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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 161
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Chapter 161 Nightmare

“Do you think I’m going to lie to you?”

Hearing this, Vivian felt a little desperate in her heart.

Although she and Zack were not close, she didn’t want to see their brothers killing each other.

But if Zack really made the move first, he was forcing Leo to resist.

“Even if he didn’t directly participate in it, I dare to conclude that he must have intervened in it. Don’t

worry, I won’t let any of the real murderers and accomplices go.”

“You for Karl? Is it worth it? This is obviously a big gamble. If you ruin Zack, the one who gets hurt must

be Dad, and the one who hurts the foundation must be the foundation of the Hawn family! Zack and

you are now evenly matched, and both will definitely suffer! ”

“Karl died to protect me.”

Leo’s voice Vivian paused, with a touch of sadness.

This matter, even in the past many years, is still lingering in my heart.

What he couldn’t pass was his own test.

He would rather die himself.

Both Karl and Jasmine have confirmed their wedding date, and Jasmine is also


Just waiting for him to return to Lilder City and tell Dad everything, but he doesn’t want the cruise ship

to explode.

Karl gave himself the last buoy and pushed him overboard.

Then the cruise ship caught fire, and his figure was obliterated by the fire.

He probably won’t be able to forget that scene until he dies.



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The cruise ship finally exploded, leaving no bones left of him.

He couldn’t even find Karl’s body, what a cruel thing it was.

His dear brother died because of him, and now he is left with orphans and widows, who can only live in


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He owes too much.

Vivian also fell silent when she heard the words, and the topic suddenly became


Leo poured another glass of spirits, raised his head and drank it down.

After several drinks in a row, Vivian didn’t persuade her, because she knew she couldn’t persuade her

at all.

This is a knot that cannot be untied in Leo’s heart.

People who drink liike this are the easiest to get drunk.

Two bottles of high-purity brandy fell into his throat, and Leo couldn’t take it


Seeing that she was almost done, Vivian stopped and said, “Go back, Monica is still waring for you.

Leo wanted to continue drinking, but when he heard this, he hesitated for a moment, and finally put

down the glass.

“Lea, if you died that day, you wouldn’t have met Monica.”

“Even if she doesn’t meet me, I believe she will find someone who loves herself and stay with her for

the rest of her life. I wish she hadn’t met me and Karl was still


Vivian fell silent upon hearing this.

It seems that Leo’s obsession is very deep.

She helped Leo back to the room.

Monica had already woken up, and seeing him drunk, she couldn’t help being surprised, “How did he

get so drunk?”


Chapter 161 Nightmare

“I was chatting with Leo, and I couldn’t help but drink too much. I’m going to prepare hangover soup.”

“Well, I’ll stay and take care of it.”

She undressed Leo and took off his shoes before dragging him to bed.

“Why are you so heavy, you should lose weight.”

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Hearing her words, Leo couldn’t help holding her hand and pulling her into his


“You’re talking bad about me.”

“Aren’t you drunk?”

“I was really not sober just now, but I’m better now.”

Monica glared angrily, “You didn’t let me drink, but you ended up getting drunk like this, it’s simply too


She had just finished speaking when Leo kissed her unexpectedly.

Monica was powerless to resist, perhaps because the smell of alcohol on his body was overwhelming,

she also felt hot all over and dizzy after breathing for so long.

She thought she was drunk too, otherwise how could she lose her mind.

She actually sank into this kiss, unable to extricate herself.

And someone in the kitchen who was preparing hangover soup was trembling.

“Ms. Hawn, what’s wrong with you?” the ser vant asked with concern.

“Da mn it, I forgot to reap the wheat.”

The sound of wheat harvesting is really good, I can hear their communication completely, it’s so boring.

She quickly picked the wheat, which made her feel a lot easier.

She touched her face, her cheeks were hot, and she was probably blushing by now.

It has been eight or nine years since she and Zion met in college. They have known each other and fell

in love with each other. Up to now, they have never been so



Chapter 161 Nightmare


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She and Zion have been quite well-behaved along the way, and they have never

held hands.

Afterwards, Monica received a call from Vivian, saying that she would not serve the hangover soup, for

fear of disturbing their good business.

She just remembered about the headset, and her cheeks turned red.

“Sorry, I forgot…”

Monica said with some embarrassment.

“It’s good to be young, full of vigor!”

“It’s obvious that Leo is playing hooligans?” Monica said innocently.

“Leo is shameless, what else do I care? I know how to deal with Zion, thank you for your

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“What’s the meaning?”

Before Monica could fully understand, Vivian had already hung up the phone.

Leo didn’t sleep well this time.

In the dream, the scene from four years ago reappeared.

They had already booked the plane, but they didn’t want the plane to be cancelled. They had to do a

cruise, and it was only half a day.

But he didn’t expect that there would be a disaster on the cruise ship, and some uninvited guests

rushed out.

Explosives were buried on the cruise ship, and those people brought guns to commit crimes with only

one purpose, to kill them.

Karl resolutely stayed, holding those people back and telling him to leave quickly.

He managed to escape, but…

“don’t want!”



Chapter 161 Nightmare

He watched Karl stand on the pier, surrounded by flames.

A ferocious fire engulfed him, obliterating him, and he heard gunshots.

He could see the desperation in Karl’s eyes, he didn’t want to die.

But he also didn’t want Leo to die with him.

“don’t want–”

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Monica looked at the man on the bed, he had already yelled “no” twice in a row.

The veins on his forehead were throbbing violently, looking a little scary.

His hands were tightly gripping the quilt, which could be seen with great force.

Monica wanted to wipe his sweat off him, but she didn’t want to get close to him, Leo made a sudden

move and grabbed her wrist violently.

He wasn’t awake, but reacted instinctively.

He was so strong that he squeezed her wrist tightly.

That circle instantly became red, excruciatingly painful.


Monica frowned and couldn’t help crying out in pain, but the man on the bed

couldn’t hear her at all.