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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 156
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Chapter 156 Loyal to Wegalla


I considered the idea for a moment before speaking up. This decision couldn’t be a careless one, not if

Ector Felix’s life were at stake.

I knew at once that Silas’ suggestion for royal healers was out of the question. The Felix family had

been banished from Anemond. There was no way we could let something this confidential be revealed

to healers I didn’t even trust with my own condition. Ector wouldn’t be welcomed back to the Crescent

Pack with open arms. I knew well that the people of the capital wouldn’t be satisfied with his return, not

when he’d been so publicly banished by my father.

But they did matter.

Cas sandra and Ector were the only ones I was thinking of

Ector needed my help and I wasn’t about to refuse him medical intervention.

“I’ll visit the borders in two days,” I decided. “I’ll need your company as well, Silas, but I want this trip to

remain confidential. I don’t want this news to get out to anyone else in Merliscire. Is that clear?”

Silas nodded. “Of course, Your Majesty. This will remain between us.”

Just as I was about to speak, there was a knock at the door, so loud that I jumped in surprise.

“Who goes there?” I asked as I steadied my nerves. Between Ector and the bu iness in Wild Crawler, I

was feeling a tad bit unsteady.

“Lancel, Alpha,” I heard in reply from the other side of the door

“Come in,” I called out. Moments later, the door opened to reveal my most trusted guard. I hadn’t seen

him in a while; he’d been on a confidental assignment.

As of late, he’d been tasked with the job of investigating the Beta family.

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As Lancel entered my study, his expression was reluctant as he noticed Silas.

“Good evening, Beta Silas,” he greeted him politely anyway.

“Good evening,” Silas replied politely. He seemed to notice Lancel’s strangely stiff demeanor, and I

could practically see the gears of his mind trying to make sense of the suddenly strange atmosphere of

the room.

Meanwhile, my head began to throb as a headache began to manifest. Every instinct wanted me to

dismiss both the guard and the Beta so I could lay down and try to rest, but there was too much to

attend to. I had to cast my physical illness aside and fulfill my duties as the Alpha King first and


As Lancel stood before me, I could sense he was hesitant to begin speaking, which told me he was

going to report something related to the Beta family.

I was about to ask Silas to leave, but suddenly, an idea struck me. It was a daring one for sure, but the

moment it entered my mind, I couldn’t let it go.

“Lancel, please go ahead and share your report,” I commanded with my chin raised slightly.

Lancel’s eyes widened in surprise, and he glanced at Silas before looking back. at me. I gave him a

nod and a reassuring look. While this was potentially one of the worst ideas I’d ever had, this was also

an opportunity to test whether Silas was involved in what Oliver Moses was doing.

The guard took a quick breath and then began his report.

“Alpha, I have observed the king of Yerene visiting the House of Moses several times recently,” he

revealed. “Both alone and with diplomats.”

Silas started to frown and glanced at me in surprise. Clearly, he hadn’t expected Lancel to mention

something like this right in front of him. It was also immediately obvious that he had no idea what the

guard was talking about.


“Really?” I asked in surprise, and I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my desk. Lancel nodded


“Yes, Alpha,” he replied solemnly. “I witnessed it on a total of six occasions. I couldn’t gather more

information than that without risking being seen.”

I nodded in consideration and stared out the window as I thought about this new information.

What business did the King of Yurene have with the Moses family?

Before my mind could jump to the worst of circumstances, I turned back to


“The House of Moses was likely trying to show hospitality to our guests from the North,” I offered

nonchalantly. “I’m not sure if that is cause for alarm. But thank you for your information, Lancel. I

appreciate it greatly.”

My words were hollow, and Silas seemed to know that immediately. It wasn’t normal for the Beta family

to have private meetings with a foreign king, especially without informing the Alpha King beforehand.

“Of course, Alpha,” Lancel replied politely. “Shall I take my leave?”

“Yes,” I said with no hesitation, my eyes locked on Silas. “You are dismissed.”

Lancel gave me a small bow and without another word, the guard left the study. When Silas and I were

finally alone, the Beta bowed his head.

“Your Majesty, I have no knowledge of these meetings,” he swore. “I have no involvement in my

father’s business.”

I nodded as his head raised back up. I leaned forward and raised an eyebrow in his direction.

“How do you feel about this situation?” I asked him directly.

Silas seemed a little taken aback by the question and hesitated in his reply.

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After a moment, he spoke again.

“I think it’s inappropriate for my father to meet with the king of Yurene in private,” he stated. “I assure

you, Your Majesty, that I am not involved. I am loyal to the country and my Alpha King. I would never

allow my father to do anything. harmful or treacherous to Wegalla. I care for my family, but our duties to

your supersede my feelings.”

I stared at him for a moment and looked for any physical indication that he was lying. It was the most

prominent Moses family trait. Adalyn lied just as easily as breathing and Oliver was a master

manipulator. Even Marco had picked up on his mother’s tendencies to bend the truth.

But Silas didn’t appear to be lying. His golden gaze was steady and calm, and his tone emphasized his

words without overexaggeration. I didn’t know with the utmost certainty, but I had a strong sense that

he was telling me the truth.

“Okay,” I accepted his response and didn’t ask him any more questions about the matter. “Thank you,

Silas. Please get to work straight away and arrange our visit to the border in two days’ time.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” he replied, and he rose from his seat. He gave me a simple bow but as he walked

to the door, his pace slowed, and he turned back to face me.

“Have you heard any news of Becky’s return?” he asked quietly. “When will she be returning to


I had to force back a surprised look. I hadn’t expected the serious and guarded Beta to inquire about

Cas sandra’s assistant.

“Very soon,” I answered. “There’s a dangerous situation in Wild Crawler. Becky uncovered some clues

and will be returning to conduct some more research as soon as possible.”

At the mention of Wild Crawler’s danger, Silas’ golden eyes widened, but he simply nodded and didn’t

ask any further questions. Instead, he just left the room.
