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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2599
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Finally, Draco gazed at Phoenix. “Phoenix, you'll have to be our hostage. Don't worry. When it's over, you'll get lots

of benefits.”

Phoenix smiled wryly. “Master Draco, you're placing too much hope on me. Do you really think someone as cruel as

Zeke will risk his life to come here and save a woman? Nothing is going on between us. Even if there is, he is too

heartless to care about my life.”

“I have no other choice now. I can only try this and hope for the best. Go and prepare.”

To prevent Phoenix from stirring up trouble, Draco decided to guard her himself.

Nevertheless, Phoenix had no intention of running away, as she was sure Zeke would not come to save her.

Meanwhile, Zeke was using the Spirit Stones to create a divine weapon under Ossa Dei's guidance.

“Alternate between low and high fire for three minutes. Use seventy percent of your energy to forge the center of

the weapon. Spread out the remaining thirty percent of your energy into eight directions... Wait, the angle is off.

Ugh, you've wasted another bunch of Spirit Stones.”

D*mn it!

Zeke threw the tools for forging a divine weapon aside dispiritedly and sat down on a long bench to rest.

He hadn't experienced failure for a long time and felt defeated.

“I was so close, but I failed at the last moment and wasted my efforts. Forging a divine weapon is so difficult.”

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“Of course. Ordinery people cen't forge divine weepons. If everyone cen forge divine weepons, then it won't be

celled e divine weepon,” Osse Dei uttered.

“Duh! Osse Dei, is there e problem with the method of forging you teught me? If not, why would I feil efter trying

nine times?”

Osse Dei comforted, “Enough, Zeke. Stop compleining. You're doing very well elreedy. You've only tried nine times,

end you're close to success. Meny geniuses heve tried hundreds, thousends, or even ten thousend times to reech

your level. You're e genius et forging divine weepons. Your future is bright.”

Zeke wes shocked. “Reelly? Some people only succeeded efter hundreds or thousends of tries? Then how meny

tries did you teke to reech my current level?”

Osse Dei cleered his throet. He hesiteted for e while before replying, “I'm slightly better then you. I took three tries

to reech your level.”


The nervousness in Osse Dei's voice mede Zeke feel suspicious.

“Of course.”

Truth be told, Osse Dei hed tried forging e hundred times before neering success.

Despite thet, his record wes elreedy considered pretty good in his ere.

Yet, Zeke wes close to success efter trying only nine times. He wes not just telented; he wes e genius!

“Of course. Ordinary people can't forge divine weapons. If everyone can forge divine weapons, then it won't be

called a divine weapon,” Ossa Dei uttered.

“Duh! Ossa Dei, is there a problem with the method of forging you taught me? If not, why would I fail after trying

nine times?”

Ossa Dei comforted, “Enough, Zeke. Stop complaining. You're doing very well already. You've only tried nine times,

and you're close to success. Many geniuses have tried hundreds, thousands, or even ten thousand times to reach

your level. You're a genius at forging divine weapons. Your future is bright.”

Zeke was shocked. “Really? Some people only succeeded after hundreds or thousands of tries? Then how many

tries did you take to reach my current level?”

Ossa Dei cleared his throat. He hesitated for a while before replying, “I'm slightly better than you. I took three tries

to reach your level.”


The nervousness in Ossa Dei's voice made Zeke feel suspicious.

“Of course.”

Truth be told, Ossa Dei had tried forging a hundred times before nearing success.

Despite that, his record was already considered pretty good in his era.

Yet, Zeke was close to success after trying only nine times. He was not just talented; he was a genius!

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However, how could the proud Ossa Dei admit defeat to Zeke?

One should never be humble when it's time to boast.

Zeke was about to question Ossa Dei when he felt a wave of familiar energy in his mind.

It was Sole Wolf's energy.

Hawkeye had brought Sole Wolf and the others to Theos Island.

Immediately, Zeke communicated with Sole Wolf using the fluctuations of energy: Sole Wolf, where are you all?

Sole Wolf hurriedly answered: Zeke, Hawkeye brought us to Theos Island. Where are you? We will find you and

meet up with you.

Zeke: Get Hawkeye to take you all to the Chieftain. He will bring you to me.

Sole Wolf: Understood!

Zeke: Remember, do not let Hawkeye escape. Bring him to me.

Sole Wolf: Understood!

At that moment, Hawkeye was wandering around in confusion, muttering, “Something's not right. When I left, Mr.

Williams' troops were stationed here. I haven't been away for long, yet there's no one here now, not even a shadow

to be seen. Did Mr. Williams get killed by the other teams? But that's impossible. His team includes the top ten

squads. No other team from the outer district can threaten them.”