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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

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152 Ayla

I knew Griffin had gone out to get Kate and Tim, and of course, I had not forgotten that my sweet

younger sister is pregnant. Still, seeing her showing belly suddenly served as a reminder of all that I

missed. Of all the pieces in my life that are still not how they were supposed to be. And even if I realize

how bad it is. I struggle to stay there and act happy. With some lame excuse, I make a beeline for the

bedroom. The last thing I want is for Kate to think that I am not happy that she here. Tim already felt

bad enough for his cousins’ behavior. Making him feel like I blame him for this is another thing I don’t


But all I do is keep on trucking, acting like I am over all that has happened to me. Both physically and

me ntally, until suddenly either my body or my brain slams the brakes. Reminding me how far from

okay I am.

Of course, it’s not long before Griffin follows me into the bedroom. He must have known something was

up. A testament to how well he knows me, but I fear it will only make him pity me more. Not see me as

the strong, fierce mate I used to be.

“What’s wrong, Darling, do you want me to set up your family in their rooms?” He suggests and I know

he didn’t do it on purpose but it only makes me feel worse.

Makes me feel guilty that all of them traveled so far just to be with me. And here I am sobbing in my

room like an ungrateful little b itch. Where Griffin who put so much effort in getting them all here is

comforting me instead of finally enjoying his evening. Dad told me he would love to throw me a BBQ

and even asked Rodrick, who of course said he was fine with it but would love to join. Ment ally, it

would probably do me some good to be surrounded by so much family. Dan


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suggested they could tell me more about what happened. Another thing that would do me some good

because I had so many questions about all that happened.

But I was exhausted and I still had so much stuff to unpack even with the help of the others. I was

shaky and tired so I sat there on the bed thinking of what to tell Griffin when he made the decision for


“Dad told me about the BBQ, I think you have overdone it again, take a nap I will make sure the rest of

your stuff gets unpacked and then we will talk about all that has happened during dinner okay?” He

asks but I can tell from his tone that it is not really a question.

He knows me too well and will not take no for an answer, still, I try to by reminding him of all the things I

need to still do. It’s part of the reason why he invited my family over. So eventually I just give in

because getting in a squabble with him will be exhausting now. And I know I am not winning this.

With a resigned sigh, I just start to undress to get ready for a nap. Too tired to even be bothered by the

fact, Griffin practically bolted out of the door the moment he saw I was getting naked. He was probably

right about me having overdone it and needing a nap. And no matter how guilty I felt, no matter how

much I kept overthinking when I was awake. The second my head felt the pillow, I was fast asleep.

The smell of fresh coffee woke me up, I was a bit drowsy and still felt a bit disorientated. Until I saw

where the smell of coffee was coming from. Griffin had sat down next to me on the bed. With a radiant

smile and two mugs of coffee in his hand.

“I know this is the evening now, and I promised to do this for you every morning. But this morning I

need to let you sleep in because of my surprise. Just wanted to let you know I haven’t forgotten about


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promise. And I will keep honoring it” He smiled at me as I took the mug from his hands.

With all the questions and uncertainties running through my mind, I suddenly had only one I needed the

answer to. The morning coffee and Griffin’s promise about it. My habit of sending him a picture of my

first coffee of the day when I was unable to have it with him. It all stemmed from this one promise. The

promise to always make time for one

another. The promise to make sure we started our day together when we could.

“Griff, can you promise me that we will be alright in the end, not just the two of us personally but

together as a couple, as a team?” I ask because if we can make another promise, I am sure we can

both keep it.

“I promise you, Darling, at the end of it we will be more than alright, we will be stronger than ever

separately and together. Nothing in this world can stop me from loving you, and I know you feel the

same about me” His answer is firm and it was direct.

There is nothing I can add to that because he is right, we love each other more than anything. I chose

this man over the heavens because I know life with him with all the ups and downs we would face in

our future. It would all still be better than being in the heavens without having experienced life with him.

Instead of using my words, I just snuggle up to him, sipping on my coffee.

Griffin buries his face in my messy hair before muttering, “I don’t know what I did to deserve to be your

second chance mate. To get to be the one to show you

will thank the Mo what kind of mate you actually deserve. But I

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the rest of my life.”

Goddess on my knees for it every single day for

I can hear the earnestness in his voice, there aren’t a load of wolves left with the same devotion to the

Moon Goddess as Grillin has. Making me wonder what he would feel if he found out he was always the



152 Ayta

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better suited to me. Would it reassure him to know he is my perfect mate? Or would he be upset

knowing all about the time we lost? And the pain we both felt because the Moon Goddess made a

wrong bet?

“What are you thinking about, Darling?” Griffin interrupts my thoughts.

“About what I experienced during my coma, I will tell everyone during dinner though, okay?” I ask for

the sole purpose of giving myself a little more time to think about how much I am going to tell him. Not

wanting to keep things from Griffin, but not wanting to hurt him either.

It might depend on what the others tell me happened during my absence and my coma too. Because I

want to make sure that what happened to me will never happen to anyone else ever again. Not just by

finding, arresting, and punishing David and the rest of his new pack. But by doing all I can as the future

queen to make it impossible. to do things like this to your mate.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!