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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1420
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It was Austin who was speaking.

Trahan knelt before Lyman as he served him the spiritual tea. This was the most crucial link for the disciple-accepting rite.

It was why Austin said those words at that point.

His remark made the atmosphere on the square tense up.

Lyman's face darkened in anger and resentment filled his eyes as he stared at Austin.

‘Obviously, he is here to cause trouble, ' he thought.

All the people of the Magic Hand Sect, including the elders and disciples seemed paralyzed as they fixed their eyes on Austin.

Their eyes were filled with anger. Everyone silently wished for Austin to just die and disappear.

"What do you mean by that, Commander Austin?

Did we do something wrong to displease you?

Or did you chere to cause trouble because you do not want to let us go?

Don't forget you promised us, together with the other sects and clans that you would leave us alone when we gave you sixty

million divine vital energy crystals.

Are you backing out of your promise?" Lyman asked, obviously irritated. He stood up from his seat abruptly, his chair falling down

on the ground with a bang.

He glared at Austin, outraged and seething in anger.

The leaders and elders of both the sects and clans who previously had problems with Austin were all worried. They listened

intensely at Lyman and waited for Austin's answer.

"Commander Austin, are you going to break your words and continue to seek revenge on us?"

"Commander Austin, we all handed sixty million divine vital energy crystals to you.

Everyone knows about it. Are you going to ignore that fact?"

Members of the other sects and clans pointed their fingers at Austin as they started to question him and his motives. Their eyes

were full of anger and confusion.

They were terrified that Austin was going to back out on his promise and was going to give them a hard time.

"Take it easy, guys, I'm a man of honor and | always keep my promises. | have already let the past go. We're even now.

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You have my word on that,"

Austin replied with a faint smile.

His statement sent relief to the people from the sects and clans that were in front of him.

"I was just expressing my opinion after hearing what this superior elder said.

| did not know that there is a rule saying that disciples could not turn their backs on masters. No matter what. | think that's


Austin continued as he shook his head in disbelief.

"What do you want, Commander Austin? We have not offended you.

| know it would be easy for you to destroy my sect.

But remember our sect has a long history of more than five hundred years and tens of thousands of disciples. We are not known for

being cowards.

If you think you can insult us because you're strong, then you made a huge mistake," Lyman declared, meeting Austin's gaze.

He looked like a good man fighting off a bully in front of him.

"Our leader is right. We are not cowards. We will fight you to death if you continue to insult us and our beliefs!"

"Con, guys, let's teach him a lesson."

"You are not welchere, Austin. Fuck off!"

Upon hearing Lyman, the rest of the Magic Hand Sect cursed angrily at Austin. Squick-tempered people yelled foul words.

At this point, the Magic Hand Sect showed Austin that they were strong together in the spirit of solidarity.

The guests from the other sects and clans looked at Austin with disgust.

They saw Austin as an evil person who would bully the weak.

"Ha-ha! | will put my cards on the table.

A bastard in your sect murdered his master five hundred years ago.

His master treated him like he was his own son and even taught him martial skills, so he could someday defend himself from the


But this monster betrayed his master. He maltreated him so badly that since then no one has heard a word from his master.

Five hundred years has passed. That monster is still alive and has beca senior member in your sect.

What's the point of that rule if one of your senior member disobeyed it for evil reasons?"

Austin explained calmly as he looked straight at Lyman.

When Austin spoke, he activated his vital energy. So everyone in the crowd heard him loud and clear.

Austin's remark caught the people by great surprise.

‘Someone in the Magic Hand Sect killed his master five hundred years ago? Who would do such a horrible thing?"

they wondered.

"Austin, you..."

Lyman's face paled instantly. He stared at Austin as if he was seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

His body shook violently out of fear. He felt his legs weaken, and his skin turned icy cold.

It seemed like he took a huge blow.

Lyman trembled at Austin's every word. His heart pounded on his chest as an overwhelming fear overchim.

The memory cflooding back. This was a secret he had kept for five hundred years. It was something he kept hidden and

feared most all his life.

But now Austin spoke it out for everyone to hear.

Lyman felt mad as hell. He wanted Austin to take back every word he said.

"What are you talking about, Austin?

All right, I had enough of you! You are not welchere. Escort yourself out.

Please control yourself. | hope you will not do anything stupid to ruin your reputation.

There are tens of thousands of people here.

Just get out of this place!" Lyman said icily.

He wanted Austin out before he could say anything more that would reveal his past.

Amused by Lyman's response, Austin burst into laughter.

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"Why are you in a hurry to throwout?

What are you afraid of?" Austin asked.

"It looks like you have not forgiven us. That is why you are still here to stir chaos and intrigue among the people in our sects and

clans. You just want to embarrass us.

| will give you an additional one hundred million divine vital energy crystals. Just leave my sect alone.

What do you say, Austin?" Lyman proposed holding his breath.

He wanted so much for Austin to just say 'yes' and leave.

He wished he could run forward to take Austin's life. This way his secret would remain safe and hidden.

But he did not dare make a move for he was aware of Austin's formidable battle force.

That was why he chose to negotiate with Austin.

Everyone present was shocked by Lyman's offer.

‘Seriously? He is going to give Austin one hundred million divine vital energy crystals?’

"That was very generous of you,"

Austin responded with a defiant look at Lyman.

"Two hundred million divine vital energy crystals.

If you leave right now and promise you will never cause trouble with us, | will give you two hundred million divine vital energy


| am making a big sacrifice. | hope you will be contented with this offer. Then just leave us in peace,"

Lyman said after he hesitated for a while.

Two hundred million divine vital energy crystals was no joke. It was all he had left from his savings.

He was willing to offer Austin such a big fortune because he had a gut feeling that Austin had found out what he did to his master

five hundred years ago.

"Even if you giveone billion divine vital energy crystals, | will not make a deal with you.

It's about tyou pay the price for your evil deeds," Austin flatly refused Lyman's offer.

His eyes reflected rage and indignation.