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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 78
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78-He Accepted Me


“Why do you look so uncomfortable? Is there something troubling you?” Maynard asked as he watched

me look around and see the cafeteria top up.

“I’m fine,” I countered awkwardly, still feeling this uneasiness in my body that I cannot explain.

Maybe it was because not only Lazlo and Jessica but Thiago were also present there. I was waiting for

Maynard to pull out his last card and showcase his game plan and he did just that once he

acknowledged most of the students have filled the cafeteria with their presence.

He confidently smirked after passing a keen eye around before adjusting to get on his feet.

“Wait! What are you doing?” I held his hand to prevent him from staggering to his feet.

He formed a frown after he freed his hand and hunched down to say, “Let me talk!”

I didn’t receive a very good feeling from that but I had no way out of it now that I have thrown myself into

this mess again.

“May I have everybody’s attention please?” Maynard was tall enough to tower everyone. His loud and

oppressing voice had managed to catch his eyes on him as he wanted.

“Thank you!” seeing everybody watch him encouraged him more, “I am aware of your taking your fine

time but it is something couldn’t keep to myself anymore.” the way he was talking sounded like what he

was doing was one of his proud acts.

‘Should we get up and sprint out of here?” I asked Nia for help. I wanted to know from her if she will be

onboard for a daring exit?

“Hush! He is talking!’ her response got me into parting my lips in real time and then shutting them close

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I looked around and saw Thiago being the only one with his face lowered and his face ducked in his

plate and but his body attentively responded by shaking his leg apprehensively.

“So, as I was saying, I have something important to share with you all today. Something really

unpleasant happened here yesterday,” there it was! The mention of the last day’s unfortunate event. I

should have reckoned from his sudden change in behavior that he was up to something.

But as always, I ignored all the red flags and chose to be a half-wit. ‘Are you still fascinated by his

speech or do I expect you to help me get out of here now?’ as panic began to rise in my body, hoped for

Nia to be on my side.


She was still pretty engrossed in what Maynard had to say.

‘Dammit Nia!’ cursing at her, I decided to make a decision for myself but as soon as I leaped onto my

feet, Maynard’s firm grasp around my wrist stopped my proceeding steps.

I gasped when Lazlo and Jessica snickered.

“Where are you going, love?” Maynard’s eyes carried a shine of interest. He was too happy for a normal

cloudy day.

“Let me go, Maynard!” I grunted under my gritted teeth but he didn’t let go.

“Calm down, it will be quick,” he narrowed his eyes in my face before honing in on the crowd again.

“Yes! She is the one who slapped me, the Alpha!” that little scoff he let out drowned my heart in my


I was beginning to sweat in a negative Celsius.

“She slapped me right here in front of you all,” he repeated himself, finding me struggling a little to get

out of his grasp

The crowd at this point was having too much fun seeing me breathe profusely.

“You know why?” He raised his hand to his ear, encouraging them into yelling in unison.


I watched Jessica’s face lit up. She was having most of the fun with my uneasiness and what Maynard

was going to do to punish


“Because she is my mate,” those words from Maynard’s lips changed everything.




78-He Accepted Me


I no longer wanted to get freed of his grapple. Jessica’s face fell long as she matched eyes with Lazlo,

probably demanding why he didn’t tell her his friend was my mate.

If that is how much she was troubled with the news, I wonder how she would react to finding out her dear

boyfriend is also mates with me.

Back to Maynard, I didn’t expect that.

“Only a mate of mine gets to be sassy yet so comforting to me,” Maynard pulled me closer this time and

his eyes smiled.

I saw Thiago get up and walk out of the cafeteria from my peripheral vision but my attention was mostly

on Maynard now.

He introduced me as his mate to the whole academy, it was big for me.

“Maynard!” my lips said his name in a whisper and his smile reached his ears.

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“Your mate!” he corrected me, “So, with that being said. I am encouraging you all to stay the fuck away

from my mate and not indulge in any activity that will cause harm to her or her mood,” he went on before

pausing and then smiling with himself.

“In fact, this is not even why I wanted your attention. There is more,” he said loudly, making my heart sink

in my chest.

“There is more?” I whispered undertone but he heard me.

“There is!” he nodded, “Today, here on this spot, I — As he started the sentence with a lot of force to the

word I, I assume even Lazlo fathomed where Maynard was going with it because he leaped onto his feet

while holding hands with Jessica and marched out of the exit.

“I, the Alpha of the White Vicious Pack, accept Enya Fosters as my mate,” the acceptance filled my body

with butterflies.

I felt my chest inflating with air and my heart pumping more blood than what it was needed at the


“Do you accept me too?” He let me go as he gave me an open choice to if I wanted to accept him right in

that moment. And I thought to myself, why not?

He was courageous enough to be an Alpha and go out of the norm and accept an Omega as his mate in

front of his peers, so why can’t I do the same?

It’s time I chose my mate and start something serious.

With a bright smile covering my lips, I nodded first before announcing, “I, Enya Foster, accept Maynard

Gray as my mate,”

The cafeteria had one side with Alpha’s and betas grunting whilst the Omegas cheered for us.

I liked the change Maynard was going to bring by putting aside the status difference and accepting me.

Before I could fully enjoy the moment, my eyes turned to the side and I spotted Mr. Tripper recording this

whole incident.

Why would he record it?

To send it to Corbin!