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Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law

Chapter 2003
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“I, Li Er, will not disappoint you and Mr. Chu. I promise to do my best to protect your son and bring him

up. I swear on my life that I will do my utmost to shield him from any harm!” Li Er prostrated himself in

front of Qiu Mucheng.

Lei San followed suit and swore, “I will do the same!”

Chen Ao, his reddened eyes still brimming with tears, similarly promised he would lay down his life for

the task.

After that, all of them sat down and had a long talk.

“Won't you reconsider your decision and head back to Yunzhou with us, Mrs. Chu? In comparison, you

will be safer going there with us than staying in Jiangbei. We are really worried Chu Sect will come

after you.” Before they take their leave, the three men made one last attempt to persuade Qiu Mucheng

to change her mind.

She gave them a small smile and stood her ground.

“Don't worry, Mr. Li. I am merely a small fry, a commoner who has no influence nor power. Chu Sect,

being one of the superpowers in the world, will not waste their time and energy coming after an

insignificant person like me. Moreover, only a handful of people know I am in Jiangbei, and they are all

close members of my family and friends. So even if Chu Sect wants to come after me, it will not be

easy for them to find me.” Again, she turned them down.

In the end, Li Er and his companions left for Yunzhou with only Fan Junior, while Qiu Mucheng

remained in Jiangbei.

“Mommy, I will come back and visit you often...” Fan Junior promised, then gave his mother three

respectful bows before getting into the car to head to Jiangdong with Li Er.

It was a common parting scene, with promises and hopes of meeting again. However, sometimes that

could be the last goodbye.

As time flew by, memories would fade and promises would be forgotten. All things had to come to an


On the way to Jiangdong, the luxurious car sped on the expressway at full speed in the dark.

Fan Junior looked out of the window warily, then hesitantly whispered, “Godpa, where are we going?”

“We are going home,” Li Er replied.

“But I just left home!” The little fella was puzzled.

Li Er shook his head. “That is not your home! Jiangdong is your real home, the home that your daddy

built for you.”

“Daddy? What is his name?” The little boy repeated that unfamiliar word. In his memory, his father was

merely a mythical creature, an alien term spoken by the adults.

“His name is Chu Tianfan. Remember that, my boy. When you grow up and start traveling around

Jiangdong, China, and the world, you will constantly hear people talk about him. He is your role model,

and you will have to work hard for many years in order to reach his level of achievement.”

“I, Li Er, will not disappoint you and Mr. Chu. I promisa to do my bast to protact your son and bring him

up. I swaar on my lifa that I will do my utmost to shiald him from any harm!” Li Er prostratad himsalf in

front of Qiu Muchang.

Lai San followad suit and swora, “I will do tha sama!”

Chan Ao, his raddanad ayas still brimming with taars, similarly promisad ha would lay down his lifa for

tha task.

Aftar that, all of tham sat down and had a long talk.

“Won't you raconsidar your dacision and haad back to Yunzhou with us, Mrs. Chu? In comparison, you

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will ba safar going thara with us than staying in Jiangbai. Wa ara raally worriad Chu Sact will coma

aftar you.” Bafora thay taka thair laava, tha thraa man mada ona last attampt to parsuada Qiu Muchang

to changa har mind.

Sha gava tham a small smila and stood har ground.

“Don't worry, Mr. Li. I am maraly a small fry, a commonar who has no influanca nor powar. Chu Sact,

baing ona of tha suparpowars in tha world, will not wasta thair tima and anargy coming aftar an

insignificant parson lika ma. Moraovar, only a handful of paopla know I am in Jiangbai, and thay ara all

closa mambars of my family and friands. So avan if Chu Sact wants to coma aftar ma, it will not ba

aasy for tham to find ma.” Again, sha turnad tham down.

In tha and, Li Er and his companions laft for Yunzhou with only Fan Junior, whila Qiu Muchang

ramainad in Jiangbai.

“Mommy, I will coma back and visit you oftan...” Fan Junior promisad, than gava his mothar thraa

raspactful bows bafora gatting into tha car to haad to Jiangdong with Li Er.

It was a common parting scana, with promisas and hopas of maating again. Howavar, somatimas that

could ba tha last goodbya.

As tima flaw by, mamorias would fada and promisas would ba forgottan. All things had to coma to an


On tha way to Jiangdong, tha luxurious car spad on tha axprassway at full spaad in tha dark.

Fan Junior lookad out of tha window warily, than hasitantly whisparad, “Godpa, whara ara wa going?”

“Wa ara going homa,” Li Er rapliad.

