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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2285
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“Uncle Preston, it's me, Ernest! You have to stand up for me. Someone has hit me, and they're even slandering me!

Also, he said that you're nothing but a worm around him and that he can easily crush you just by lifting a finger. Yes,

yes, hurry up and come. I want you to punish them with the law and bring justice to me!”

After ending the call, Ernest gave Zeke a threatening look. “In half an hour, my uncle will be here. When he comes,

it's time for you all to go to jail. Haha!”

Zeke then snatched Ernest's phone. Subconsciously, Ernest rose to his feet and reached for his gun, but Sole Wolf

kicked him down with another kick.

Zeke then glanced at the number Ernest called earlier and dialed the number.

The call went through rather quickly.

In the next second, a deep voice traveled into Zeke's ear. “Didn't I say I'll be going over right away? Why are you

calling me again?”

Zeke uttered, “I have Ernest with me right now, so give me your full name immediately.”

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After a moment of silence, the other man asked, “Who are you?”

“Sorry, but I'm the one asking questions here. All you need to do is answer me. Otherwise, Ernest will be dead, and

there'll be no need for you to come.”

The other man then said, “Fine, I'll tell you. I'm the presiding judge of the court, Preston Sharpe. I'd advise you not

to do anything silly. You're still young, so don't walk down the road of crimes.”

Zeke replied, “All right. I'll be waiting for you to come.”

After the call ended, Zeke turned to Sole Wolf and instructed, “The presiding judge of the court, Preston Sharpe.

Deal with him.”

Zeke was not even going to dirty his hands for a minor character like Preston.

Sole Wolf nodded. “Okay!”

He then called the Provincial Military District.

The moment the call was picked up, Sole Wolf said, “The presiding judge of the court, Preston Sharpe has crossed

Zeke. You know what to do. This is an urgent task, so prioritize it and deal with Preston first.”

After hanging up the call, Sole Wolf nodded at Zeke. “Zeke, the arrangements have been made.”

“Pft-” Ernest snorted. “If not for my education and experience, I'd believed in you. Go on, keep up with the act. I'd

like to see how well you can act!”

Lacey, Dawn, and the others only smiled in silence.

They all knew that Zeke was not acting.

He was the Great Marshal, and all he needed was a word before someone trivial like Preston was dealt with.

Meanwhile, Preston was speeding toward Heartland Hospital in his car.

If it was any other time, he would not have bothered with something insignificant as this.

However, he had racked up debts from gambling, and he had to find a way to pay off those debts. In other words,

helping Ernest was one of his ways of earning money.

Although Ernest was just the head physician of a hospital, he was filthy rich. Every time he received monetary gifts

from Ernest, it was in millions.

Anyone who was not a fool would be able to figure out that Ernest money did not come from legal means.

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However, as long as he could spend the money he received, Preston would not care about how Ernest had gotten

that money.

Just as he reached a junction near Heartland Hospital, a military troop suddenly blocked off the road.

Preston frowned and wondered, Who's the big shot who's coming? Is that why they've sealed off the road?

Initially, Preston thought of taking another route around the blocked-off road, but he could not suppress his growing

curiosity in him. Thus, he went over to the troops and asked about the situation.

In the end, curiosity had indeed killed the cat.

Preston asked, “Are you welcoming some kind of big shot by putting up roadblocks?”

The soldier gave Preston a foul look. “Don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask. Hurry up and take another road.”

Immediately, Preston's expression darkened.

He was a man well-respected by everyone no matter where he went, and thus, he was displeased by how a mere

soldier was treating him with disdain.

Thus, he revealed his identity by saying, “Hey, I'm Preston Sharpe of the court. I have the right to find out why

you've blocked off the road.”