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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chatper 160
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160 Griffin

Seeing Willow again, knowing Ayla can still shift and know that her wolf form was not critically hurt. It

was the most relief I have ever felt, there have been moments before where I felt a relief unlike any

other. Finding out I hate a fated mate, Ayla not rejecting me, her accepting me officially. Yet nothing

compared to knowing she was alright. I could feel her nerves increase with every bite of food we took

at Luca’s restaurant. I knew why she just sat still for the first moments after she shifted. Everyone who

knows her knows how much Ayla loves to run. The fear that she might not be able to do so anymore

had crept from her pores into my very soul. Like this all-consuming shadow of more heartbreak hanging

over us.

Granted, she was out of breath way faster than she used to be. But it was a lack of stamina, not a

critical injury. So that’s something we can work on. Just like we did on the way there, we didn’t speak

on the way back. We just walked home hand in hand. The atmosphere was different, though. When we

were walking to the forest clearing I could practically hear her heart beating out of her chest. Now there

was a calm between us. A feeling like we were finally getting back on track with our lives.


I don’t know what has come over me, but the second I am near Ayla, I feel like a hormonal teenage

boy. As soon as she was in another room, I regained some sense. That’s why I told her I would wait for

her in the bedroom when she was getting us a bottle of water for the night. I suspected it to be a side

effect of completing the mating process, one that would be over soon.

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I had just settled into the bed when she walked over carrying a tray,

smiling like a kid on Christmas morning.

“We’re still having tiramisu for dessert,” she told me, showing the large slice of tiramisu on the plate.

I pulled the duvet down so she could take her seat in bed next to me. Happy to share a midnight sweet

treat with her before we would go to sleep, cuddled up in each other’s arms. I loved she had brought

the dish on one plate with two spoons so we could share the dish. But even as we were just watching

some TV show, casually chatting as we were enjoying our tiramisu. That lingering attraction got strong.

Every brush of her legs against mine, the slightest touch of her arms or fingers on mine, sends sparks

of want up and down my entire body. My arousal was noticeable, I had no doubt Ayla could not only

smell it but see the contours of it through the tented bedsheets. The air around us seemed to be

electrically charged with our lust. As the scent of our mutual arousal mingled. Both of us ignored it, me

because I was aware of how handsy I had been since mating.

But when she brushed a bit of the mascarpone off my chin with her thumb, I lost it. I was barely able to

place the plate with the last bits of tiramisu on my nightstand when I pulled her on top of me. She

reciprocated instantly crashing her lips onto mine, desperately pulling at the hem of the shirt she was

wearing to bed. She broke the kiss only to finally pull the shirt over her head, revealing that she was not

wearing anything underneath it. My co ck was now so hard that it started to hurt.

“F uck, darling, I need to be inside of you” I grumbled.

Ayla reacted like I had just given her the best gift in her life. She practically jumped off me so I could

pull my boxers and pajama pants off. She kneeled on all fours, her perfectly round as s slightly pushed

upwards. Just one look showed me how ready she was for me, Cagerly she was waiting for this.


“Then what are you waiting for, mate?” She practically purred at me, and I lost all ability to think.

The word mate did something with me, so I positioned myself behind her on my knees. My hard co ck

lined up with her entrance. Hands on her hips, just brushing against her, teasing. She shuddered with

need, she wouldn’t be able to handle this for long, but neither was I.

So with one deep thrust, I felt her up entirely as I grunted “Nothing”

She arched her back so I could penetrate her even deeper. Being inside of her, feeling her every ridge,

gave me a dizzying pleasure. Sex with Ayla has always been good, but this was almost like an out-of-

body experience. My every sense was flooded with the bliss that came from making love to her.

Bending down even more, she now rested on one arm her other hand, stroking her tender nub with one

hand as her other gripped the headboard. While I kept pounding into her like my life depended on it.

Because at this moment it felt like it did.

As I felt her pus sy contract around me, as I felt her clench down on me as the or gasm ripped through

her body, I found my relief too. I could barely keep up with my thrust, they were becoming more and

more frantic with every passing second. To my surprise, my erection did not go down after my org asm,

like my body was playing catch up for all the weeks we missed this.

Ayla wasn’t satisfied either because the second the last twitches of her org asm left her body she

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started bucking her hips. Riding my co ck while she was still on all four.

“Please, baby give me more I need more” she moaned shattering the last fragile bits of my resolve.

I pressed a kiss between her shoulder blades before pushing her down even further into the pillows.

Hissing at the sensation of feeling this new angle. Then I started f ucking her again. Surprising the two

of us

with the fact that I could go on for another two org asms. Ayla even managed to reach hers three times.

Our bodies were exhausted, and I was flaccid again, but there was still this lingering sexual tension as

we finally snuggled up together. Even Ayla’s breathlessly whispered “I love you, Griff” sends shudders

of want down my spine.


For a moment, I thought the lust I still had when we fell asleep had manifested itself in erotic dreams of

Ayla. But that was not the case, the first thing I saw when I woke up was Ayla on top of me, riding me.

“You had” … “An aaaahh” she stuttered and moaned as the pleasure was too all-consuming for her to

talk. Still, she managed to let me know that she had woken up to find me sleeping on my back, still

naked with an erection. Overcome by the same lust she had felt yesterday she had decided to surprise

me by waking me up like this. I was not complaining my first impulse was to grab her hips again as I

started thrusting in sync with her movements.

“I want you to knot me baby” she cried out eyes rolling back in her head. And that was the moment I

realized what was happening. What was causing us to behave like this? Something we needed to

address. But how could I when I was so far gone in this frenzied lust?

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!