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She Flash-Married To His Rival by Harber Venus

Chapter 179
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Chapter 179 Moira was someone who could be persuaded but not coerced. No matter what kind of trick Cynthia was playing, her sincere look made it impossible for Moira to refuse.

"Then I'll take a look." Barclay did not say anything. Moira took it as a tacit agreement.

Cynthia picked up the gift box happily and handed it to Moira.

Moira took the box and untied the ribbon. When she opened it, she found a small gift box inside.

She thought, 'A box in another box? Could Cynthia be fooling me?' Moira paused and looked up at Cynthia. Cynthia's eyes were still filled with anticipation.

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Barclay was around. Even if Cynthia was going to hurt Moira, she wouldn't do it in front of Barclay.

With that thought in mind, Moira picked up the small gift box and opened it. Only a piece of paper was inside. To be precise, it was a shopping receipt.

To be more precise, it was a shopping receipt for an S-Model grand piano from a top piano maker.

Just as Moira was puzzled, Cynthia asked excitedly, "Do you like it? I spent the whole night picking it up! It will be sent here in a few days!" Moira glanced at the ton the receipt.

Cynthia did not lie. She placed the order at three in the morning and prepared a gift for Moira for the whole night.

For a moment, Moira felt that she was being petty.

As for the piano...

"I do like it, but there's a piano upstairs." It was such a coincidence.

"What?" Cynthia didn't expect that and looked a little disappointed, but soon, she looked at Moira with anticipation. “It's okay. That one is from Barclay, and this one is from me. It has a different meaning." She was right. The meaning was indeed different.

Cynthia tried her best to persuade Moira to accept the piano. To be honest, Moira was Indeed quite tempted. Regardless of Cynthia's real intention last night, Moira had indeed saved her.

Everyone in the upper class knew that Cynthia was afraid of water. Juliet had told Moira about that last night. Cynthia did not know how to swim, and Moira saved her.

Since that was the case, it was proper for Moira to accept the gift.

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Moreover, she and Barclay were just a fake couple. When the collaboration ended, the piano upstairs would not belong to her.

Thinking of that, Moira agreed with Cynthia even more.

"A gift from you..." Before Moira could finish her words, the receipt in her hand was suddenly taken away.


She watched as Barclay put the receipt back into the small gift box O and then at the big one and finally handed it to Cynthia. "Change it to something else. She doesn't need such a gift." Cynthia looked straight at Moira instead of Barclay. "Don't you like this piano?" Moira was embarrassed. For sreason, she had the difficulty of being sandwiched.

She pursed her lips and deliberated over her words. "It's not that I don't m I I like it. I just feel that it's wasteful. I don't need two pianos alone, I'm content enough to have one quality piano.

"Ms. Hurst, what I had done last night spend was nothing. And you don't have to so much effort. You thankedin public last night. I think it's enough." "It's not enough!" Cynthia was persistent in giving gifts. "Then I'll return this piano and give you something else. What do you like, Mrs. Covington?" Moira thought, 'What do I like? Of course, I like money! However, can I tell you that? I can't!' Moira was racking her brains to think of something she liked. Just as she was about to speak, Barclay's cold voice suddenly sounded. "She likes money."