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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1401
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A day had quickly lapsed.

As soon as Austin reached the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, he immediately headed for the place where Master Li lived. That

area was surrounded by several mountains, making it quite strenuous to locate.

Approximately an hour after, the mountains cinto his view.

He put away his Dragon and Phoenix Chariot and flew straight to those landforms using his bodily movement skill.


Why are these people still here?" Austin suddenly thought upon employing his spiritual sense to survey the area.

Surprised, he found that those mountains were thronged with cultivators and flags were fluttering everywhere. The whole place

was undeniably lively.

Those cultivators, who were more than eight hundred thousand in number, were the soldiers of the Southern Alliances Army.

Among them were dozens of valiant and imposing figures standing on the peak of the very mountain where he was heading. They

were a group of prominent cultivators, all at the Semi-emperor Realm.

Austin felt quite strange to unexpectedly see them there and began to wonder what was happening here.

Why are they still here? All the troops of the demon race in the South Continent had already been annihilated.

There was no need for the army to exist anymore, more so to show themselves here now that peace had been re-established.

Besides that, he recalled that he had discussed with those cultivators at the Semi-emperor Realm about the management problem

of the South Alliances Army.

They all agreed on the dissolution of the army after the annihilation of those villainous invaders in the South Continent, since there

was no other purpose for the said military alliance to stay intact.

And since the army would be dissolved by then, those troops need not be here.

Austin remained puzzled, not knowing the reason of their presence in the area.

"Commander Austin is back!"

Just as when Austin was approaching the mountain peak through his bodily movement skill, a series of surprised and expectant

voices resounded from the said area.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

A couple of imposing figures, one after another, rushed to welcAustin who had just arrived.

Those figures belonged to the thirty to forty prominent cultivators at the Semi-emperor Realm and the soldiers of the Southern

Alliances Army. Godwin, Julius, and Peter were also among the others to flock before Austin.

Besides them, Austin spotted several strangers, more than ten in number.

But they were clearly not members of the Southern Alliances Army.

They were powerful cultivators, with sof them at the Semi-emperor Realm and others at the Holy Realm.


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Is this young man Commander Austin, the one whom you've mentioned a lot?"

a shriveled old man dressed in a gray top and a loose robe asked. His haughty and satirical eyes stared at Austin as he spoke.

Austin hadn't figured out what happened here yet.

Studying Austin in the eye, the shriveled old man looked confused and disappointed.

"Ha-ha, yes. Austin is indeed the director general of our Southern Alliances Army,"

Tierry, the sect chief of the Heavens Sect from the Purple Phoenix Holy Kingdom, replied to the shriveled old man after dashing

forward to Austin's side.

"Austin, letintroduce to you our fellows from other continents of the PrMartial World,"

Tierry said to Austin.

‘Fellows from other continents?*

Austin thought to himself, looking forward to becacquainted with them.

Then Tierry introduced each of those cultivators to him.

Now, Austin knew that they were from the three other continents in the PrMartial World, respectively the East Continent, the

North Continent, and the West Continent.

They cto the South Continent in hopes that they, along with the troops designated by the Southern Alliances Army, could

jointly battle against the demon race who invaded their homes.

In other words, they chere to ask for help.

A month ago, cultivators from the other three continents of the PrMartial World heard the news of the Southern Alliances

Army's victory against the demon race who invaded the South Continent.

Thus, representatives were designated by each continent to go to the South Continent to seek for help, because they were faced

with the smiserable conditions.

After hearing what Tierry said, Austin not only knew who they were but also saw the whole picture.

"Humph. Chief Tierry, are you sure this young man who is still at the Heaven Realm is veritably the director general of your

Southern Alliances Army?

We have been waiting for more than ten days, with anxiety growing day by day.

That in itself already shows how we genuinely seek for your help.

So now, please tell us whether the Southern Alliances Army will designate troops to help us repel the demon race or not.

| will be honest with you. | know that what we are asking is too much and we do hope to hear a positive response.

However, please don't tellthat you purposely delayed your answer because you had to send out such an inexperienced-looking

young man to fool us into trusting him to be your director general,"

someone said coldly all of a sudden.

The speaker was the shriveled old man dressed in a gray top and a loose rob.

He spoke directly to Tierry, fixing his eyes on him instead of staring at Austin.

His action to ignore Austin only exhibited how he didn't believe that Austin, the young man, was really the director general of the

Southern Alliances Army.

Nevertheless, his doubt was understandable. Austin was merely at the preliminary stage of Heaven Realm, while there were so

many Semi-emperor Realm cultivators in the army. From this perspective he was clearly not qualified to be the director general of a

military alliance.

