength is just too formidable!"

Austin thought with obvious shock on his face.





