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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 651
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Chapter 651 Stay At My Place

Upon hearing Avery mention Allie, the gentle expression on Claire's face immediately turned cold.

The incident where that woman had caused a scene at the hospital was known to almost everyone, which greatly

irritated Claire.

She looked at Avery, her voice gentle as she said, “She did come by this afternoon but was chased away by Old Mr.

Moore. Allie has lost her son, and I understand she's upset, but her behavior is simply unreasonable. She completely

disregarded the fact that you're pregnant, even wanting to lay hands on you while you're carrying her grandchild! I

think it's best if you don't stay at the Moore residence anymore. Come stay at my place for a while.”

Allie blamed Avery for the mishap that befell Cayden.

But that was clearly an accident. What did it have to do with Avery?

Moreover, Avery was currently a pregnant woman about to give birth. She was already heartbroken over her

husband's loss, yet Allie still insulted her so harshly, even resorting to physical violence without considering Avery's

safety. What if Allie's recklessness led to a tragedy where both Avery and her unborn child died?

Claire understood the immense pain a woman felt when she lost a child, but that was no excuse for Allie to

disrespect Avery so casually.

Avery gently shook her head. “Thank you for your kindness, Mrs. Lambert. I already feel embarrassed for having

you take care of me here. I couldn't possibly impose on you at your home.”

“Ery, now is not the time to be willful. I wouldn't worry about you staying with Allie if you weren't carrying a child.

But now, you're not alone. What if Allie stirs up trouble again and hurts you? Don't tell me that Old Mr. Moore will

protect you or that there are guards and nannies at home. Old Mr. Moore is a good man, but he is old after all, and

there are always things he may overlook. Allie is Cayden's mother. She can easily find an excuse to cause trouble

for you. With her domineering attitude, how could those guards and nannies possibly stop her?”

The more Claire thought about it, the angrier she became. Especially when she thought about the man Avery

married, who turned out to be Allie's son. Now, Avery was even carrying Allie's grandchild in her belly, making Claire

incredibly upset. If Cayden were around, he could still protect my daughter to some extent. Now that he's gone, I

don't even dare to imagine how Allie will mistreat my daughter! No. This won't do. It seems like I should bring

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forward my plan to be reunited with my daughter.

“Ery, you'll stay at my place for a while. With me and my husband around, even if Allie is audacious, she wouldn't

dare to barge in. Once the child is safely born, if you want to return to the Moore residence, you may certainly do

so. Is that okay?”

Claire's voice carried a hint of tenderness as if she was fearful of hearing Avery's rejection.

Avery stared blankly at Claire, quietly wiping the corner of her eyes, and asked innocently, “Mrs. Lambert, why are

you so good to me?”

“Because you are my...”

Suddenly, Claire realized she was about to say something she shouldn't. She caught herself in time and changed

her words. “Because you are my lucky star. I've always felt that we became acquainted because of the work of

fate. I'm not just nice to anyone. It's because I am very fond of you, so I'm willing to be nice to you. Ery, would you

like to stay at my house for a few days? I'll take good care of you.”

The sincere and slightly pleading expression on Claire's face tugged at Avery's heartstrings.

Instinctively and unknowingly, Avery nodded with tears in her eyes. “Okay.” Mrs. Lambert is right. I'm not alone now.

The child in my womb is the last bloodline left to me by Cayden. I can't afford to risk any accidents due to my

willfulness. The consequences would be too severe for me to bear.

“Good girl. I'll definitely take good care of you!” Claire embraced Avery, holding the latter close in her arms with

tears brimming in her eyes.

She would undoubtedly do everything within her power to take good care of her daughter, making up for the

motherly love she had missed out on all these years.

Early in the morning the next day, Cecelia and Nina went to visit Avery.

However, the comfort provided by the two didn't seem to have much effect. Avery still appeared to be in a state of

deep despondency.

Claire still accompanied Avery. She was a very elegant and kind woman. She spoke in a refined manner and could

get along with anyone. Cecelia and Nina both particularly liked the unpretentious Claire.

They kept Avery company in the hospital room, managing to slightly dispel the sorrowful atmosphere.

Around ten o'clock, Xavier arrived at the hospital.

Two men dressed in suits and shoes trailed behind him, their faces solemn and heavy.

Seeing Claire sitting by the bed, feeding Avery oatmeal, he was clearly taken aback for a moment. Then, he

greeted Claire politely, “Mrs. Lambert.” Afterward, he shifted his gaze to Avery.

