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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1282
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Meanwhile, back on the square, the middle-aged man and the queen were still engaged in fighting. The area served as a battle

ring, with none of them planning to back down at any moment.

"What? The demon race's troops are on their way?"

Still fighting with the queen, the middle-aged man who wore an embroidered apparel moved back several steps and surprisingly


"Humph! Today is your lucky day," he uttered, casting an angry glance at Austin.

Then, without further say, he moved his body and flew away as quickly as a flash of lightning.

"What did he say? The demon race has chere?"

Austin was also astonished by this news, he turned around to search for the queen.

"Let's go and have a look."

As soon as he found the queen, they both flew into the air and looked down at the city.

The space above the Trinary Star City was already filled with warriors.

All of them, who were also powerful enough just like Austin and the queen, were looking far at the skyline.

An elder dressed like a Taoist priest who stood at the front looked both imposing and worried. Judging by how he looked, he must

be a man of caliber and someone important.

He was surrounded by dozens of figures, and formidable waves of vital energy force emitted from each of them.

"Gentlemen, it's surprising to know that the demon race dared choose our Trinary Star City as their first attacking target.

| know you are always eager to defend our city, so let's throw away any reservations and send them all to hell!

Only courage and strength can defend your families and your homeland from death and destruction.

Everyone, for our families and for our city, let's fight bravely!

If you die, you will die a hero!

All of us will be remembered as gallant warriors of this city! Are you afraid of death?"

The elder turned around, raised his voice, and yelled to the countless warriors standing behind him. His voice was as loud as a

rumbling thunder, and blaring throughout several kilometers away. It certainly exuded an air of dignity and eminence.

"No fear!

Fight! Yeah! Die for our city and families!"

The blood of every warrior was boiling, and their eyes blazed with fire as they shouted to boost their courage. Their tough voices

reverberated above the city and echoed for quite a while.

It seemed that those warriors had already known what kind of danger awaited them before they cto the Trinary Star City to

fight against the demon race's troops.

Those cowards would have already hidden somewhere and would never chere to die in the hands of the abhorred demon race.

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"Good, form the battle array.

Prepare to fight!"

The elder ordered as he was satisfied to hear and see their determination.

Instantly, those warriors took out their weapons of all sorts.

They stood there quietly in order, and in a position ready to charge at any moment.

From below, one could see a triangular battle array they formed.

They kept silent and stared at the intense demonic clouds gradually approaching. The spooky and ghastly vibe that calong it

sent shivers down their spines. However, even with that slight fear, they still remained on guard.

Moments later, a piercing sound cout from somewhere.


Boundless pitch-dark demonic clouds, which covered the sky, approached the Trinary Star City.

It not only looked scary altogether but also smelled awful.

The clouds rolled forward with unstoppable momentum, ready to trample on everything standing in the way.

"Ha-ha! | smell human blood and flesh. It's delicious!"

Horrifying chuckles suddenly resounded from the demonic clouds. It was as if demonic creatures rode the tides of those dim fogs.

The imposing momentum of the demonic clouds could frighten the bravest warriors and ultimately freeze their hearts.


The demon race's troops, which were carried by the demonic clouds, finally arrived in the periphery of the Trinary Star City and


Everyone was appalled by the overwhelming energy that they emanated.

Countless tall and ferocious-looking demonic fighters appeared before the human warriors whose mouths were all agape.

Thousands of bloodthirsty demonic fighters thickly dotted the sky, as intense as a swarm of locusts filling a pond.

As if it was not enough to exude their horrendous dominance, each of them emitted a monstrous wave of power.

Their battle formation seemed capable of toppling the mountains and overturning the vast seas. Everyone would agree that their

mere presence was too daunting and intimidating, especially with the dark aura that surrounded them.

On the contrary, only a smaller group of brave human warriors stood in the way of the demon race, attempting to defend the

Trinary Star City.

