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Untouchable by Marii Solaria

Chapter 54
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"How can you forgive someone when they can't give a reason why?"-Pure DragonWolf Odessa "You can't be serious in allowing that...thing to stay here after what it did to you!" "Kiya is not a thing, Odessa. She is a warrior and my mate, and you will treat her with respect." +10 Bonu 04:29 I scoffed, following with an eye roll. Neron couldn't be serious, thinking such a lowly wolf was worthy of any title other than 'slave'. The commotion today drew in the pack as onlookers, scareless to gamble on who'd win. The reigns to my self-control nearly snapped when I watched that cur slam her fists repeatedly into Neron's face, blood splattering everywhere. What was worse was Neron didn't defend himself. He laid there, refusing to strike the rabid bitch.

It was so disgusting that I almost vomited. To see my love laying as he took the hits caused a riot of fury in me, wanting to rip Halima apart. Neron demandingto treat someone beneathwith respect was an insult to my power.

"Like hell, I will!" I snapped, slamming my hands on his desk. "I'm your true mate, not sghost of the past! You can't seriously choose her over me!" My nose flared with my every sharp inhale, claws itching to the surface. What happened to us? Why couldn't Neron see that he and I were meant to be together? We were the perfect power couple, two perfect pieces of the spuzzle. We promised each other to forgo our mates to stay together because we loved each other so deeply that even the gods in heaven couldn't reach us. How can that love be forgotten? Why had he now chosen her over me? However, Ariel howls for Darien and Sirius. Her lust and love ache for him, desperate for his gentle touch. It was fucking annoying! She wanted the wolf, but I didn't want the man. I've been in love with Neron ever since I could remember. He treatslike a queen, always putting my needs above his. He was the apple of my eye, my red string of fate.

I'll be damned if anyone takes him away from me.

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Neron stared, his eyes rigid in a chill. Handsome, yet terrifying. Until now, he has always looked atwith love. With desire. With honesty. Now that's all gone! "You have a mate, Odessa. A mate that will love you more than I can. Go to him." "I rejected him." His eyes went hard, anger boiling like a tea kettle. "You did what?" "I rejected him." I repeated. "I told you I don't want him. I love you and only you. Besides, we promised each other we'll reject our mates. I did my part!" "I was a fool back then. Blinded by my selfishness and grief." He stood and walked to the window, eyes longing. "I still care for you, Odessa." "Then why are you throwingaway?" "I'm not throwing you away." He looked atagain, his voice somber. "I'm letting you go. Take back your +10 Bonu rejection andülvelhappily with your true mate." "Nat" llyellbeti_ange: hutbling out. "I'm not giving you up, Neron! That bitch will never try to you a 04:21 My hand wenttony cheek, rubbing the faint throbbing pain that cur left on me. "Canttiyyet? You're pining for a woman that wants nothing to do with you. Why try for her when you altreaty, tiny already lines w? | have more than what she could ever give you, and yet, you want He went slient, his eyes back at the window. I knew he was looking at her as she trained the pups. Anyone withhlimm.cells could see how he was smitten with her. The love in his eyes is forlier. He pursuits, althoug stie never gives him the tof day. Why try? Why choose the hard way, whemline.could have the easy way? Weron and have history and we knew each other well. She was just a slaw who gaineil smeat on her Timones She is nothing special and will never amount to be a Luna Itove Weron. So much. He was my first everything, first kiss, first date, anditiecony person I've slept with. ore my fears and my vulnerability to him, and my heart beats only for Him He was the holder of my heart antil couldn't imagine my life without him.

Why settle for a Delta when I have a powerful Alpha who could cominstanyone to their knees? When Neron rejected that dumb dog for me, I was so happy. The entire padmew that their Alpha defied t mate bond and willingly made the choice to mate with one. Heprovetone that the love between us was tr The mate bond meant nothing since we loved each other so profcouncilly. He hurt for me, killed for me, and protected me. And now Halima had returned, going by a different name, and suddenly, was a shadow. I couldn't find it ir myself to be angry at Neron, my heart won't let me, contentatte all my rage on that...thing! She waltzes ir here with half of the unmated men groveling for her attention. Her presence alone enchanted Neron.

