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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 211
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S21 41. Warm Talk

ips curved

Under the dim night lit by garden lights, Barbara’s lips downwards. Tears had gathered in

her eyes.

“What will happen to me? After Mom and Dad divorce, should I choose one of them?”

After a moment of silence, Barbara let out a long sigh. “But I’m an adult. I shouldn’t

depend on my parents anymore. Should I just live independently? I won’t be pressured

anymore by Mom’s demands or Dad’s expectations.”

Suddenly, Barbara started hitting her head.

“If I had practiced being independent a long time ago, of course I wouldn’t have to worry

anymore. I could rely on myself-taking care of the house, earning money.”

Barbara snorted in annoyance and grimaced. “But in reality, I can’ even cook. I don’t have

any savings. I would starve to death if I tr

to survive alone.”

“Are you meditating?”

Barbara gasped. Quick as lightning, she looked back. Philip had beer standing a meter

away from her with his hands in the pockets. His smile made Barbara’s tears recede.

“You’re following me again? Are you a stalker?” Barbara grumbled.

Smiling crookedly, Philip circled the bench. As he sat there, Barbara turned stiff. Her body

subconsciously shifted away.

“Jeremy used to be the one who liked to sit here,” Philip said, trying to break the



Barbara furrowed her brows. “Jeremy?”

Philip nodded. “Do you know the story about him? He grew up in an orphanage, just like


“You want to say that I am luckier than him?” Barbara guessed curtly.

“No. I just want you to know more. Jeremy is Frank’s older brother. So, it would be nice if

you got to know him too.”

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Barbara was pensive. Blinking, she looked at the greenhouse in the distance. “Isn’t Jeremy

Vivian’s son? Why was he raised in an orphanage?”

“Mrs. Bell left him there for going back with revenge. But since Norman Harper had died,

she was forced to change her plan.”

“Then what about Jeremy?” Barbara stole a glance.

Philip took a deep breath. “Mrs. Bell was too focused on her mission. She forgot to pick up

Jeremy. When she realized, she was too

embarrassed to show her face. They only met in person when Jeremy was an adult, but

not as a mother and a son.”

Barbara’s head bobbed in confusion. “Well then, why do they look like

they get along?”

“Because they have forgiven each other. They agree not to dwell on the past, but look

forward to the future. Now, they live together in the late Rowan Harper’s house, doing

what they should have done a long time ago. Supporting each other and filling the


Barbara took a deep breath. Her gaze dropped to her fingers on her lap. “Can my parents

forgive each other? Could they get back together?” she sighed, exasperated.

“I’m not sure about that. The relationship between husband and wife cannot be equated

with the relationship between parents and children.


Barbara’s shoulders dropped further. Her hopes were eroded until there was almost

nothing left.

‘But one thing I know,” Philip continued, successfully inviting a glance. from Barbara,

“your life’s path is decided by yourself. Whether you want to fall down regretting the

situation or get up to find a way out- that’s your choice.”

Barbara’s eyes filled with tears. She no longer hided her face. “Do you think I can get up?

But how? I can’t do anything.”

“You definitely can,” Philip nodded casually. “You just haven’t started yet. You know what?

A baby bird won’t be able to fly if it doesn’t jump from its nest. A baby elephant won’t be

able to walk if it doesn’t get up from the ground.”

“You consider me a child?” Barbara frowned in annoyance.

Philip’s laugh sounded crisp.

“Aren’t you a human child? Get out of your comfort zone and pursue your dreams. I don’t

believe there is a single person on this earth who doesn’t have any abilities. You don’t

want to lose to four year old children who already run their own business, right?”

“Louis and Emily are geniuses. I’m not.”

Philip smiled faintly. It was the first time Barbara become honest

about her opinions.

“That’s because they’re trying. You’re not a cowardly baby bird or a lazy elephant, are

you? Then try.”

Barbara pursed her mouth. Her eyebrows were knitted together as if squeezing out an


“Will you help me?” she asked, making Philip flinch.


“Help what?”

Barbara blinked in another direction. “Louis and Emily often mention you. You must be

skilled in many areas. Lastly, you even helped them make a cake. Can you teach me one

of your skills?”

Philip suddenly burst out laughing. “You want me to teach you to make a cake?”

“No, other skills are fine too. Any skill. I also want to master something.”

Philip could no longer contain his amusement. He broke out in laughter. Barbara frowned

at that. “What’s funny?”

“If it’s a sand cake, I can do it. But don’t expect a real cake. Yesterday I just followed Nora

and Young Lady’s instructions. They told me to break the eggs, I broke them. They told me

to stir the dough, I did it.


Realizing her misunderstanding, Barbara blinked slowly. “But your have many other skills.”

“What?” Philip stifled his laughter. “Do you want me to teach you how to shoot? Dive

under the sea? Or jump out of a plane? Those are my


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Barbara’s lips pursed. “You are capable of being Louis and Emily’s assistant. There’s no

way your skills are just those.”

“Actually, all I do while being an assistant is just listen to the instructions carefully and

then do them correctly.”

“Just that?” One of Barbara’s eyebrows lowered.

Philip nodded. “You can do it too. But, if you really want to learn many skills, come to Mrs.

Harper. She can do everything.”

“Kara Harper you mean?”


Philip nodded. “Her nickname used to be Miss Perfect. Otherwise, how could she make

Frank Harper fall in love? Your brother is too difficult to conquer.”

Barbara quietly grumbled. She didn’t like hearing Philip praise Kara like that.

Right at that time, a voice came from an unexpected direction. “Dear, what are you doing

with Philip there?”

Barbara flinched. As she turned, she immediately saw her mother. Meanwhile, Philip was

already standing next to the bench. “Good evening, Madam,” the man said awkwardly.

Melanie didn’t reply. She continued to walk until she arrived in front of


“Is he bothering you?” Melanie inquired, fiercely.

Barbara waved her hand. Her neck was too stiff to move. “No.”

“Then why is he here with you?” Melanie’s furrowed brows deepened.

“We were just talking.” Barbara’s vocal cords suddenly twisted. Her tone became strange.

Melanie studied Philip from the corner of her eye. “You like my daughter?”

Philip froze. All his nerves tensed. Before he could answer, Melanie’s finger pointed at him.

“Don’t mess with my daughter. She is your master’s sister. You guys are not on the same


The tension on Philip’s face suddenly faded. His lips twitched. It was like he wanted to

argue, but hesitated.


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