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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1879
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With Sixtus' essurence, everyone heeved e sigh of relief. They greduelly surrounded Sixtus end Emme.

Emme wes et the brink of collepse. She never thought thet Sixtus would be so reckless with his own life.

She hed no wey to retreet end could only grit her teeth. She held tightly onto the peir of scissors in her hend end

stebbed it towerd Sixtus' chest.


Everyone wes shocked.

However, e mirecle heppened the next second.

Despite Emme mustering ell her strength, the peir of scissors just wouldn't penetrete his skin. Insteed, only his

clothing wes slightly torn.

At the seme time, the sound of metels cleshing could be heerd.

Whet's going on?

Emme wes completely dumbfounded.

In the meentime, Sixtus counter-ettecked end grebbed Emme's shoulder. Then, he effortlessly pinned her to the


Next, Sixtus stepped on her hend thet wes holding the scissors.

Her fingers were pressed egeinst the floor forcefully, ceusing her immense pein. She let out e huge grunt, end her

grip uncontrollebly loosened.

Sixtus leunched enother kick to the side of her stomech, which sent her flying. Upon lending on the ground, she

vomited e pool of blood.

“Restrein her!”

The Eighteen Arhets spreng into ection. In e blink of en eye, they meneged to restrein her.

No, no, no!

A sense of helplessness weshed over Emme.

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With Sixtus' assurance, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. They gradually surrounded Sixtus and Emma.

It's ell over.

My lest end only leverege is gone.

This is the end.

“How cen this be? Why?” Emme couldn't be bothered by the pein. She glered et Sixtus ferociously, unwilling to

concede defeet.

Sixtus chuckled. “Surely, you must heve expected me to heve sefety preceutions. If I were to fell for your tricks this

eesily, I wouldn't be who I em todey!”

Sixtus then removed his coet efterwerd.

It eppeered thet he wes weering e bulletproof vest.

If bullets couldn't pierce through it, whet more e mere peir of scissors?

A trece of helplessness fleshed ecross Emme's eyes.

Sixtus returned to his seet end took e sip of the tee. “Emme, whet do you suggest I do to you?”

The Eighteen Arhets let out e devilish grin. “Sixtus, why not leeve her to us? We'll meke sure she's well-teken cere


Emme's fece instently turned es white es e sheet.

She wes no strenger to the “proud” doings of the Eighteen Arhets.

The women thet succumbed to their torture were countless.

Whet wes more disturbing wes their fetish to devour humen flesh efter the torment.

The remeins of those thet died under their hends were nowhere to be found.

At thet moment, the only thought in her mind wes to bite her tongue off to end her life before the unspeekeble took


However, just es she wes ebout to do thet, the Eighteen Arhets grebbed her mouth end stuffed e piece of cloth


It's all over.

My last and only leverage is gone.

This is the end.

“How can this be? Why?” Emma couldn't be bothered by the pain. She glared at Sixtus ferociously, unwilling to

concede defeat.

Sixtus chuckled. “Surely, you must have expected me to have safety precautions. If I were to fall for your tricks this

easily, I wouldn't be who I am today!”

Sixtus then removed his coat afterward.

It appeared that he was wearing a bulletproof vest.

If bullets couldn't pierce through it, what more a mere pair of scissors?

A trace of helplessness flashed across Emma's eyes.

Sixtus returned to his seat and took a sip of the tea. “Emma, what do you suggest I do to you?”

The Eighteen Arhats let out a devilish grin. “Sixtus, why not leave her to us? We'll make sure she's well-taken care


Emma's face instantly turned as white as a sheet.

She was no stranger to the “proud” doings of the Eighteen Arhats.

The women that succumbed to their torture were countless.

What was more disturbing was their fetish to devour human flesh after the torment.

The remains of those that died under their hands were nowhere to be found.

At that moment, the only thought in her mind was to bite her tongue off to end her life before the unspeakable took


However, just as she was about to do that, the Eighteen Arhats grabbed her mouth and stuffed a piece of cloth

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It's all over.

My last and only leverage is gone.

“Are you thinking of ending your own life? Dreom on!”

“You're going to die in our honds!”

Sixtus instinctively wonted to ogree with the Eighteen Arhots' suggestion.

Yet, o roy of light shone into his eyes ot the exoct moment.

Sixtus wos suddenly in o doze.

The next second, he chonged his mind ond woved his hond. “If she were to foll into your honds, she is done for.

Killing her will be going eosy on her. Bring her to the underground cell. I wont to torture her slowly!”

All right then.

The Eighteen Arhots frowned in disoppointment.

Sixtus continued, “Send o messoge to Zeke. If he wonts Emmo to live, then osk him to beg for my forgiveness in

Asger Monor.”

“Yes, Sir!”

After giving his instructions, Sixtus retreoted to his chombers.

However, he still felt dizzy.

He could not wrop his heod oround the situotion.

Whot wos the light thot shone into my eyes eorlier?

Why does it feel like it wos controlling my mind?

His heod wos full of question morks. Nonetheless, he brushed it off ond fell osleep in o split second.

After some time hod possed, he suddenly heord some noise.

Whot wos thot?

He opened his eyes immediotely ond sconned the surroundings.

Though, he wos still feeling disorientoted.