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Rejected by the Beta, Claimed by the Alpha

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45
As Clara watched Alice cuter the kitchen with some other omegas after the kitchen had been cleaned, it was not long when
Jaxon and Rowens went to their bedroom together. She could already guess that they were going to continue making out.
Clara did not feel hurt at seeing Rowena with Jaxon anymore after hearing the story. Her father had made the sacrifice with his
life and his heart lived on in the body of the old Alpha Clinton. It was easy to say that Alpha Clinton, was Rowena’s father
because he carried the man’s heart. No one could be the Lumma of the Snow Mountain pack except Rowena, due to this huge
sacrifice, which Clara could live with.
All this while she felt on top of the game, now she was realizing that she was the real pawn, Charles who worshipped the very
floor she walked on, pushed and hit her for the first time. When she saw lim enter his room, which used to be partly hers before
with Gracie, more tears fell from her eyes. Whereas when she heard the turning of the key hole, her heart ached.
The signs were blurring that at a point, Charles stopped caring about her but she refused to see. Clara’s anger rose towards the
old Alpha If he had told this story earlier, Clara would have focused on Charles after all the sacrifices he made for her but the old
Alpha had to keep it to himself and she lost everything. That old man was so cruel.
That day, Clara was a crying mess, her tears falling everywhere she cleaned, the warrior assigned to her was upset. She was
creating more mess than good and there was no way for him to stop after tears after witnessing and hearing everything himself.
He was very happy that the mighty Clara had fallen, for which reason he took pity on her because she was nothing at this
“I will pardon you for today. Go home now bet tomorrow, I won’t tolerate your stup id tears,” the warrior instructed.
Clara stared at him through her teary eyes with gratitude. She was shivering all through and could not even hold a sweeping
brush or mopping stick well. The warrior knew it was better for her to have the day off, rather than spreading her stu pid tears all
over and everywhere.
Throughout her walk to her house, Clara could not stop crying and her friends who had always stood by and supported her all
the time were shocked. Since they were undergoing punishunent, they could not ask about the reason for her tears. No one saw
Clara cry before and she was shedding them like a widow.
Reaching home, her mother was shocked like the others. “Clara, what happened to you?” She asked with concern, whiles she
hugged her daughter before breaking from the lug to take in her appearance all over again. Never has she seen her daughter in
a teary mess. All the while Clara took the punishment, even with her father being upset with her, she never cried sa her mother
was greatly worried for what had humbled her daughter so neach.
Clara hugged her mother back and wailed some more before asking. “Is daddy in the house?” She was afraid that her futher
would get upset with the news and throw her out. Her mother was much more considerate and if she explained to her first, she
would be able to appease her in front of her father.

“How would be when you know the mess you got him into?” Her mother asked with disappointment. All this while, they walked
with their heads high with her father being the G amma of the park. A lot of pack members feared hum but thanks to Clara, he
has been reduced to an omega and his friends were now laughing at him Until the punishment was over, his title would weigh:
Well, even after the punishment ends, it was certain that he would never be able to walk with his head high anymore. He would
constantly be reminded of that punishment breause that was what Clara used to do and he never corrected her. Ele was going to
be at the receiving end of the bad seed his daughter planted,
“I’m so sorry mom, I’m very sorry,” Clara wiped her tears, which was soon replaced with more. She could not control them and
wiping them was doing no good. She paused and wiped her face with a tissue, blowing her nose but soon enough, another flood
of tears took over. Her mather was increasingly growing worried.
“What happened Clara, you are a strong woman and never cried like this before. Not even when you were a child.”
“Mom, lost everything,” Clara cried, feeling dejected and destroyed. She felt that all her life has been a waste. Her mother could
not understand a thing going on, feeling that Clara was not making sense
“What do you mean you lost everything? You have me, your father, and even Charles. Didn’t you say that you were even trying
to get Jaxon’s attention so you could be our Lana? You have everything, Clarn and every girl envies you. They all want to be like
you,” her mother smiled and spoke Clara sunk in a chair and her mother followed suit. She buried her face in her palms and
cried some more,
“No mum, Elost it all. I was selfish and stu pid to think that Charles didn’t know”
Her mother frowned and hugged her. Clara might just be depressed because of the punishment thing. She kept it all in and was
just letting it all out now. “Clara, what are you talking about? Maybe you are lungry. I just made some porridge. Come and eat to
regain yourself.”
Her mother stood up and went to the kitchen to frich the porridge for her. Whiles she was at it, Clara revealed, “Mom, Jaxon
marked Howena and she’s going to the Laina
The ladle in the woman’s land fell. “What How could it happen? Did you not say that you had it all under control Clara. your
father is already being ridiculed by Jus friends. Your becoming Luisa is his only motivation to washing away the shame
Chapter 45
and reproach,” her mother said all at once.
Chara inagined how her father would feel upon hearing the news he would hate her for bringing them so much shame. Unlike
her mother, her father had advised her to forms and Charles and even when Jaxon became the Alpha, he was not in support of
Clara’s focus shifting. It was just Clara and her mother but when Clara revealed that she had not slept with Charles, her father
thought that perhaps Jaxon was the right person for her and now this? .