Moreover, Austin looked like an inexperienced young man—around twenty years old at most.

Both his cultivation base and appearance were not convincing enough to make outsiders believe that he was indeed the one who

led the Southern Alliances Army to victory in their war against the demon race.

"Humph. Ever since the demon race invaded all four continents of the PrMartial World, all human cultivators in these places

actually have shared the sfate.

In other words, although you have annihilated the demon race invaders in the South Continent, you are all not safe entirely.

As long as there are still demon race invaders in the other three continents, the threat is very still alive in the South Continent.

If they successfully conquer the other three continents, they will inevitably invade this place once again.

Chief Tierry, | am very disappointed in all of you, cultivators from the South Continents.

It seems that we have chere for nothing. Apparently, all our efforts are in vain. All right, | guess it is tforto leave and

return to the East Continent. | won't beg you for help anymore," the shriveled old man said with growing anger.

He swung his arm angrily, and his sleeves instantly flapped in the air. It was clear that this old man was from the East Continent.

"| feel the sway. It seems that we, cultivators from the North Continent, have also chere for nothing.

You, cultivators from the South Continent, have gone too far.

You refuse to send troops to help the North Continent, but that's not the most irritating part. Because of your intent to delay your

response, we have wasted more than ten days waiting. And now you sent a young man to fool us?"

a middle-aged man over two meters in height raged, his body was as sturdy as a steel tower, and beards were as hard as steel


"Ha-ha. We are the cultivators from the West Continent. Just as the representatives of the other two continents said, we've also

ended up fruitless.

From now on, we will never welccultivators from the South Continent to enter the West Continent,"

a sinister-looking old man sneered, ferocity exuding from his eyes.

Obviously, these cultivators from the other three continents didn't believe that Austin, the young man in front of them, was the

director general of the Southern Alliances Army.

This scene was witnessed by dozens of prominent cultivators at the Semi-emperor Realm from the South Continent. They thought

it was rather hilarious and felt irritated to hear them say that.

As for Austin himself, his eyes were as cold as ice the whole time; others could hardly tell from his face how he was feeling right

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Since they looked down on him, he found it unnecessary to hurriedly explain anything to them.

More irritatingly, he felt that they were very ill-natured and haughty when they vilified the Southern Alliances Army. It was like the

army actually had a liability to help them out.

"Ha-ha. Listen, guys. You misunderstood us.

Austin is really the director general of the Southern Alliances Army.

If you don't trust me, you can ask any cultivator from the South Continent to confirm it,"

Tierry explained with a forced smile, showing a genuine attitude.

"Humph. Master, lettest his ability. | really want to know how powerful this so-called director general can be.

One fight is enough to clear up all our doubts."

All of a sudden, a young man in yellow at the medium stage of Primal Holy Realm, around twenty-five years old, cout from the

crowd and bravely offered. He stared at Austin with utmost disdain.

"Well, | think that's a great idea.

| also want to see what extraordinary abilities he has to make him worthy of such a high position despite his young age,"

the shriveled old man from the East Continent agreed with a nod, his eyes flashing a trace of mockery while a sly smile slowly

crept on his lips.

Apparently from his mocking tone, he insisted that Austin was used to fool him, under the command of those prominent cultivators

of the army.

Therefore, he purposefully sent out his disciple to castigate Austin.

"Let's get it started!"

the young man in yellow said with his hands clasped into clenched fists. A flood of vital energy force suddenly burst out from his

body before Austin could even replied to his call.


The vital energy force exuding from his body rounded up into a massive palm and aimed at Austin, ready to launch his first attack.

The young man in yellow thought that Austin was merely an ordinary cultivator at the premium stage of Heaven Realm. Thus, he

planned to defeat Austin by using no martial skills and only his vital energy force instead.

Seeing the young man in yellow, who was quite full of himself, challenge Austin, those prominent cultivators at the Semi-emperor

Realm from the South Continent tried very hard to suppress their laughter. It was rather funny to watch what the young fellow was

getting himself into.

They all thought it was ridiculous for this man to challenge Austin since he was capable of defeating a prominent cultivator at the

Semi-emperor Realm within a short time, let alone this man, who was merely at the Primal Holy Realm.

'What?' the shriveled old man from the East Continent thought in shock.

When he saw his disciple, the young man in yellow, got ready to battle against Austin, he also found the odd smiles on the faces of

those prominent cultivators from the South Continent. Hence, he started to doubt his previous opinion of Austin.

He wondered, 'ls it possible that this young man actually has exceptional prowess?"