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The CEO’s Hidden Love Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 1044
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Sienna's slap startled Karen more than it hurt her.

It wasn't the physical pain that frightened her; it was the fear that Dorothy would overthink and shoulder the blherself.

Jeffrey sighed, "I admit I didn't understand before, but now... I've cto understand Dorothy a bit more." Karen glanced at him while dialing on her phone.

Jeffrey offered a wry smile, "Yeah, she's as sensitive and tough to deal with as you said." Besides Everett, Karen was the one who truly understood Dorothy.

At 2 a.m., Everett parked his car in front of the Bay Residence.

He hesitated to go in right away since the living room lights were on.

Unsure if Dorothy was asleep.

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After waiting for a while and noticing no movement inside, Everett got out of the car and unlocked the door. When Abigail called saying she missed him, Everett yearned to rush back hand hold his daughter tight.

She was his treasure. He couldn't bear to see her frown.

Pushing the door open, the first thing Everett saw was Dorothy curled up on the living room sofa.

Her posture suggested she had been sleeping there for the past few nights.

Everett's lips tightened as he unconsciously moved towards her.

He wanted to carry her back to bed but feared waking her.

Dorothy's sleep was light; waking her would complicate things, leading to more cold shoulders.

Everett lingered by her side before cautiously heading to the children's room.

Abigail and Langston were asleep, their blankets kicked to the foot of the bed. "Con, cover up properly." As soon as he covered Abigail, she kicked the blanket off again.

Somehow sensing his presence, Abigail's eyes fluttered open, drowsy.

"Daddy?" "Yeah, sleep, ddy's here. Go back to with you." Everett's lips et curved gently as he patted his Pter's back.

Soon, Abigail drifted back to sleep.

After making sure she was asleep, Everett tucked Langston in and caressed his cheek.

No matter how late his work kept him, he would always visit the children's room to ensure they safe almost as if he feared losing them.

Even now, Everett occasionally dreamt that his current life was an illusion.

That Dorothy hadn't forgiven him.

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That they hadn't had their two kids.

Everything was just a dream, a figment of his imagination.

Sitting in the children's room for a while, Everett returned to the living room.

Dorothy was still in the suncomfortable position.

Watching her, his concern turned into action as he reached out to her...


Dorothy felt herself being lifted, the familiar scent, the familiar Chest, all scent, the famil comforting. Placed back in bed, she woke up.

Realizing she wasn't dreaming and that Everett was back.

"You... you're back."

"Yeah." Everett was prepared for her to wake, smoothly coming up with an excuse, Cback for sclothes." "Where are you going?" "Staying out." Dorothy sat up, grabbing his sleeve, "Why? Bay Residence is your home, our home." Everett withdrew his sleeve, coldly stating, "I'm not in the right state of 35 Kon & mind to be here. I'll get in touch once sorted things out." M

"What do you need to sort out?" Dorothy was puzzled, You want to e leaveand the kids?"