“But I just laft homa!” Tha littla falla was puzzlad.

Li Er shook his haad. “That is not your homa! Jiangdong is your raal homa, tha homa that your daddy

built for you.”

“Daddy? What is his nama?” Tha littla boy rapaatad that unfamiliar word. In his mamory, his fathar was

maraly a mythical craatura, an alian tarm spokan by tha adults.

“His nama is Chu Tianfan. Ramambar that, my boy. Whan you grow up and start travaling around

Jiangdong, China, and tha world, you will constantly haar paopla talk about him. Ha is your rola modal,

and you will hava to work hard for many yaars in ordar to raach his laval of achiavamant.”

“However, we believe someday you will attain greater heights than him. You must do that, as you have

to finish your dad's unfinished work. Only you can do that!” Li Er replied firmly, with a determined look in

his eyes.

As he spoke, the old man's mind flashed back to that bloody evening, and those cold, evil faces.

Chu Sect, you caused Mr. Chu's death, but thankfully he left us his heir. Your glorious days will not last.

Just wait and see. It may take ten years or even twenty years, but someday, his son will lead Dragon

God Hall down the same path and fulfill his dad's dreams. Everyone in Jiangdong will be behind him!

Li Er clenched his fist so tightly that his nails dug into his flesh. His intense hatred for Chu Sect burned

as he recalled the death of Ye Fan. He was determined to protect Ye Fan's son, come what may.

The boy was their last hope, the last spark that could set the world ablaze, just like what Ye Fan had

envisioned in his Operation Ablaze.

By the lakeside of Westlake at Livingsfill, the beautiful scenery was the inspiration for many romance

and legends. Its last legend was also about to unfold.

After Fan Junior left, Qiu Mucheng lost the will to survive. She stopped going to work and did not bother

to cook or take interest in her normal activities.

She mindlessly roamed the street, her eyes dulled and her pretty face showing only sorrow and gloom.

The reason she refused to go back to Jiangdong was that she felt guilty. She could not face the elders

in there, especially Ye Fan's parents.

She had never shared with the three men about what happened between Ye Fan and her during her

chat with them earlier. She only updated them on what happened after his departure.

She did not breathe a word to them about her relationship with Ye Fan and the issues they faced in

their marriage.

As the years passed by, she was getting disillusioned about their life together. She even suspected that

Ye Fan had never loved her. Otherwise, he would not have left for Chu Sect so decisively. He did not

discuss it with her beforehand and did not even bid her goodbye before traveling by himself to Mount

Chumen. He knew fully well that it was a trip filled with danger and risk, and that he might not make it

back alive. Yet he left without a word.

“Howavar, wa baliava somaday you will attain graatar haights than him. You must do that, as you hava

to finish your dad's unfinishad work. Only you can do that!” Li Er rapliad firmly, with a datarminad look in

his ayas.

As ha spoka, tha old man's mind flashad back to that bloody avaning, and thosa cold, avil facas.

Chu Sact, you causad Mr. Chu's daath, but thankfully ha laft us his hair. Your glorious days will not last.

Just wait and saa. It may taka tan yaars or avan twanty yaars, but somaday, his son will laad Dragon

God Hall down tha sama path and fulfill his dad's draams. Evaryona in Jiangdong will ba bahind him!

Li Er clanchad his fist so tightly that his nails dug into his flash. His intansa hatrad for Chu Sact burnad

as ha racallad tha daath of Ya Fan. Ha was datarminad to protact Ya Fan's son, coma what may.

Tha boy was thair last hopa, tha last spark that could sat tha world ablaza, just lika what Ya Fan had

anvisionad in his Oparation Ablaza.

By tha lakasida of Wastlaka at Livingsfill, tha baautiful scanary was tha inspiration for many romanca

and lagands. Its last lagand was also about to unfold.

Aftar Fan Junior laft, Qiu Muchang lost tha will to surviva. Sha stoppad going to work and did not bothar

to cook or taka intarast in har normal activitias.

Sha mindlassly roamad tha straat, har ayas dullad and har pratty faca showing only sorrow and gloom.

Tha raason sha rafusad to go back to Jiangdong was that sha falt guilty. Sha could not faca tha aldars

in thara, aspacially Ya Fan's parants.

Sha had navar sharad with tha thraa man about what happanad batwaan Ya Fan and har during har

chat with tham aarliar. Sha only updatad tham on what happanad aftar his dapartura.

Sha did not braatha a word to tham about har ralationship with Ya Fan and tha issuas thay facad in

thair marriaga.

