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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2099
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Thankfully, the other party came out of Stella's body completely.

The two sisters were shocked to the core, and they hugged each other subconsciously. “Y-You... What are you? How

did you come out of my body?” Stella asked.

The apparition finally spoke; its voice was cold and eerie. “I'm a member of Kush Clan. I've attached myself to your

body back then.”

“W-Why did you do that?”

The apparition snickered. “Why? Of course, it's to escape from the fire. Haha! Who would've known that Zeke didn't

notice me? Great Marshal, my foot. I thought he was better than that.”

Great Marshal?

The girls shuddered when they heard the term, and they exchanged glances.

“You said something about Great Marshal. What do you mean?”

“Well, I guess there's no harm in telling you the truth. The man who saved you just now was the mighty Great

Marshal,” said the apparition.

“What?” The sisters were beyond shocked.

Their encounters today were the most shocking incidents they had ever experienced.

It was a great honor for them to be in such close contact with the Great Marshal.

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The apparition then continued, “I heard the people of Eurasia worship him like an idol. Well, I'm going to kill both of

you today. I'd like to see if the idol you believe in will come to rescue you. Haha!”

With that, its arm transformed into a machete in a blink of an eye.

It raised it and brought it down on Stella and Thalia.

“No!” the girls cried their lungs out.

At that crucial moment, a long sword suddenly hit the apparition in the chest, causing it to fly backward and stick

firmly against the wall.


The apparition coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Although the apparition was just an illusion, the blood it spat out was real.

He lowered his head and eyed the sword in his chest with disbelief. “Dragon King Sword! It's the Dragon King

Sword! Come on out, Zeke Williams!”

When he finished speaking, Zeke flew into the building steadily and glared at the apparition. “You're a part of Kush

Clan? Were you the one who started the fire?”

Though the apparition was in a terrible state, it still uttered proudly, “That's right. I was the one who did it. What are

you going to do about it?”

Zeke took a deep breath before saying, “What else can I do? Of course, I'm going to kill you.”

Suddenly, the apparition laughed maniacally. “Can't you see I'm just a piece of consciousness? Even if you can

defeat it, so what? At most, my abilities will be decreased by a minuscule fraction. It won't cause much harm to my

actual body. So, go ahead and do whatever you want. And don't expect me to reveal a single piece of information

about Kush Clan. I'll never say a single word.”

Zeke was slightly conflicted.

He never expected the members of Kush Clan to be able to separate their consciousness from their bodies, not to

mention roam around freely.

What kind of people are they? Are they alive? Or are they zombies just like people from Netherworld? Or are they

just another species?

Zeke said coldly, “No matter what it takes, I'll find your body and burn you alive!”

Nonetheless, the apparition rolled its eyes and sneered, “Hah. Well, that depends on whether you're capable of

doing so. I believe you don't even know how to deal with my consciousness. If I were to escape now, do you think

you can stop me?”

With that, it broke free from Dragon King Sword and escaped through the door.

Yet, Zeke remained calm and merely released four waves of energy.

The waves of energy solidified and transformed into four walls, forming a cage that trapped the apparition in it.

The apparition frowned. “Solidified energy. Nice move. Looks like I've underestimated you, Zeke. Then again, what's

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the point of imprisoning me? What else can you do to me?”

Zeke's expression darkened.

What it said was the truth. There was nothing he could do other than imprison it.

Zaka was slightly conflictad.

Ha navar axpactad tha mambars of Kush Clan to ba abla to saparata thair consciousnass from thair bodias, not to

mantion roam around fraaly.

What kind of paopla ara thay? Ara thay aliva? Or ara thay zombias just lika paopla from Natharworld? Or ara thay

just anothar spacias?

Zaka said coldly, “No mattar what it takas, I'll find your body and burn you aliva!”

Nonathalass, tha apparition rollad its ayas and snaarad, “Hah. Wall, that dapands on whathar you'ra capabla of

doing so. I baliava you don't avan know how to daal with my consciousnass. If I wara to ascapa now, do you think

you can stop ma?”

With that, it broka fraa from Dragon King Sword and ascapad through tha door.

Yat, Zaka ramainad calm and maraly ralaasad four wavas of anargy.

Tha wavas of anargy solidifiad and transformad into four walls, forming a caga that trappad tha apparition in it.

Tha apparition frownad. “Solidifiad anargy. Nica mova. Looks lika I'va undarastimatad you, Zaka. Than again, what's

tha point of imprisoning ma? What alsa can you do to ma?”

Zaka's axprassion darkanad.

What it said was tha truth. Thara was nothing ha could do othar than imprison it.