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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 76
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“Hey, my dear sister, are you here to buy a car too? Which car do you like? With your current situation,

can you afford a car?”

It was impossible for her to afford a car with her identity as the so-called “Mrs. Fu”.

Mu Tongrui smiled, and said frankly, “Can't I just come to look at the cars if I can't afford it?”

Shen Wanyue brushed her smooth hair, and said with a sneer, “Don't look if you can't afford it. You

can't afford it even if you look at it.”

While talking, a manager came over, and when he saw Shen Wanyu, he bowed and scraped to her,

saying, “Miss Shen, are you here for the car? You have to wait for another two days for your car. This is

indeed our problem. Please forgive us. Li, hurry up, and apologize to Miss Shen.”

The young sales assistant couldn't afford to offend Shen Wanyu, so he had to bow his head and

apologize, “Miss Shen, I'm sorry., Please wait patiently.”

Shen Wanyue was in a very good mood, as she touched the big diamond ring on her finger, and said,

“Okay, I'll just wait for two days. I'm in no rush anyway. I have another car to drive.”

The manager quickly agreed, “That's right. You have a strong financial ability, and a lot of luxury cars at

your house. You can choose the car to drive depends on your mood.”

Shen Wanyue became more puffed up after being praised, as she raised her eyebrows and looked at

Mu Tongrui contemptuously. “Mr. Zhao, if other distinguished customers come and see that you serve

poor people like her, they will definitely think that your store has no class. For the sake of your

business, I advise that you should not serve such people next time.”

The manager looked at Mu Tongrui up and down. Seeing that she wasn't wearing any branded outfits,

and her handbag was some unknown brand—maybe it was a cheap bag from Taobao—he said

snobbishly, “Miss, if you're not buying any cars, please leave now. We still have to serve customers.”

Mu Tongrui sneered. “Who said I can't afford a car?”

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Shen Wanyue said disapprovingly, “Don't think I don't know that Mr. Fu and you are just acting. I don't

believe Mr. Fu will spend money on a woman like you!”

“Who said I'm going to spend a man's money? I am different from someone. I earn money by myself,

so I don't need to cheat others' life-saving money to flaunt.”

“W-Who you say is cheating?!”

“The one who cheated others' life-saving money is the one I'm talking about. I didn't say that you, Miss

Shen, cheated, why do you get so anxious?”

Shen Wanyue clenched her fists. “Humph, I think you are just boasting at best! If you say that you can

afford a bike in the opposite shop, I will still believe it. The cheapest car here costs 300,000. Mu

Tongrui, do you think I don’t know how much money you have in your pocket?”

Mu Tongrui pursed her lips and smiled, while pointing at a white Audi that cost about 800,000.

“Manager, I want that car.”

Both Shen Wanyue and the manager were taken aback.

The manager reminded her, “Miss, that car costs 800,000, are you sure you want that one?”

Shen Wanyue didn't believe that she had 800,000 in her card, so she said, “Mu Tongrui, pay the full

amount if you can!”

“Of course, I will pay the bill in full!”

The 800,000 in her card was previously deposited by Ye Guo, who was good at spending money, and

had her pocket money cut off by her family. So, in order not to spend money recklessly, she saved the

800,000 previously saved at Mu Tongrui's account.

No matter what, she had to buy the car in front of Shen Wanyue today, and then she would sell the car

and return the money to Ye Guo.

Mu Tongrui took out the bank card from the purse, waved it in front of Shen Wanyue, and said to the

manager, “Swipe the card. I will take the car with me now.”

The manager immediately felt terrified, as he looked down on her just now. He didn't expect that this

girl who dressed in ordinary clothes could buy an 800,000 car with cash, so he wiped the cold sweat off

his forehead, and said, “Miss, I'm sorry. I was being—”

“Hold on, Manager Zhao, does your store have priority for customers who are a member?”

“Uh... Yeah.”

Shen Wanyue took out a gold card. “I want the car that she likes!”

The manager was on Shen Wanyue's side, as he nodded with a smile. “Okay! No problem!”

Smiling, Mu Tongrui mocked. “Unexpectedly, not only do you like to steal my boyfriend, but also steal

the car that I like. Since you like it so much, you can have it. After all, Jian Zhe is the one I have

eliminated and don't bother to see.”

She put away her bank card, turned around and left, but Shen Wanyue called out to her. “Let me tell

you, Mu Tongrui, you have no right to compete with me over anything that I set my sights on!”

When Mu Tongrui was about to leave the shop, she ran into a man whom she found familiar.

She thought that he looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen him, until the man

greeted her with a gentle voice, “Hi, Miss Mu, how are you?”

Mu Tongrui was stunned. After thinking for a long time, she still couldn't remember who he was. At this

moment, Shen Wanyue eagerly ran up from behind her, and called the man in a coquettish manner,

“Yanli, why are you here?”

Mu Tongrui got goose bumps all over her body.

“I'm passing by, so I come to see cars.” The man looked at Mu Tongrui. “Miss Mu, don't you remember



“Qi Yanli.”

Mu Tongrui finally remembered where she had met Qi Yanli—at the wedding of Shen Wanyue and Jian

Zhe. The man gave her his business card at the time, but now she didn’t even know where she put the

business card.

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Oh ya, Shen Wanyue's mother, Shen Qiu, is going to marry Qi Yanli's father, so Qi Yanli is now about to

become Shen Wanyue's elder brother in name. No wonder Shen Wanyue calls him so endearingly.

“You're so forgetful, Miss Mu.”

Shen Wanyue put her arm around Qi Yanli's arm and glared at Mu Tongrui. “Yanli, why do you know

this woman?”

Mu Tongrui must have seduced Qi Yanli!

Qi Yanli said half-jokingly, “Miss Mu made such a big scene at your wedding. It's hard not to know her.”

Is Qi Yanli mocking me or Shen Wanyu's wedding?

Mu Tongrui couldn't figure out Qi Yanli's motive and background. “Mr. Qi, Miss Shen, I still have

something to do. I shall go now.”

“Yanli, she tried to buy the white Audi that I want!”

Qi Yanli glanced at the white Audi. Ignoring Shen Wanyu, he asked Mu Tongrui instead, “Do you like

that car, Miss Mu?”

“I did, but I don't anymore.”

Just as Mu Tongrui was about to step out of the car dealership, Qi Yanli handed a platinum card to the

manager and said calmly, “I want this white Audi.”

Manager Zhao was taken aback. Who on earth should I sell it to?

Shen Wanyue said, looking shy, “Yanli, are you buying this car for me?”

Qi Yanli narrowed his eyes and said, “Miss Mu, treat this car as my gift for you.”

Shen Wanyue's eyes widened in shock. What? Qi Yanli is giving Mu Tongrui a car?!

Mu Tongrui was even more puzzled, and said with a polite smile, “Mr. Qi, I think you should buy this car

and give it to Miss Shen. I couldn't take it. She likes the car.”

But Qi Yanli completely ignored Mu Tongrui's opinions, as he swiped his credit card to pay, and took the

car key. After driving the car out of the store, he wound down the car window and pressed the horn to

stop Mu Tongrui from leaving.