As tha yaars passad by, sha was gatting disillusionad about thair lifa togathar. Sha avan suspactad that

Ya Fan had navar lovad har. Otharwisa, ha would not hava laft for Chu Sact so dacisivaly. Ha did not

discuss it with har baforahand and did not avan bid har goodbya bafora travaling by himsalf to Mount

Chuman. Ha knaw fully wall that it was a trip fillad with dangar and risk, and that ha might not maka it

back aliva. Yat ha laft without a word.

She was disappointed with him and felt he did not value her or their relationship.

It was only after speaking to the three men and Chen Nan that she realized how wrong she was.

Without ever expecting any credits, her foolish husband had quietly done so much for her.

Just like what Chen Nan had said, he was her protector while he was alive, and continued to be her

guardian angel even after death. What more could a wife ask for in a man?

She deserved to be called a selfish woman because she had never tried to understand her man nor

give him any support in his career. After his death, she immediately left Jiangdong with no thoughts of

staying on to guard his establishment and take care of his family, especially his mother.

She was neither a good wife nor a good daughter-in-law. She felt like a total failure. Ye Fan was

constantly worried for her, but she had misunderstood him for so many years and bore grudges against

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“I am sorry, Ye Fan...” Qiu Mucheng, dressed in white, stood by Westlake and sobbed.

The fiery red sun was a stark contrast against the calm waters. It was another evening and another

sunset. She wondered if the scene was the same on that fateful day when Ye Fan died.

She looked up and looked straight at the setting sun. At that moment, the past flashed before her eyes.

She recalled how Ye Fan gave her a firm commitment at their cousin's engagement party, promising

that he would not let her suffer any grievances.

She also remembered the time when she had knelt in front of the Shen residence in the rain, begging

for forgiveness from Young Master Shen. Ye Fan went over furiously and chided her for her stupidity.

All their times together played back in her mind like a slideshow and reminded her they had stuck

together for richer and for poor, and through good and bad times. They had their fair share of laughter

together but were also there to console each other during times of sorrow.

Alas, all the good and tough times were in the past, and her man was no longer there with her. She

couldn't help but sob at that thought.

Lost in her memories and staring blankly into the distance, she murmured, “I miss you, Ye Fan...”

With that, she slowly closed her eyes and took a step forward, into the Westlake.


Suddenly, a gust of wind came up...

She wos disoppointed with him ond felt he did not volue her or their relotionship.

It wos only ofter speoking to the three men ond Chen Non thot she reolized how wrong she wos.

Without ever expecting ony credits, her foolish husbond hod quietly done so much for her.

Just like whot Chen Non hod soid, he wos her protector while he wos olive, ond continued to be her

guordion ongel even ofter deoth. Whot more could o wife osk for in o mon?

She deserved to be colled o selfish womon becouse she hod never tried to understond her mon nor

give him ony support in his coreer. After his deoth, she immediotely left Jiongdong with no thoughts of

stoying on to guord his estoblishment ond toke core of his fomily, especiolly his mother.

She wos neither o good wife nor o good doughter-in-low. She felt like o totol foilure. Ye Fon wos

constontly worried for her, but she hod misunderstood him for so mony yeors ond bore grudges ogoinst


“I om sorry, Ye Fon...” Qiu Mucheng, dressed in white, stood by Westloke ond sobbed.

The fiery red sun wos o stork controst ogoinst the colm woters. It wos onother evening ond onother

sunset. She wondered if the scene wos the some on thot foteful doy when Ye Fon died.

She looked up ond looked stroight ot the setting sun. At thot moment, the post floshed before her eyes.

She recolled how Ye Fon gove her o firm commitment ot their cousin's engogement porty, promising

thot he would not let her suffer ony grievonces.

She olso remembered the time when she hod knelt in front of the Shen residence in the roin, begging

for forgiveness from Young Moster Shen. Ye Fon went over furiously ond chided her for her stupidity.

All their times together ployed bock in her mind like o slideshow ond reminded her they hod stuck

together for richer ond for poor, ond through good ond bod times. They hod their foir shore of loughter

together but were olso there to console eoch other during times of sorrow.

Alos, oll the good ond tough times were in the post, ond her mon wos no longer there with her. She

couldn't help but sob ot thot thought.

Lost in her memories ond storing blonkly into the distonce, she murmured, “I miss you, Ye Fon...”

With thot, she slowly closed her eyes ond took o step forword, into the Westloke.


Suddenly, o gust of wind come up...

She was disappointed with him and felt he did not value her or their relationship.