One look, and everyone could tell how they were outnumbered dangerously. Although the warriors were part of a more massive

army, there was a reason for this significant disparity in number.

The leaders of the Southern Alliances Army thought that the demon race's troops would first attack the New Capital City, the

Brilliant Sun City, or the Mysterious Sky City, which were commonly considered as the three most important cities in terms of their


Therefore, most of their warriors were sent to protect and defend those cities while little manpower was assigned to the Trinary

Star City.

Unfortunately, for them, the demon race knew of this strategic maneuver, so they changed the distribution of troops and

concentrated its forces to start a surprise attack at the Trinary Star City.

This tactic only proved that the demon race, at times, could be smarter than the humans.

"Haha, you feeble human beings. | have already sensed your weakness!"

"You can't most certainly resist our attack!

That number of your troops will result in slaughter soon!"

The demonic fighters roared with laughter and contempt as they celebrated their sure win.

Suddenly, amidst the triumphant waves of laughter, a dark light flashed amongst the demon race's troops.

Something or somebody moved as quickly as lightning.

A fighter, about six to seven meters in height, appeared before the demon race's troops with his overwhelming demonic energy.

"Ha-ha, are you prepared to put on a fight?

Don't be fools!

We Heaven Claimer tribe is about to conquer the PrMartial World, and nobody can stop us.

Be smart and surrender immediately, so we can spare your lives.

That's the only way for you to live,"

the tall fighter shouted the last sentence with his profound demonic energy, which seemed to shake the city beneath and make the

air tremble.

His overwhelming demonic energy showed that he was a demon saint.

A demon saint was equivalent to a human warrior of Holy Realm in terms of strength and fighting skills.


You Heaven Claimer tribe invaded our PrMartial World eight hundred years ago. But you lost, pissed in your pants, and ran

away with your tails between your legs.

Have you forgotten that already?

Your invasion this twill produce just the sresults. If you don't want heavy casualties in your tribe, go and leave our world.

Otherwise, it will be too late for you to regret," the elder said contemptuously.

He walked forward and stood in sharp opposition to the tall demonic fighter's mockery and farce.

"Ha-ha, eight hundred years had been a long time. | can't even remember what happened then.

Besides, the combined strength of your human warriors is much weaker than you were eight hundred years ago.

You have too many children, old people, and useless women, while only fewer and weaker warriors are ready to fight.

In comparison, we have a larger number of strong fighters and sturdy beasts.

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| can guarantee that this time, you'll see a different result.

All right. Enough wasting our time!

I'll give you one last chance.

Surrender and you can live another day,"

the demon saint indignantly denounced the human elder.

"In the PrMartial World, people will only fight to death. We'll never surrender ourselves to your demons,"

the elder shouted back, determined to fight with all the warriors who were strong-willed in defending the city.


The two leaders’ voices collided with each other in the air and the impact nearly deafened the ears of human warriors and demon

fighters who were listening.

"Well then, prepare to die!


The demon saint raised his right arm and waved it towards the direction of those human warriors.

"Prepare to fight!"

The elder responded by nodding his head and waving his hand.


Thousands of demon fighters rushed towards the human warriors, who were floating above the Trinary Star City like they were

sraging dark torrents.

At the stime, those human warriors also wielded their weapons and prepared to engage in battle.


Troops from both sides collided with each other. They attacked, defended, and killed their own enemies. The battlefield was filled

with outcries, shouts, and screams as if the doomsday had come.

Human warriors and demon fighters were slaughtered one after another, much like a blood bath taking place.

Their bodies fell from the sky and eventually hit the ground with a loud thud.

Meanwhile, Austin and the queen stood in the rear of the human troops, observing and calculating the possible results of the


"The weight of numbers will turn the battle against humans.

These humans are fighting a losing war. They will be killed quite soon,"

Austin stated with a sigh, shaking his head in an apparent disappointment.

"Yes, you're right!"

The queen, who was intently watching the bloody combat, couldn't help but nod in approval.