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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1662
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Earth Hermit, Elder Brendan, and Austin finally agreed to a plan after an impassioned discussion.

They each had a task to fulfill: Earth Hermit would track down the nine natural vessels of dragon energy. Elder Brendan would set

up arrays to restrict these vessels. And, Austin would scour for an area where spatial force existed.

Earth Hermit inferred that the nine natural vessels of dragon energy had been guarding a special space with spatial force.

Austin took note of this and summoned the gnto help him trace that space.

"Whoa! Is this the legendary ancient beast? The gnome?" Earth Hermit exclaimed. His eyes widened, gaping at Austin's


Likewise, Elder Brendan stared at the gnwith sheer astonishment.

This was the first tthat they met the gnome.

They quickly recovered from the shock, nonetheless, and began their work soon after with Austin.

Earth Hermit used his old compass as a reference while treading the area.

Meanwhile, Elder Brendan set up arrays in the desert.

Austin and the gnactivated their spatial powers to scan the desert for vibrations of the spatial force.

After two hours, the gnome's face lit up.

"| felt the spatial force! Over there!"

he said, dashing at the direction he pointed.

Austin's spirits lifted as well, and he followed the gnto a dune.

"Yes. There it is. | can feel it!" the gnsaid with conviction, pointing to the flat dune beside him.

Austin perceived and confirmed the spatial force coming from the dune.

Earth Hermit and Elder Brendan followed Austin and the gnin an instant, using their bodily movement skills.

"Set up several arrays here to block the space. Hurry up or the nine natural vessels of dragon energy will take the special space

with them!"

Earth Hermit shouted.

Elder Brendan quickly threw array flags around the dune. They disappeared into the void which meant they were successfully


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"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Nine huge dragon shadows tried to escape from the dune near them and hovered in the sky.

Though it seemed that they wanted to fly away, they couldn't do so because the area was sealed by an invisible force.

So, the nine white dragon shadows, which were a thousand meters long, growled helplessly and struggled to flee.

Thanks to Elder Brendan's arrays, the area was completely locked down.

"We still need more space-blocking arrays. The nine natural vessels of dragon energy are incredibly powerful,"

Earth Hermit said.

Upon hearing this, Elder Brendan hurled more array flags around the dune.

Soon, the entire space had been completely locked down by immense power.

Meanwhile, the desert rumbled, with the sound coming from different directions.

It seemed that the nine natural vessels of dragon energy persisted on escaping the desert.

However, their attempts kept failing

for Elder Brendan's arrays worked rigorously to prevent the nine natural vessels of dragon energy from running away.

After a while, the dragon shadows finally stopped. They rushed back into the dunes before everything quieted down.

"We did it!

Now, the nine natural vessels of dragon energy can't go anywhere.

We just need to find that special space,"

Earth Hermit said, excitement filling him.

The three of them, along with the gnome, proceeded with their search.

The gndug the ground with his paws and set aside the red sand.

Then, he made a startling discovery. An old, octagonal well cinto his view!

Its mouth was made of a boulder and was covered by a huge stone plate.

Earth Hermit removed the flagstone and saw the well. However, he couldn't see the bottom of it even with the aid of his spiritual


A musky smell filled their noses. They realized that the well had been abandoned for a long time.

After studying the well, the gnsaid, "This connects to another space. It's a spatial passage."

He very well knew what he was talking about since he was best at spatial force compared to Austin, Earth Hermit, and Elder


"Let's go down there and have a look," Earth Hermit suggested.

As someone who loved going on adventures, this trip had kept his spirits up. The promise of finding what they were looking for at

the bottom of the well exceeded whatever apprehensions he might've had.

Besides, he was one of the most powerful masters in the East Mainland. No threat could sway him against keeping at his excursion.

And so without waiting for his companions’ response, he jumped to the well.

Elder Brendan followed suit.

Austin, however, was frozen in his place and lost in his thoughts. 'There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm with two great masters. The

gnis with me, too. | can do this, ' he assured himself.

Hence, he dove down the well, too.

In just a few moments, his feet touched the ground.

When he looked up, he was amazed by his surroundings. It was teeming with plants of different kinds. This was completely

different from what he had imagined.

There was even an azure lake ahead of him that was surrounded by tall and vibrant grass and bushes.

Old, towering trees sprawled across the area, with their branches as sturdy as bridges. Each of their canopies cast over a thousand

square feet of shade.

Beautiful flowers of all kinds were in bloom. Plants grew abundantly. Their fragrance sent intoxicating sensations to Austin,

rejuvenating him in the middle of their seemingly endless journey.

In spite of the place's charm and abundance, Austin felt something was missing. An eerie silence pervaded it.

'How long has this place been like this? It looks alive, but it looks abandoned too, ' Austin thought.

A handful of grand buildings stood quietly in the distance. Sof them were located at the summit, others were built in front of

the cliffs, as well as beside the lake.

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Sadly, though, many palaces, pavilions, and houses had collapsed, with nothing left of them but ruins.

"Oh dear. This... This is the real former headquarters of the FlHoly Land!

It looks exactly like what's in the books!" Elder Brendan exclaimed, his voice trembling with his realization.

His face was filled with tears.

He knelt down and pressed his hands against the ground, paying the deepest respect to the land he longed for.

Earth Hermit, Austin, and the gnwere taken aback by their discovery.

Suddenly, Earth Hermit screamed.

"There are so many corpses!"

He hurtled around. Austin and Elder Brendan followed him, their faces quickly shifting expression from excitement to


Soon, they saw a multitude of dead bodies, scattered around the place.

The bodies belonged to men, women, old, and young. They were all wearing ancient regalia.

But what shocked the group more was that the corpses didn't rot one bit. It looked as if they had just passed away for a day.

Austin and the gncouldn't help wondering how the remains of these people

who had died long ago managed to preserve their bodies this way.

Earth Hermit took tto contemplate what they had just seen.

"Perhaps, a powerful array exists here that can freeze time.

That could be the reason why these corpses haven't rotten after such a long time," he surmised.

Austin was stopped in his tracks.

"Seriously? There is such a thing that can make tstand still?" he blurted.

"I know sof them," Elder Brendan said, his eyes swollen from crying.

"They were members of our FlHoly Land."

He walked closer to the dead bodies.

"Hugh... Becky...," Elder Brendan murmured.

He got up to look for more acquaintances, as tears continued to rush down his face.