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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 526
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Chapter 526 Hazel Is a Habitual Offender, Chloe Was Deceived

Emily raised her cup and took a sip of lemon juice, her mind filled with disbelief. “Damn it! That blind date at the

resort was an absolute disaster. Rob and the matchmaker exchanged a few words, insinuating that Lucas was my

lover. Then, the matchmaker had the audacity to inform my parents.

“They pressured me into inviting Lucas over so that they could scrutinize and assess him. And I figured it’d be wiser

to shift the dynamics and just ask Lucas for a favor. That way, I can bid farewell to these dreadful blind dates and

steer clear of the ensuing troubles.”

Chloe interjected, her voice laced with reason. “But your parents aren’t particularly fond of Lucas. They’ve met him

once and were far from impressed.”

“Yeah, they didn’t like him. But if they keep forcing my hand, I’ll just tell them it’s a done deal, “Emily replied.

Her parents had set their sights on a son-in-law with a hefty salary and a prestigious government job-requirements

that were contradictory. Given Emily’s average qualifications and ordinary family background, finding a suitable

match should have been sufficient. How could she dare to entertain the notion of a prince charming? Only her

parents seemed lost in a perpetual daydream.

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Chloe blinked her almond-shaped eyes and fixed her gaze on Emily. “Are you certain that’s the only reason?”


Chloe seemed to have further questions, but their conversation was interrupted by Joseph’s arrival. Emily shifted

her attention to Joseph and teased, “You’ve had a busy day.”

Joseph responded with a cool and bewildered tone. “Excuse me?”

“We saw Xavia calling you,” Emily asserted firmly. How typical of a man to not admit anything. Men always had this

frustrating flaw of being stubborn until confronted with evidence.

“And when was that?”

“About half an hour ago.”

Joseph frowned. “Xavia and I didn’t speak on the phone.”

Emily wanted to make a snide remark, but she felt intimidated by Joseph. Her lips quivered as she nudged Chloe

with her elbow, urging her silently. “Come on, say it! You saw it too. We can’t let him off the hook!”

Chloe possessed fair and translucent skin and had a subtle touch of makeup. Since becoming pregnant, she had

forsaken her form-fitting clothes and high heels, emanating a pure beauty

untouched by worldly concerns. Beneath her calm exterior, a trace of suppressed jealousy lingered.

“I called you half an hour ago, but you were on another call.”

Perhaps she would grow accustomed to Xavia’s presence, but her heart would remain. unchanged. The numbness

did not signify an absence of pain. It simply indicated the threshold had been reached.

“I was on a call.”

“Then why are you denying it?” Emily muttered softly, frustration lacing her words. “We saw Xavia calling you.”

Joseph settled down beside Chloe, retrieving his phone from his pants pocket and unlocking it. Placing it on the

table, he explained, “I did receive a call this afternoon, but it was Victor who called. The conversation took place

half an hour ago.”

Chloe’s eyes widened in bewilderment. Was it merely a coincidence? Had Xavia not actually called him? Or was it a

situation similar to hers, where the call was engaged and could not go through?

Emily also froze for a moment before swiftly regaining her composure. She sheepishly

touched her nose, feeling a tinge of embarrassment. “It’s a misunderstanding. It’s all just a misunderstanding.”

“What did you just say about Xavia?” Joseph’s tone toward Emily held less forgiveness. compared to his interaction

with Chloe.

“Not much. We just saw Xavia purchasing baby clothes at the maternity store on the lower floor of the mall.”

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His eyes flickered, and his response was swift. “I haven’t been in contact with her lately.”

Observing his expression and response, Chloe experienced a sense of relief and asked, “Why was Victor looking for


“He discovered numerous recording devices in Hazel’s room, and he plans to bring them over shortly.”

Chloe was taken aback. “Numerous recording devices?”

“Hazel most likely deceived you. It seems like she’s a habitual offender,” Joseph said in a serious tone while holding

her delicate wrist.

“That’s impossible. Could Victor be lying?”

“Edgar is comatose at the moment, and Victor is destined to lose the lawsuit against Samuel, The Cottrells have hit

a roadblock. A few recording devices aren’t enough to serve as leverage.

Chloe could not believe it. “But Victor was so arrogant… His change in attitude is too sudden.”

“Samuel exposed his secrets within the legal community, leading to his termination from the company. His

prospects of being hired to handle cases in the future are bleak.”

Chloe grasped the situation. ‘So Victor is merely attempting to appease and ingratiate himself with Joseph? But I

can’t bring myself to believe that Hazel had deceived me.’

She possessed the ability to discern right from wrong, and the intense hatred she had witnessed in Hazel’s eyes

that day felt undeniably genuine and potent.