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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 561
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Chapter 561 Let’s Part on Good Terms

Chloe frowned and took a step back, trying to put some distance between them. However, Joseph grabbed her

waist and pulled her into his arms.

He gazed down at her. “Will you come willingly, or do you need my help?”

Heaving a long sigh, Chloe’s voice became light and helpless. “Please don’t force me. Let’s part on good terms,


Joseph was infuriated by her suggestion. He pulled her out of the room without waiting for her refusal. He did not

even give her time to take her daily necessities and luggage.

Chloe struggled endlessly. On the one hand, she was reluctant to go back with Joseph. On the other hand, she was

afraid of hurting her baby, so she did not dare to exert herself. Hence, her struggles were nothing but mere

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scratches to him, posing no danger.

Joseph forcefully took her back to the villa.

“Stay here and reflect on what you’ve done. Give me a satisfactory answer tomorrow.”

He slammed the door shut and locked Chloe in the bedroom. Incredulity arose within her as she tried to turn the

door knob but it was futile. He had locked it from outside. She trembled as disappointment dawned on her pale


‘Will he continue to keep me here if I don’t yield tomorrow…’

Downstairs, Joseph was ill at ease. He nestled into the sofa, looking particularly pitiful. It was as if he was the

innocent person who was driven out by his wife.

They both had a sleepless night.

At six in the morning, Joseph opened the door of the bedroom and looked at Chloe, who had woken up at some

point. He said lightly, “Think before you speak.”

Dark circles were evident underneath

“Cups she looked like a broken doll. Exhaustion

was written all over her face, but she said stubbornly, “I won’t change my mind. We can’t be together since Xavia is

between us.”

She had no way to change this fact, and the child was innocent.

This was clearly not the answer Joseph wanted to hear after staying up all night. He looked at her condescendingly

and frowned. “What do you want me to do? Do you want me to force Xavia to abort the child? Do you want me to

kill my child? Is that what you want to see?”

Speechlessness came over her. For a long time, she did not know what to say.

“Do you think I’m such a wicked woman?”

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Though she hated Xavia, she knew that the child did not choose their birth. The grudges between them did not

concern an unborn baby. It was such an easily understood issue. Any honorable person would never harm the


When Joseph saw her sad eyes, he averted his gaze. “Fine. I’ll wait until you’ve reflected on your mistake properly.”

He closed the door again.

Chloe had long foreseen this, but a wave of cold still hit her.

Another day passed.

A helper delivered food to Chloe. She had no appetite but her baby needed sustenance, so she forced herself to

eat. Her phone had been confiscated, and she was on the second floor. There

were no other exits.

Her only contact with the outside world was a laptop. There was a password, so she could not turn it on. After trying

countless times, it was unlocked. It was not Joseph’s birthday or the date he took over Fairlight. It was also not

Xavia’s information either. The password was simply ..

She turned on the laptop, but she needed phone verification to log into her WhatsApp. She also needed her phone

if she wanted to use any other social media platforms.