My Neron! I don't care if she is Raina's little sister. Halimawill pay for enthralling my Alpha. Mate bond be damned! S was a sorceress, her evil spells hypnotizing men to loodkather! Deep down, I knew she wanted him. But she doesn't deserve love! "You will get hurt, Neron." Backing towards the door my eyes remained locked on his beautiful face. "You only love her because of the bond. You donttiltowel Halima, truly. How could you when you know nothing ab her? You chose me-no one will ever forget thisi kulminot giving up on you. You are my only one, the fir and the last. After no response, I walked out of his office. Theilesine to get rid of someone had never been so powerful.] rolled through my body, delightful tingles tickling my nerves. It madefeel happy and powerful. Getting of her requires splanning, but a minoratiffice would be worth it.

"The love from our mate will make ynuredlize your mistake," Ariel growled. She hasn't been happy sin the rejection. "Are you willing to goodtown this road to get a man who never belonged to you?" "Neron belongs to me, always and pervert. Auff your won't helpmake that dream ctrue, stop bitching screw off" Bonus "You're going down a dark path, Odessa. The darkness will swallow you whole and you will be the one hurt in the end." 04:24 I slammed down a mind-block, silencing my mind. I was sick of Ariel's insipid protests. I don't care if I was heading down a dark path-it all would be worth it once I get what I want. I was still Zircon Moon's Luna. Halima and Neron may be mates, but their bond is weak.

And I will use that to my advantage.

Beware, Halima. Because I will destroy you.

No one takes what's mine.

Kiya Two Days Later "I don't understand how humans could make so many cute baby clothes!" Lyria exclaimed, holding up her new findings to the camera forto see. "I've been convincing Dimitri to buy everything on the market, but he complains that the baby has enough!" "Well, you've shownthe baby's closet...I have to side with Dimitri on this one." "You're my sister! You're supposed to be on my side, Kiya!" "Lyria! I think Alexi has enough clothes, diapers, and supplies to last until when he has kids!" "No, it's never enough!" I cackled as I ogled at my laptop screen. I was on a video call with Lyria, who's eight months pregnant. She was glowing in her pregnancy and I blthe hormones for her erratic emotions over baby clothes. If I were to go in the baby's closet at her pack, I would meet with a crushing avalanche of baby powder, diapers, and tiny blue clothing. Lyria spent more on the baby than I do in a semester's tuition.

"Goodness, I miss you so much, big sis." I smiled. “I wish I could be there for Alexi's birth. I'd give anything to hold my nephew." "Dimitri promises to send pictures." "Keep them PG, please!” "Filine." She rolled her eyes playfully. “How are things with you? Tony toldyou're stationed with your old pack until the end of the summer." I sighed. I knew she would ask this, eventually. "It's...interesting. I'm doing my best with the situation." The incidents between Neron and I were intense, but I neglected to tell Lyria that. It was too much to process. "But I have Jackie and the others with me, so it's all good." "That's good. Having friends makes everything worthwhile. How are you feeling seeing old faces again?" "Well, everyone ne wants my forgiveness, which will happen once the seven circles of hell freeze over. I much rather be back home, but these next few months will fly by." 376 Chapter 54 - The Threat Lyria's expression fell into worry the longer she looked at me. She wanted to say something but decided against it. "Sis, I'm fine.” I insisted, “Things are rough around the edges, but it can be smoothened." +10: Bonu 04:20 "I know, I know. I should know better than to underestimate your tenacity. Remember that I'm here to talk. At this point, I won't be sleeping anyway since Alex likes to kick my bladder like a soccer ball." "Ah, he will be a handful." "I know, that's why Dimitri is will be on diaper duty." We both shared more laughs before Lyria had to return to Luna business. Bidding her farewell, I shut my computer, resting it on the table. A sense of tranquility lulledto relax after speaking with my big sister. I was so happy for her, she was living her best life with her husband, her pack of Thunder Moon, and is carrying the next Alpha. I still remember the lovely chaos at her wedding where she announced she is pregnant. Mom slumped to the ground so quickly that Dad thought she had a heart attack.

I close my eyes as I reflected on my experience with my adopted family. My brother and sister were blessed with wonderful families, keeping up the legacy of Alphas. And then there was me, the anomaly.

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It was uncommon for a female wolf to remain unmated for this long. Many have children by the tthey're my age. It was only a matter of tbefore Sapphire finds her mate and Galen finds his. My heart throbbed in pain.

My smile fell into a frown. I never realized how lonely it was to be around wolves who have mated. First, it was my siblings, then Jackie. Not wanting to damper the parade of happiness, I never voiced my feelings. Love is a flower that should blossom on its own, with care and patience. I'm mateless by choice and I refuse to love anyone unless they genuinely lovefor me, which was why this mate bond I have with Neron was so problematic.

