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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 719
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Chapter 719 Who Did He Meet

Lu Jingyuan poured her a glass of water. “What happened?” Ning Ran let out a sigh. “I’m still trying to process

what’s going on.”

Lu Jingyuan nodded. “In that case, get some rest first. There’s no hurry. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t feel

like it.” At that moment, Lu Yunxue came over and leaned against Ning Ran’s legs. “Ms. Ning, are you sick?”

The pale look on Ning Ran’s face was the reason she asked. It was a symptom of the former’s shock from the

harrowing experience. “No. I’m just feeling a little under the weather.”

Ning Ran muddled through her answer, as the matter was too complicated for a child to comprehend. “Go play with

your sister outside. I have something to discuss with Ms. Ning.” Lu Jingyuan shooed Lu Yunxue out.

After giving her mother a reluctant look, Lu Yunxue did as she was told. “While I was in the middle of filming, Nan

Chen suddenly barged onto the set and told everyone to get back…”

After relating the terrifying scene to Lu Jingyuan, Ning Ran could still feel her knees go weak.

“Such wicked men! However, how did Mr. Nan know that your body was covered in a flammable substance?” Lu

Jingyuan asked.

“I’m not sure. I just believed him when he told me so, as there was no time for questions. I guess he must have

received some information about it?”

“It sounds really dangerous. That said, who would want to hurt you? Is it someone from the production team?”

Ning Ran had no clue at all.

In the past, Ouyang Qing would be the main suspect, but she was now ruled out due to her imprisonment.

“Even though there are those who resent me, I can’t think of anyone who hates me enough to want me dead,”

Ning Ran replied with a shake of her head.

“I’m afraid it might have something to do with Mr. Nan, as the powerful Nan family has plenty of enemies. Someone

must be trying to hurt Mr. Nan by harming you.”

Ning Ran nodded in resignation. “Exactly. Many of them come at me when they fail to attack him. I’m just collateral

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Lu Jingyuan smiled in response. “I’m afraid not. Many others are dying to possess what Mr. Nan can give you. The

Nan family might provide you with the dream life, but there’s a price to pay for it. As the saying goes, you win

some; you lose some.”

Lu Jingyuan’s words might not sound pleasant, but the truth in them was undeniable.

If it weren’t for Nan Chen, Ning Ran—based on her existing popularity— wouldn’t have the opportunity to take on

the role of a female lead in a blockbuster with such a massive budget. Moreover, the role was written for her


“All right. I guess I have to resign myself to fate. That said, I’m going to be traumatized by the incident for a while

still. This isn’t the first time I’ve experienced something like that. Someone tampered with my costume some time

ago too. At the rate this is going, I’m going to develop a phobia for them.”

“In that case, you have to be more cautious going forward. The clothes you and the things you wear have to be

managed by someone you trust. Otherwise, the risk will always be there.”

In the midst of their chat, the sound of a car engine rang out from outside. Thereafter, Lu Yunxue dashed in to

inform them that Nan Chen had arrived.

Standing at the door, Nan Chen had already changed into a clean suit. With his hair combed neatly, he looked his

usual cold and dashing self.

“Mr. Nan, would you like to come in and have some coffee?”

“I’ll pass. I’m just here to pick Ning Ran up. I appreciate you taking care of her. As there’s something we need to

attend to, we’ll drop by for a visit next time.”

Even though Nan Chen could’ve sent Qiao Zhan to pick Ning Ran up, he decided to come personally so that he

could thank Lu Jingyuan.

“Don’t mention it. I barely lifted a finger. Since you have something on, I won’t take up any more of your time. I’ll

see you again soon.”

Lu Jingyuan, sensitive to the situation, knew that now wasn’t the time to chat, as the Nan family had to respond to

what had happened.

“Thank you, Ms. Lu.”

Meanwhile, Lu Yunxue glanced at her mother and then at Ning Ran, filled with the urge to leave with the latter.

Bored stiff at home with her mother and sister, she wanted to play with Erbao.

However, Lu Jingyuan couldn’t allow her to go because the Nan family was currently occupied.

Sensing Lu Yunxue’s desire, Ning Ran kneeled and reassured her softly, “Once I have finished what I need to do, I’ll

pick you up to go play with Erbao, all right?”

The words delighted the girl. “All right!”

Upon leaving the villa, Qiao Zhan opened the car door for them to get in.

“Sir Chen, everyone from the production team has been detained. No one is allowed to leave. Shall we go over

now?” Qiao Zhan inquired.

“Okay. Let’s send Ning Ran back to the inn before heading over to deal with them,” Nan Chen replied.

“How do you plan on doing that? By the way, how did you know that there was a flammable substance on my

body?” Ning Ran finally had the opportunity to raise the matter.

“An old schoolmate of Jiang Zhe’s met him recently, hoping to obtain information on Nanshi Corporation…”

Nan Chen related the entire incident involving Jiang Zhe and Yu Xiang to Ning Ran so that she could understand how

he knew.

“Therefore, I’m the one that’s supposed to be burnt to ash? The Ouyang family are indeed b*stards, with one more

vicious than the other,” Ning Ran cursed.

“I don’t think Ouyang Li hates you that much because both of you haven’t even met. The hatred she harbors can

only be for me. Hence, my gut tells me that she isn’t the mastermind. She probably just knows of the plan,” Nan

Chen explained.

“Who else can it be if not for her? The one who hates me the most is Ouyang Qing, but she’s currently in prison.

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Now that she’s in trouble, where would she find the bandwidth to attack me?”

Nan Chen furrowed his brows. “To have gotten someone to infiltrate the production team and burn you to death is

such an insidious manner. The mastermind must have spent a long time planning it. They had always wanted you

dead but didn’t find the opportunity to do so. Recently, did you have any conflicts with anyone from the production


Ning Ran replied with certainty, “No, as I don’t like quarreling with others. After filming every day, I would go

straight home.”

“By the way, didn’t Huang Zichao invite you to star in a program together but cancel it suddenly? On top of that, he

even offered to compensate you for breaking the contract. Now that I think of it, is it because he got wind that

you’re in danger and didn’t want to be burdened by you?”

Nan Chen’s icy gaze made Ning Ran feel uncomfortable.

“Don’t look at me that way, as I’ve no idea. But from what you said, do you really think that he knows something?”

“Did he come to set over the last few days?” Nan Chen asked again.

After giving it some thought, Ning Ran shook her head. “He didn’t because he wasn’t feeling well. Also, he’s

currently on leave indefinitely.”

Nan Chen turned his attention to Qiao Zhan. “Investigate who Huang Zichao has met with recently and what he’s

up to.”

“Yes, Sir Chen,” Qiao Zhan acknowledged the instructions.

“But I still think this has nothing to do with Huang Zichao—”

Mid-sentence, Ning Ran decided against finishing it.

She knew that insisting on Huang Zichao’s innocence under those circumstances would only infuriate Nan Chen.

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