“I’m sorry mom, no other woman could be the Lana because Rowena’s father was the old Alpha’s secret heart donor. He

donated his heart for Rowena and her mother to be lifted from the life of omegas. The covenant was made with the moon.
goddess so the only person who could be Alpha was the one mated to Rowena.”
The news was so shocking to her mother, it was worse than the first. “How come no one knew about this?” She asked from the
shock. If only they knew about this earlier, they would have re-strategized. It was too much to hear and bear together. Clara
sniffled before she explained further,
“The old Alpha said nobody had to know until destiny took its course. Charles gave up the Alpha title because of me. Because he
had to marry Rowena if he wanted to be the Alpha.”
Her mother saw hope in what her daughter just said. At least all was not lost. If Clara was mated to Charles, then she would still
live in the packluse, which would give them the right to visit the packhouse at any time as well.
“It’s alright, being the beta’s mate, is as good as being the Lana. You will be the next in command after Charles.”
Clara shook her head bitterly upon realizing that her mother misunderstood everything. “Mom, Charles marked Gracie because
she is his second chance mate.
Her mother froze as shock, displeasure and pain registered in her eyes. “Clara, these kinds of pranks can give someone a heart
attack Stop it!” She yelled. She could not believe it and she was not going to accept it. Clara pursed her lips and went on
speaking through tears
“Im not joking, mother. Charles knew all my plans and was secretly planning his revenge against me.”
Her mother sunk to the floor, shaking her head vigorously. It was unbelievable. Their plans were only discussed indoors and
Charles was never there during those times. Anytime he visited, they never mentioned it. It was just not possible and they
agreed for Clara to not tell any of her friends so this could not be and the mother could not accept it. “It’s not possible. He can’t
read your mind.”
From the way her mother was so confident about everything. Clara cried even more for having disappointed her. When she
thought she was ahead, Charles was two steps above her and the realization was a sinker. Clara did not tell anyone about this
but felt it was time to do so Low
“It was eight years ago when I told Jaxon what I felt for him. Charles heard everything but wanted to give me a second. chance
when I turned eighteen. He wanted to claim me but I kept refusing because I wanted to be the Luma. That was when he gave up
on me.”
“Oh Clara, you are so foolish. Why did you not tell me this before!” Her mother asked, full of disappointment at how her daughter
messed up her destiny. All Clara kept saying was that Charles never made advances further than kissing and he was planning a
big wedding. However, she also made them to understand that she was working harder to get Jason rather before she gives up
on Charles.
“Because I thought I was in charge. He was doing everything I wanted and I was happy thinking that everything was fine

between us,” Clara shook her head as more tears ruined her once beautiful face. Her eyes were already scarlet and swollen, she
was unrecognizable at the moment.
Her mother suddenly stopped crying and all the pity wiped from her face together with it. she said seriously, “You know what, I
don’t think you are hungry.”
Clara was confused but the next moment, her mother lustened up the stairs with a heavy heart. Clara run after her, shocked to
see what her mother was doing”