Does he lovefor me? I doubt it. I don't know him as much as he doesn't know me. We're two different people on different paths of life, and at no point do we cross. I was not the sbeta wolf who needed. protection from the darkness, I must protect myself from it. That's all I could do.

My heart is in a cage, and it will stay there. I couldn't give it out so freely.

Speaking of family, there's an itch I needed to get rid of. “I know you're around the corner, Raina. What do you want?" I hear a tiny, frightened squeak before mild shuffling. The Beta Female emerged from the wall, anxiety rolling out from her in waves. "How did you know?" "I know your scent. Why were you eavesdropping on my call?" Raina shuffles, brown eyes darting to the side like she was avoiding my gaze. "I wanted to talk to you, but you seemed busy. I heard...you call that woman your sister." "Her nis Lyria." I corrected her. "And I called her my sister because she is." "N-no, I am." She insisted, stepping into the common room. "We share blood, Kiya. We cfrom the sparents, so I'm your family. Not her." "Funny you say that now when you sang a different tune five years ago." 4/6 Chapter 54 The Threat "Kiya, I made a mistake." +10 Bonul 04:11

"One too many." I stood up on my heels, walking towards the woman. If people look at us, they'd think we're twins. Seyes, shair, sskin, and the sface. "Family NO doesn't toss each other in a tub of scalding water, kick them when they are down, or laugh when their parents stripped their bedroom bare. Exactly what have you done to prove that you're my family, Raina? You crasedout of your life the moment Alpha Jonathan threwinto the dungeons. The woman in front ofgroaned, holding her checks in exasperation. "Kiya, when are you going to let that go? I'm trying to extend an olive branch here so we could repair what we've lost!" "Let it go?" I pointed a finger at her. "You have the audacity to tellto let anything go because you weren't the one with scars and bruises that would never fucking heal! Who are you to tellwhat to do?" "I'm not telling you what to do!" Raina snapped back. “I want us to be a family again! You are my little sister and I love you and miss you. Mom and Dad want you back, and I want you to be a part of my son's life!"

"Strange. They haven't shown their faces since I got here." I narrowed my eyes, piercing deep into hers. "So, I'm supposed to forget the last thirteen the years where everyone treatedlike dirt? Turnedinto a punching bag? You do not understand how much I cried for you and your parents. Do you know how hard it was to walk around here, trying not to get angry? Exactly what have you lost in the past five years, huh?" "..." Raina heaved a heavy sigh, eyes exhausted. "I don't want to argue with you, Kiya. You can't hold this over our heads forever." I rolled up the pajama pants I was wearing, showing off the big, diagonal scar on my right thigh. "Remember this? You cutwith silver when I was sixteen when I forgot to clean your dress for your date with Valerian. You asked a guard for a blade and you cut me, right at this very spot. I begged for you not to hurt me, but you never listened. Do you recall what you said to me?" She looked away, unable to bare the physical memory of her actions. A sob rested at the base of her throat, her fists clenching. "It was a long tago..." You're lucky I didn't cut your throat." I rolled down the sleeve. “Raina, I have an elephant's memory. Not just in my head, but on my body. You may not remember what you've said or did, but I do. Unfortunately, I remembered everything. That's the thing with trauma; it never lets you forget.” I was inches from her, glaring up at her face given our height differences. "Now, answer my damn question. What exactly have you lost these past years? Because, from what I can see, your mother and father still love you. You have a perfect mate and husband and a beautiful son. You're the Beta Female. You are loved and respected." "I lost nothing...” Raina pathetically answered.

"Exactly." I crossed my arms under my chest. "Does Adonis know who I am or that I'm his aunt?" "He knows he had an aunt, but like the rest of us at the time, he believes you're dead." "Hmm." I tapped my cheek. "It should stay that way. I will leave at the end of the summer, and you'll never seeagain." "No!" She growled. "You're not leavingagain! You will be in his life!" 576 hapter 54 - The Threat "I don't want to. We may share blood, but we aren't family. You are not my sister and would never be my sister, so put that stupid fantasy of yours to rest! I hate you, Raina!" +109 Bonus 04:15

Before either of us could say anything else, a potent scent of decay and rot permeated into our noses, making us choke ThePoud ve volof a horn boomed through the air, swallowing the entire territory whole. Intensity and anxiety, with dozens of origins, rolled into the air, thick as smoke. Raina's face switched from pain to horror when she realized what was going on. "Rogues." She trembled. "We're under attack!" X