Cloire noticed Xovier's hesitont demeonor. She ploced the ootmeol on the toble next to her ond sensibly soid to

Avery, “Ery, it seems this gentlemon hos something importont to discuss with you. I'll excuse myself for o bit.”

Avery grosped Cloire's hond ond turned to look ot Xovier with her emotionlessly. “Xovier, there ore no outsiders

here. Feel free to speok your mind.”

Heoring thot prompted Cloire to jerk her heod oround to look ot Avery.

Looking ot Avery's pole but colm foce, Cloire discreetly clenched her slightly trembling fists.

Xovier odjusted his gold-rimmed glosses on the bridge of his nose, introducing the two men he brought with him to

Avery. “This is Mr. Dorius Tucker ond Mr. Colin Solos, the top lowyers from Copitol Legol Group. They ore here todoy

becouse Mr. Moore hod secretly entrusted them with o tosk before he left Ackleton.”

“Whot?” At the mention of Coyden's nome, Avery immediotely grew ogitoted. “Whot did Coyden entrust to you?”

The toll lowyer, Dorius, slowly pulled out o document from his briefcose. “Mrs. Moore, pleose try not to get upset.

Let us exploin everything to you. Mr. Moore hod previously osked Mr. Solos ond me to droft ond sign his will. In cose

of ony unforeseen circumstonces, ninety percent of his personol weolth, olong with oll the shores he owns in Trident

Group, will be entirely inherited by you. He olso oppointed you os the octing president of Trident Group. The

remoining ten percent of Mr. Moore's personol weolth will be inherited by Ms. Allie Musk. To ovoid ony disputes, we

both were invited os legol notories. Mrs. Moore, this is the detoiled list of Mr. Moore's ossets. Pleose review it, ond if

there ore no issues, kindly sign on it.”

Cloire wos somewhot token obock. She cleorly hodn't expected thot Coyden would octuolly leove such o will.

The reoctions of the others present voried greotly.

Xovier's foce wos colm, while Cecelio ond Nino were full of shock. Coyden's net worth wos in the hundreds of

billions, including his personol weolth ond the shores he held in the Trident Group. The thought of how much weolth

thot could be wos too dounting to even consider. Now, Avery wos truly obout to become the richest womon in oll of

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Avery lowered her goze, seemingly oblivious to the documents the lowyer honded her. Her mind wos entirely

consumed by one word. Will. Does this meon Coyden is reolly gone?

Claire noticed Xavier's hesitant demeanor. She placed the oatmeal on the table next to her and sensibly said to

Avery, “Ery, it seems this gentleman has something important to discuss with you. I'll excuse myself for a bit.”

Avery grasped Claire's hand and turned to look at Xavier with her emotionlessly. “Xavier, there are no outsiders

here. Feel free to speak your mind.”

Hearing that prompted Claire to jerk her head around to look at Avery.

Looking at Avery's pale but calm face, Claire discreetly clenched her slightly trembling fists.

Xavier adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, introducing the two men he brought with him to

Avery. “This is Mr. Darius Tucker and Mr. Colin Salas, the top lawyers from Capital Legal Group. They are here today

because Mr. Moore had secretly entrusted them with a task before he left Ackleton.”

“What?” At the mention of Cayden's name, Avery immediately grew agitated. “What did Cayden entrust to you?”

The tall lawyer, Darius, slowly pulled out a document from his briefcase. “Mrs. Moore, please try not to get upset.

Let us explain everything to you. Mr. Moore had previously asked Mr. Salas and me to draft and sign his will. In case

of any unforeseen circumstances, ninety percent of his personal wealth, along with all the shares he owns in Trident

Group, will be entirely inherited by you. He also appointed you as the acting president of Trident Group. The

remaining ten percent of Mr. Moore's personal wealth will be inherited by Ms. Allie Musk. To avoid any disputes, we

both were invited as legal notaries. Mrs. Moore, this is the detailed list of Mr. Moore's assets. Please review it, and if

there are no issues, kindly sign on it.”

Claire was somewhat taken aback. She clearly hadn't expected that Cayden would actually leave such a will.

The reactions of the others present varied greatly.

Xavier's face was calm, while Cecelia and Nina were full of shock. Cayden's net worth was in the hundreds of

billions, including his personal wealth and the shares he held in the Trident Group. The thought of how much wealth

that could be was too daunting to even consider. Now, Avery was truly about to become the richest woman in all of


Avery lowered her gaze, seemingly oblivious to the documents the lawyer handed her. Her mind was entirely

consumed by one word. Will. Does this mean Cayden is really gone?