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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1838
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"Brady, | need your help. Can you handle the elder in the grey robe from the Crimson Palace?"

Austin said. As he flew towards the purple light curtain against his will, he had no choice but to send a message using his spiritual

sense to Brady, who was in the Slave Tower.

"I'm afraid I'm slightly weaker than him.

But | have another option. Master, you can cto the Slave Tower and escape the purple light curtain,”

Brady replied in an urgent tone.

"lI don't know about that. The purple light curtain seems very powerful. Can the Slave Tower defend against it?"

Austin asked, looking at the monstrous purple light ahead of him.

"Don't worry, my master. The Slave Tower is stronger than you think.

And the main function of the purple light curtain was to prevent the people outside from breaking in.

It won't hurt you once you are here. The Slave Tower will save you from having to fight against the purple light curtain directly.

What | can do is help you get rid of the power the elder in grey robe has put on your body. And then all you have to do is use the

teleportation skill to transport yourself into the Slave Tower,"

Brady answered.

Upon hearing this, Austin was finally reassured. Relief washed over his face and he took a deep breath.


His moment of solitude was interrupted by five cultivators' screaming when they touched the purple light curtain.

Immediately, the purple light curtain burst out and numerous beams of purple light shot in every direction. Austin had to duck to

avoid being hit by one of them. The others weren't so lucky; their bodies were stabbed by the beams. In an instant, they were

killed, and then with a wave, their bodies were turned into nothingness by a mysterious energy.

"I knew it! There really is something strange!"

the elder in the grey robe exclaimed as he focused his eyes on that purple light curtain. His face was grave and Austin knew he

had run out of ideas to break the purple curtain.

It didn't take more than a few seconds for Austin to reach the curtain. Through his closed eyes, he could see the streaks of purple

light reach for him.

Not wasting any more time, Austin activated his mind and tried to transfer himself into the Slave Tower.

At the stime, Brady helped him get rid of the suppressing power on his body.

But to their surprise, at the stime, the Fire Stela that should be in Austin's elixir field suddenly burst out and appeared above

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his head.


The Fire Stela emitted golden light that shone meters away from Austin. The light was so dazzling that he couldn't look at it and

the others also shielded their eyes.


As he looked up, Austin saw that the Fire Stela had applied its suppressing power and wiped out the purple lights that were coming

for him.

Then, even more unexpectedly, a vast golden wave rushed out of the Fire Stela and crashed into the curtain of purple light.


A bowling-ball-sized hole had appeared in the purple curtain and Austin caught a glimpse of what was inside. His eyes widened in


"Oh my god!"

As hard as he tried, he couldn't take his eyes away from the hole.

Inside, there were several herbs running and playing happily. His hand reached out but before he could even get close to them, the

hole closed up.

In that moment, he discovered that the purple light curtain could repair itself. How could he get the herbs now?

"There are so many semi-omnipotent herbs in there!"

Austin exclaimed as his heart thumped wildly in his chest. He glanced at the other cultivators and then back at the curtain.

'The Fire Stela is able to break the purple light curtain, even if it is only for a couple seconds!"

With this thought in his head, Austin decided to make a bold move.

He looked to make sure the Fire Stela was still floating above his head and then he sped up and shot at the purple light curtain.


The purple light curtain was blasted again as the Fire Stela spread like a powerful tsunami and sent golden light against it.


As Austin floated in the air, he looked down at the human-shaped hole in the curtain.

Clenching his fists, he rushed into the hole.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Austin entering the purple curtain like a bug made the curtain becirritated. It launched attacks, trying to force him out.

Numerous columns of purple energy swung at Austin like fists and he skillfully dodged each one. Panting hard, he looked at the Fire


At this moment, the earth suddenly began to shake and the night suddenly set in, as if the end of the world was coming.

"Oh my dear Fire Stela, you have to hold on! My life is in your hands!"

As the curtain continued its attacks, Austin cowered and clutched his pale face in his hands. He prayed hard that the Fire Stela

wouldn't be defeated by the purple light curtain and that they both would make it out alive.

Quicker than he had expected, Austin regretted his choice. If he had known it would be so hazardous, he would have teleported

himself into the Slave Tower. The herbs suddenly didn't seem worth all the trouble.


Gazing upwards, he noticed that the Fire Stela had begun quivering. It looked like a tbomb as small amounts of golden light

leaked from it. Suddenly, it opened and he was bathed in the surging golden light. Relieved, he felt instantly more powerful.

He turned and pointed at the purple energy columns, and they were all repelled before they could hit Austin.

After they had gone, Austin realized that he had broken through the terrible purple light curtain.

No more attacks followed as he looked around.

He fell to the ground and landed on his back, panting heavily. Sweat coated his forehead and he felt faint.

Despite it being only a few seconds, Austin felt it had been hours. He was so exhausted that he couldn't even stand up.

Outside the purple light curtain, the members of the Crimson Palace were stunned.

The curtain had just repaired itself again and Austin was nowhere to be seen. The eight masters of the Heavenly Grotto Realm

snapped out of their trances all at once.

"It's impossible. How does this brat have such a terrific, magical treasure?"

"Oh my god! What treasure does he have? | think that treasure is even more powerful than the ultimate magical treasure!"

"Isn't the most powerful magic treasure in the world the ultimate magical treasure?"

Gossip sprung up between the eight masters. None of them could understand how Austin had acquired the Fire Stela or how he

had gotten into the curtain. Eventually, they all fell into silence.

"Once, an ancestor toldthat the most powerful magic treasure in the world is not the ultimate magical treasure.

He said that there are more powerful magic treasures than the ultimate magical treasure.

But he didn't explain any further than that.

In the Crimson Palace, only the leader and sof the elders can get in touch with that kind of magic treasure. | don't understand

how this boy could get hold of it,"

the elder in the grey robe added after a while. He shook his head and sighed.

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"It doesn't matter. I've seen the magical treasure today, and | won't let it go.

If we can obtain the stela from that brat, | believe the strength of our palace will increase tremendously!"

the elder added as his eyes glinted with greed. He looked longingly at the purple light curtain.

"Yes. If we can get that stela, it will certainly enhance the strength of our Crimson Palace."

The other seven masters nodded eagerly and rubbed their hands together in excitement.

"That means we need to try our hardest to break through the purple light curtain and get inside. Once we do that, we can kill that

brat and get the stela!"

the elder in grey announced.

The rest nodded in agreement and sof them even cheered.

Inside the purple light curtain, Austin was still lying on the ground, trying to catch his breath. He stretched his limbs, feeling less

tired than before. Eventually, he stood and looked at where he had fallen on.

"Ha-ha! | got inside safe and sound."

He could tell by sweeping his eyes quickly over the area that he was alone.

"It's semi-omnipotent herbs!

Wow, Master. There are so many semi-omnipotent herbs here. We're so lucky! It's a great fortune!"

Violet cried out.

"Hey, buddy, we're really going to make a fortune!"

the gnalso yelled.

"God! There are more than twenty semi-omnipotent herbs here. This is more than we'll ever need!"

Austin added, glad to be lucky for once.





