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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 216
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S21 46. Can’t Survive Without Barbara

“Didn’t they say that Barbara followed her father? Why don’t you believe it?” Frank’s voice

turned cold.

However, Melanie didn’t care. Her emotions continued to flare.

“Why should I trust them? They obviously hate me and Barbara. They don’t like us living

here. That’s why they kicked Barbara out in such a cruel way.”

Frank tilted his head, looking at Melanie as if he didn’t know her.

“Mom, didn’t you see their interactions lately? The children love Barbara. Barbara even

has fun with them. Why do you think of them so badly?”

Melanie tightened her facial muscles. Her hands gripped Frank’s arms tightly.

“Don’t be fooled by them, Son. They are little devils who are good at acting. They are only

nice in front of you. Just now, they dared to argue with me. They pulled on my dress!”

“That’s because you started it first.”

“No!” Melanie put on a pitiful look. “Please, Frank. Just this once, side with me. You’ve

defended them enough.”

“I’m not defending anyone. I’m just telling the truth. Barbara is safe with her father and

we don’t need to worry about her.”

Frank’s tone dropped drastically. His eyes sharpened. However, Melanie snorted instead.

Gritting her teeth, she shook her son’s arm.

“Come to your senses, Frank. Your sister is not safe at all. The only place where she’s not

in danger is here, in this house. Therefore, you

have to go get your sister.”

“Mom, Barbara is an adult. If she prefers to follow her father, so be it. She can definitely

take care of herself.”

“No, Frank She can’t survive without me, and I can’t survive without her. How can I sleep if

I keep thinking about Barbara?”

Frank took a deep breath. His patience was almost gone.

“If you don’t want to separate from Barbara, why don’t you just follow her? Make peace

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with Paul Harris. Your family can still be saved.”

“You kicked me out? Melanie lowered her hands and shook her head in disbelief. “I came

all the way here for you. But you want me to go? How could you, Frank?”

Frank scratched his temple. His lips curled into a slight grin. He was starting to get tired.

“That’s just a suggestion. Please don’t exaggerate. Barbara herself chose to go. I have no

right to forbid her. Moreover, Paul is her father. What right do I have to separate them?”

Melanie clenched her fists and snorted. She didn’t expect Frank’s defense to be so strong.

She was starting to run out of ideas.

“Why?” Frank sighed, suddenly. “Why do you insist on wanting Barbara to come back here

when it’s clear she’s safe with her father?

Is there another reason?”

Melanie gasped. Her agape mouth trembled faintly. “Of course,

because Barbara is my daughter. What mother wouldn’t be worried if

her child didn’t come home?”

Frank let out a chuckle. His reaction made everyone raise their


“Home? Where is Barbara’s real home? Is Paul Harris’ house not her



Melanie’s breath hitched. She wanted to reason, but was afraid that

her words would backfire.

“You and Barbara have lived there much longer than here. Barbara was even born and

raised in her father’s house. But why do you think of that place as a foreign place?”

While Melanie fell silent, Frank’s eyes narrowed. His voice lowered.

“Why do you consider my house as her home-a place that Barbara has only been living in

for a few days?”

Melanie turned still. The tension in her nerves was too thick. Without realizing it, she

swallowed hard.

“Why did you say that nonsense, Frank? Barbara is your sister. Shouldn’t she consider

where you live her home too?”

Frank looked at his mother bitterly. For some reason, the longer you live here, the more

suspicious you become. Is there something you’re after in this house? Something involving


Melanie’s eyes widened. But in no time, she changed her impression to confusion.

“W-what do you mean, Frank? Why do you think like that? You think your sister and I are

bad people?”

“If you don’t want me to think like that, stop making a fuss about this. Let Barbara live

with her father. If you miss her, I can ask someone to take you there.”

The corners of Melanie’s lips twitched. She realized that she would not be able to get

Barbara back through Frank.

“So, you don’t want to pick up your little sister? Can you bear to see me deprived of sleep,

stressed and getting thinner?”


Frank shrugged. “Aren’t you already stressed? You blamed and attacked everyone just

because your wishes weren’t fulfilled.”

“Frank?” Kara sighed, quietly making a small tug at his shirt. She realized that Melanie’s

shoulders were shaking violently.

However, Frank pretended not to know. He continued to intimidate


“You even called my children devils, Mom. Would a normal person have the heart to say

something like that to their own grandchildren?”

Without waiting for an answer, he shook his head slightly. “No. Therefore, don’t think of

me as disobedient. I’m trying to make you


Gently, Frank touched his mother’s shoulder. Even though Melanie looked away, Frank still

stared at her face closely.

“I hope you can control your emotions, throw away all negative thoughts, and not be

mean to my little family anymore. With just those three things, you won’t have any more

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Suddenly, Melanie brushed Frank’s hand off her shoulder. Her chin was raised high.

“Don’t try to poison my mind. Until Barbara returns to my side again, I won’t be able to

rest easy. If you really care about me, look for your sister!”

After delivering the ultimatum, Melanie looked away. Frank could only stare at her back

sadly. He really didn’t understand what made his

mother so selfish.

“Frank, are you okay?” Kara touched his shoulder.

Taking a deep breath, Frank turned to face Kara. “I should be the one asking you. Are you

okay? Sorry. My mother is really mean.” He


stroked the trace of redness on his wife’s cheek.

Kara smiled wryly. “I was shocked, but it’s okay.”

Feeling guilty, Frank hugged Kara. While rubbing her back, he kissed her head repeatedly.

“Sorry to interrupt, Sir. But what should we do now?” Philip waited for orders.

Frank looked over. His mouth was pressed tightly for a moment.

“Nothing. Just let Barbara stick to her decision. Can patient with my mother?”

“still be

Philip let out a tired breath. Kara patted his arm. “Please be patient,

Phil. For Barbara’s sake.”

Philip’s eyebrows rose to their maximum. “W-why for Barbara’s sake?”

Frank and Kara glanced at each other. Their smiles turned mysterious.

“Cheer up.” Frank patted Philip’s shoulder, before putting his arm back around Kara’s

waist. Together, he and his wife entered the house. Philip blinked as he took in the


“Do they know about it?” the young man muttered. After a few moments, he sighed in

resignation, “I shouldn’t have trusted Louis.


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