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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 439 The Hint
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When we stood outside, I told Atlas, “I'll ride with Lauren.” Atlas nodded knowingly and

entered his car while I entered Lauren’s.

On the way, she remarked, “Stella’s involved with Ivanna’s disappearance.” During the

drive, Grayson called, “Chloe, don’t follow


Atlas’s path.

Trinity’s people are following you.” I was alarmed and quickly told Lauren, “Don’t follow


Trinity’s people are tailing us.” I couldn’t help but admire Trinity’s caution and cunning


Immediately after, I called Atlas and explained the situation.

He gave me an address and instructed me to return to Amethyst Apartments to distract


If my memory serves correctly, the address Atlas gave me was for a dilapidated building in

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Prespoint District that someone

bought and converted into a nightclub.

The hotel at the same building was on the tenth floor and above, with a peculiar name—


I could only follow his instructions and tell Lauren to drive to Amethyst Apartments.

She cursed, “That just proves Stella is involved in this.” “Lauren, I don’t understand why

Trinity would be with Stella so late at


Even if they’re conspiring, Trinity shouldn’t be so careless,” I had a hunch it wasn’t a good

sign, “Doesn’t she know what Jared’s

doing? Or maybe...” I dared not think further as I looked at Lauren anxiously.

She observed the car behind us and reassured me, “Don’t overthink it.

Maybe it’s a good thing.” When we reached Amethyst Apartments, we saw no cars

following us.

Lauren parked in the shadows and observed the entrance.

Then, Grayson called again, “Chloe, enter your house, turn on your upstairs light, then

come out.

“A white Mercedes will arrive shortly, and you can get in.” I knew what was happening.

Grayson wanted me to pretend Lauren and I were at my place. Lauren quickly drove in,

and I followed Grayson’s instructions. Then, I turned off the courtyard lights before

discreetly returning to Lauren’s car. 1 As expected, a white Mercedes arrived at the

shadowy area before the gate. Lauren and I quickly got in. However, the car stayed parked

for ten minutes before leaving the neighborhood.

I was pleased because we could rescue Ivanna if Jared found her.

Moreover, Trinity wasn’t around.

Soon after, I realized I had been too optimistic.

When we arrived at Jared’s location, we only saw him and Atlas walking around.

We didn’t see a sign of Ivanna anywhere.

I knew our efforts had been in vain.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Feeling unsettled, I left the car and approached the two before confronting Jared, “Do you

have an explanation for me?” Jared

looked grim under the darkness.

He seemed far different from his usual warm and composed demeanor.

He glanced coldly at me, then at Atlas, saying, “Mr.

Atlas, please leave.” “Okay,” Atlas replied and approached me.

Then, he embraced me and said, “Let’s go back.” “When can you find Ivanna?!” I became


“He promised me he valued Ivanna’s life, but look what happened!” Atlas pulled me

toward his car, but I was unwilling to accept

this outcome.

I turned back and shouted at Jared, “It has been forty- eight hours, yet you can’t find her!

How can I trust you with Ivanna’s life?!

1 “Trinity planned everything from top to bottom, but you—” Before I could finish my

sentence, Jared suddenly turned and ran

back inside the building.

I was puzzled as my unspoken words hung in my throat.

I stared at Jared’s departing figure, with his entourage following behind.